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Did anyone $&^@ this team more last year than Dave Wannstedt?


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The more I hear out of defensive players as they're around the new staff, the angrier I become at Wannstedt for his unemotional and uninspired tenure as the Bills' DC. Say what you want about Gailey's playcalling and Fitz's inconsistency, but nobody did more to screw the Bills' chance at a good season than Wanny. The Buffalo News article on Bradham this morning is just the latest example of the changed atmosphere and intensity around the team.


I hear many of you whining about lack of talent, but coaching DOES matter.

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Head to believe that his scheme was so bad. The results do speak for themselves

The thing is there was no scheme. Rush 4 DL and then see what happens. I know it's my usual off-season optimism but I also expect the D to show big improvement. (can't really be much worse)

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Wannestedt for sure was on e of the real issues last year, but the biggest guy who fxxxed us was Mario and his $100M. He was so unmotivated how could anyone else be at the top of their game. Kyle Williams didn't look the same...not because of DW but I believe stupor Mario.

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i was saying this all last season. the defensive plan never adjusted, not even from game to game. limited blitzes to maybe 3 a game, and not working to build the d's plan to work with its strengths.


This is what ticked me off the most...Wannstedt was beyond stubborn. He kept saying that was the scheme they were going with, no matter how bad it was and no matter how much they were NOT improving. If it wasn't clear to him after the San Fran game, then the plane should have left without him.

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Shortly after Pettine was hired, he said that if the opposing offense knows what the defense is gonna do pre-snap, there is zero chance of stopping them, regardless of the talent on that defense. That was Wanny... failing to disguise any of his schemes. This was plainly obvious after the back to back debacles with the Patiots & 9ers in games 4 & 5. I called for his firing then. He simply is wayyy behind the times & not qualified to be an NFL DC in today's game.

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The more I hear out of defensive players as they're around the new staff, the angrier I become at Wannstedt for his unemotional and uninspired tenure as the Bills' DC. Say what you want about Gailey's playcalling and Fitz's inconsistency, but nobody did more to screw the Bills' chance at a good season than Wanny. The Buffalo News article on Bradham this morning is just the latest example of the changed atmosphere and intensity around the team.


I hear many of you whining about lack of talent, but coaching DOES matter.


I agree totally which is why I'll never loathe Gailey. Yes that wildcat at the most unopportune times drove me nuts but that defense was historically terrible. Gailey at least gave us a watchable offense which we hadn't had in years. Under Jauron I was doubting we'd get two first downs in a row.


And lastly I agree that there is a lot of talent on this team and most certainly on that side of the ball.

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The more I hear out of defensive players as they're around the new staff, the angrier I become at Wannstedt for his unemotional and uninspired tenure as the Bills' DC. Say what you want about Gailey's playcalling and Fitz's inconsistency, but nobody did more to screw the Bills' chance at a good season than Wanny. The Buffalo News article on Bradham this morning is just the latest example of the changed atmosphere and intensity around the team.


I hear many of you whining about lack of talent, but coaching DOES matter.

You just about summed it up. Ultimately, I think this fact drives another nail in Gailey's coffin for me. As a head coach who was given the respect to hire Edwards' replacement, he chose the worst candidate possible with hindsight framing it perfectly. He chose hooking his friend up, who couldn't stop spread offenses at the college level, over getting the best guy for his team. He betrayed the cause by doing so. As a fan I tried to push as much positive energy his way, but wow, what a waste. All I know is that the Bills defense in Madden is sick when you use a Multiple-D playbook and blitz out of the sub-packages. My brand new Kool-Aid says Pettine will be solid. Then again I put vodka in my Kool-Aid.
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I agree 100% but was it really necessary to put F**K in the title to get your point accross? Let's use a little more class here.


It's just a word, who cares. I've never understood the concept of some words being taboo to say. Just words conveying the exact same meaning as other words that are OK to say. It makes no sense at all really. And people who complain about them on their high horse make no sense to me neither. Like you're really offended by it? Come on.

Edited by Mark80
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I agree 100% with everything on here except the person whose biggest issue is MW. This was the least imaginative, vanilla defense in history. Teams disguise more in the Pro Bowl than Wanny did. He was the problem!! In today's NFL you don't just line up and win with the best personnel. Qbs survey the field and adjust at the line based on what they see. It is a defense's job to show them something that they THINK they see. He was outschemed constantly. It's a chess match and unfortunately Wannstedt didn't know how to play.

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Last year the whole D game plan was as follows


1. assemble a D line that looked good on paper.

2. (no further steps) "Fit it up."

3. "Live and die by the Front 4."

4. If front 4 don't do it, we die. If front 4 does do it, and we don't fit it up, we die.

5. If front 4 does it and we fit it up, we live.

6. Rinse. Repeat. Puke.




Worst DC ever.


It's just a word, who cares. I've never understood the concept of some words being taboo to say. Just words conveying the exact same meaning as other words that are OK to say. It makes no sense at all really. And people who complain about them on their high horse make no sense to me neither. Like you're really offended by it? Come on.

I agree 100% but was it really necessary to put F**K in the title to get your point accross? Let's use a little more class here.

!@#$ed is the right word. This guy was an epic failure.

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I agree 100% but was it really necessary to put F**K in the title to get your point accross? Let's use a little more class here.

Yes. How dare you imply a swearword around a bunch of hardcore football dudes. I'm quitting this site.


What's next, pictures of cheerleaders in tight clothes? The horror......

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Dave was the worst, all that talent with no plan. I started the thread below 8-12-2012 about a month before last season started:



It's tough to get handed a new crew & train them to all be on the same page in the first year is going to be tough. DW was given the keys to a Ferrari without the training to drive it, he's actually blown deals like this before as well. You don't spend the most ever for a defensive superstar when you have nothing else really set in stone, it's a go for broke scenario that's pretty risky.


I'm not trying to be totally negative but if the defense fails & the team crashes, heads are going to roll. The expectations are really too high for a new D-coach & a major change in your defensive system, Dave W. is in way over his head.



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