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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. C'mon man......the Bills paid out a 7yr/$49million contract to stud LG Derrick Dockery...what more do you want? Seriously, the difference is that their rich owner is willing to shell out more of his money to field a winner than our rich owner.
  2. Heck, I even saw Mario Haggan making a few plays at LB for 4-0 Denver.
  3. Honestly, this is how I felt since the Dallas Monday Night game.....that was the last loss that truely hurt me....I've been a Bills fan since 1988...I guess I was lucky to grow up during the Bills glory years....but in that time I suffered through many tough losses, and took them hard. I also remember looking foward to the game each week, but that same anticipation just isn't there anymore. At 5-1 last year, I started to feel good about being a Bills fan again only to have them slam the door in my face once again. I'll continue to watch the games...(haven't missed one since 1995)...but more out of the enjoyment I get from meeting up with my friends to watch the Bills and talk football than from the Bills themselves.
  4. Tell me one thing they said that wasn't correct?
  5. The Bills are worst in the league in number of "worst's"
  6. Contrary to other's opinions in this thread, I was right to be concerned about these two. They played a pretty solid game, as did the entire Saints D. What I Bolded in the original post definitely occured....not early, but in the 4th Quarter.
  7. Did you read my post before you posted this?.........I mean it was the one right above yours where I said the exact same thing about 20 minutes earlier?
  8. The Bills have a history of making back-up QB's look like superstars... Tony Banks and Sage Rosenfels come to mind.
  9. When my friends and I discussed this exact topic after the game today, this is the game we came up with.
  10. On the same note, if Tampa returned that ensuing kickoff for a TD, I'd bet all of you field goal people would be calling for his head because he didn't go for it to ice the game. You are only OK with the FG because it worked out, whereas statistics bear out that going for it would have been the right move. Personally, I think both descisions can be viewed as right or wrong...it just depends upon the personality of the coach as to which route is going to be taken...we know which route DJ is always going to take.
  11. Exactly...In simpler terms, there were two outcomes that would lead to the game being over at that point(TD or first down)......kicking the field goal or not making the first down would lead to the same outcome(the game not being over--less than 2 scores). The extra-added benefit of going for it and not making it would be leaving the Bucs on the 2 yard line with no timeouts left.
  12. My thoughts exactly....plus the Bills would get the extra added bonus of running some clock and keeping the NO offense off the field.
  13. This will be the best pair of pass rushers the Bills have faced so far, and its going to be a test. Worse case scenario would be if the Saints get out to a big lead early, and allow these two to pin their ears back and get after Trent. Also, it might allow them to get pressure with only their front 4....which isn't good for the Bills passing game. A successful running game is got to be key to have any success in this game. I'm looking foward to see what AVP conjures up to neutralize these 2 guys.
  14. I agree, but on the one big shot he took on the running play, I think the defender got the worst of it.
  15. Yeah, my Buc fan friends down here in Fla. were telling me the Bills were going to miss Marshawn Lynch, and I told them that after the game, you will remember the name Fred Jackson.....I can't wait to see them tomorrow!
  16. What's funny is, that someone (not a player) was in his ear urging him to go for it, and I could read DJ's lips, he said: "3 points is 3 points!" At least there was someone on the staff with enough sense to bring up the idea of going for it.
  17. I know its moot because the game was won anyway, but I believe the Bills should have gone for it on that 4th and 1 play at the end of the game. Best case scenario: Touchdown....game over Second best case scenario: First down.....run out the clock.....game over. Worst case scenario: Turnover on downs....Bucs take over inside the 5 down 2 scores, with no timeouts. To me it was a no-brainer to go for it there.......imagine if the Bucs returned the ensuing kickoff after the FG for a TD, or scored real quickly.....the Bills would have been staring down an onside kick in a 1 score game. I know it doesn't matter now, but what do you guys think?
  18. That was a great moment in the game.......I loved it!! Especially if that's what it takes for DJ to make a ballsy move......I'm all for it!
  19. I saw that as well.....T.O.'s name was on the wheel too, but when I saw Billy Buffalo on the wheel, I thought that it would be way too random to put Billy on there if the wheel wasn't going to end up landing there.
  20. I was too ticked off about the game to post this sooner, but were any of you shocked to see Berman bail on the Bills? To make it worse, he did it to pick the Pats*.....yuck! He should have just declined to pick the game. Instead, he decided to be just another Pats* ball-washer....disgusting. Even the other guys on set were giving him a hard time about it. I was very dissappointed in him, but in light of all the promotion of the Bills he has done over the years, its OK to give him a pass on this one..........right?
  21. He also said that it wasn't the reason that the Bills lost....in fact, he said that the Bills had the game in the bag without the deep ball, but it is something that the team has to work on. This is ESPN trying to cause a controversy, no?
  22. Very good point, as this was the main problem with the D in the 2nd half....no QB pressure
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