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  1. lol…..who didn’t see this coming……complaining about the pick regardless of who the pick was! This message board is sooooo predictable!
  2. Bills could’ve stayed at 28 and drafted a WR and we’d still have pages off guys crying because it wasn’t the guy they wanted. Main reason why I stay off these boards …..constant complaining!
  3. Hated the Whitner pick but I wanted us to draft Cutler soooooo 🤷🏽‍♂️
  4. How come we didn’t sign a stud all pro reciever????
  5. I see a women push him then smack him in the face. As a man he didn’t have to piece her like that but these women gotta learn to keep their hands to themselves 🤷🏽‍♂️
  6. Our special teams sucked this year
  7. Gates definitely should’ve gotten in!
  8. He set the NFL record for touchdown returns……won games for the Bears just returning kicks…..he deserves to be in the HOF! Congrats Hester…..people can debate it all they want but what’s done is done! 20 total return touchdowns 😳
  9. He was the most dominant return man ever……litterly won them the game against the Cardinals with punt returns.
  10. Purdy is a bum! Goes to show you how good Allen is to put up 24 on this defense.
  11. Mcacaffreys last carry was 6:22 in the 2nd quarter
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