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Not at the table Karlos

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About Not at the table Karlos

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  1. Sean Taylor may be RIP. By far my favorite player of all time. My others have played for Bills at some point.
  2. Belize. At a random store in middle of nowhere. They were writing “Go Bills” on a wall that tourists would sign. They were from firebaugh(not related to Josh)
  3. Xbox. It’s similar to madden but maybe a touch better game play wise. I’m in it for the recruiting and building programs, thats pretty much how I remembered it from before. Just moved UB to the ACC. Horns up🤘Go Bulls!!
  4. Just won the national championship with UB on NCAA 25. I’ll celebrate the win by buying tickets lol.
  5. Roscoe couldn’t be covered in practice. It was ridiculous. Idk what happened during games but I’d be curious to see how he was with a good qb. Didn’t go through all the posts to see if he was mentioned but to add someone different I’d go Emmanuel Sanders.
  6. This is a huuuuuge reach trying to connect this tweet to him missing OTAs
  7. Houston. Moved to Dallas a couple weeks ago. That’s closest game and family wants to visit.
  8. Seriously. May not be comfortable but I’d rather be alive.
  9. I don’t want to pile on him even though he was a complete POS to me when I had medical issues. But you’re not even close to alone.
  10. I hope John continues to recover and lives a long life but he is not a good person.
  11. That 70s show or Malcom in the middle.
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