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  1. No contest - Beth Mowens. It's when that mute button on the remote really earns it's keep.
  2. Joe Buck with Chris Collinsworth as color commentator. Throw in Beth Mowens as the on field reporter. Dream team right there!
  3. The criticism of every commentator/host/announcer is over the top. There's nobody today on TV or Radio that is universally loved. A lot of people here have an issue with Collinsworth. There was a fair number of Dierdorf haters back in the day. Some can't stand Tasker. I like all 3 of them. Chris Brown on WGR tries too hard to be a comedian, can be overly-animated with inflections that make my speakers rattle (any of you GR engineers heard of limiters or compression?) , and interrupts too often, but gotta give him credit for doing his homework and having good insight for someone who never played. Most agree that Beth Mowens has an annoying voice. But, if you read a transcript or used closed-caption for her, you'd realize she too has done her homework and is knowledgeable. Maddy's voice is not the best for broadcasting (I'm used to it now), but like Beth, she knows her stuff. Besides, she seems like a really sweet and genuine person. Madden and Cosell were not always loved before they became cultural and broadcast legends. Maybe some throwbacks like Keith Jackson, Dick Enberg, or Merlin Olsen were rarely disliked. But, I agree that there's a lot of listeners who have issues with many of the personalities. It's their right. I really don't, or if I do, I simply don't listen (Bulldog). When I first relocated to Georgia in the 80's, the most Bills' info I often had access to was a 2-sentence blurb in that POS rag USA Today. I'm just happy to have so much content that's specifically Bills-related, regardless of the messenger.
  4. Well, since you didn't provide a link to the thread in question or give any concrete examples, I used the handy-dandy search function. https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/search/?q=beth mowens&quick=1 I still see no concrete examples of HOW she is bad other than, "Her voice is grating."
  5. Beth Mowens is working the USF vs. BYU game right now.
  6. Faking power outage to get Beth Mowens off the air. bills Mafia playing 4D chess
  7. I’ve sat through Collinsworth, Gruden, Booger, Beth Mowens. I had to mute the telecast on this one.
  8. If you keep this up, we'll be tortured by the combo of Beth Mowens and Chris Collinsworth for the rest of eternity.
  9. Rich Gannon and Beth Mowens and it’s not even close
  10. Idaho @ Penn St obviously Northwestern @ Stanford Oregon @ Auburn Norfolk St @ Old Dominion And it's officially college football season. I have heard Beth Mowen's voice
  11. can't be any worse than the last two and a half hours of Beth Mowens
  12. It could be worse... imagine this: "and today we have a special guest in the studio with us, Beth Mowens"...
  13. I like Beth too but she was out of her element on MNF. My brain just equates the sound of Beth Mowens voice to Saturday afternoon College Football
  14. Apparently, Beth Mowens is a woman. I don't like him anymore.
  15. So has Beth mowens. But I don't think it's possible to be worse than her.
  16. you know you love some beth mowens
  17. Only female in the NFL that got on my nerves was Beth Mowens. I literally had to mute the TV
  18. Give him the MNF job and get rid of Beth Mowins. It's not an anti-woman thing, it's an anti-Beth Mowens thing. Her voice is so grating.
  19. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/18/sports/nfl-beth-mowins-julie-dicaro.html Im also curious on why Beth Mowens is so bad? Other than "her voice" Who has a bad "male voice"? They also call them out for being crappy and bad at their jobs and not providing insight, none of which Beth Mowens is bad at. She carried Rex and that sideline reporter last year who couldn't figure out anything.
  20. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/3820978002 The notion boogers likability didn’t get him his job is preposterous. It’s his key asset. His detractors are the poor seemingly canned analysis, colloquial Louisiana mannerisms and lack of on the fly insight. ive heard manning attempt broadcast analyst as a stand in at least once. He was choppy, not insightful and more than Beth Mowens hard to listen to. In fact I’d rather listen to booga read a queue card than Peyton if we are just talking broadcast voice. i think his brand name will bring viewers initially but he’s going to shrivel up and fade away when he realizes as everyone else Will that he’s no Romo in the booth.
  21. So that's Beth Mowens, huh. She does look like Reba McEntire. And the mic is right up against her mouth too... Terrible audio production. Nice tackle by Stewart there to save a long run. Roby holds the receiver there, turns him around, almost trips him up....Rex doesn't see it or comment on it. He's terrible doing color. I could see him sitting at the long table doing pre-game or halftime crap with 8 other guys though.
  22. Listening to Beth Mowens makes this game feel like a Saturday nooner vs Western Michigan
  23. Beth Mowens calling an NFL game just didn't sound right. I kept feeling like I should be watching the Minnesota Golden Gophers and the Northwestern Wildcats
  24. The problem with Beth mowens is she doesn't sound hot. If she sounded hot, or even was hot, guys would love her as a broadcaster. She has kind of a deep voice for a chic. I'm not even trying to be mean, just true
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