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Everything posted by thenorthremembers

  1. Belichick is also a .460 lifetime coach when Brady isnt his starting QB, so I am not going to worry too much about a Safety.
  2. I mean Tunsil had double the penalties Dawkins did last year, Houston's line gave up almost a sack and a half more than Buffalo last year, while averaging less yards a game rushing...but Tunsil was drafted before Dawkins so you're probably right.
  3. Tunsil has made the Pro Bowl, but to your point, no he isn't that much better than Dawkins that the money will be that far off.
  4. Better get ready to be pissed. He is 100% a top 15 player at his position. He is younger, and easily better than these top 15 paid Left Tackles below. Reiff Duane Brown Okung Donovan Smith DJ Humphries Solder The guy is going to get paid 16 million a year or more easy, and the dumb Texans really just made a mess for the Bills.
  5. Difference is Quarterbacks are already making that kind of money. There was no reason to pay him 30% more than what Castonzo just got when he is a lesser player, and if you want to argue age, he is getting 2% more on the cap than Lewan got in 2018. It was a stupid move by a stupid team.
  6. Wish I could say he wont get that much money, but he isn't far off from the player Tunsil is. If Tunsil got 22 million a year, Dawkins could easily get 21.5 No clue why the Texans thought they needed to add 5.5 million to the biggest LT contract already in the NFL. Really screwed a lot of other teams by setting the market that high.
  7. I think its overblown in the sense that both guys at the Athletic seem to think it has to be a safety. As such, there is this belief the Bills have focused on trying to draft or sign someone specifically to fill this "Big Nickel" role, rather than the reality which is the Bills try very hard not to have a big plodding linebacker on the field in base sets because offenses use spread more often than not. I also dont think the Big Nickel is this novel idea that is specific to the Bills defense. So I dont think there is this dire need to go and get Kyle Dugger just because he looks like a fast tweener, he has to be able to fill other roles in the defense as well. I think the Athletic latched on to something from when McDermott was first hired and ran with it. Sitting around wondering why his career peaked at 25.
  8. It bothered me as well. I honestly dont know why they needed to have a virtual fan presence anyways.
  9. I am not convinced Dugger or Chinn will be there. Seems like a really high pick for a 3rd safety but who knows.
  10. No a big fan of Tua. Think he is a great kid, but his arm strength more than his injury worries me when it comes to the NFL. Has a hell of a touch but if the Dolphins start asking him to throw outs Id be worried he doesnt have enough to get it to the hash. Clearly a winner, but not sure he is an NFL QB.
  11. I got the following right Burrow Young Okudah Derrick Brown Simmons (Keim cant seem to pass up on fast inside linebackers) Henderson Becton Ruggs III (Raiders cant seem to pass up on fast wideouts) Jeudy My wideout rankings went off the board almost exactly, aside from Justin Jefferson who I still am not blown away by.
  12. May not be beautiful but if I need to get away from my family to catch up on sleep that place looks perfect.
  13. They for sure need a CB, S, and WR. If they make this trade they will also need a defensive end Opening a ton of holes with all these trades.
  14. The Raiders are doomed to be 8 and 8 forever they are spinning their wheels. Didnt want to pay Mack but want to give up a 1st and pay similar money to a lesser player. It was eye opening rewatching the 2014 draft last night. Gruden hated the Mack pick. Thought the Raiders needed to draft Manziel instead. Thankful Gruden and his ego are in the AFC. If the Jags had done the right thing and fired Marone they would be able to reshape their organization with those picks. New coach, new qb. Instead they will use those picks on replacing the players who didnt want to play for the bozo head coach.
  15. Agree to a point. He will put them in a much better position than Stidham, but he was bad last season. Hard to figure out how good he would be for them as he has been pretty average over the last four seasons, but the Bengals have also been a bad organization for awhile now. The Patriots are in a world of hurt right now. If you look at their roster, it's not very good, and I've always believed their success was more about Brady than it was Belichick. The thing they have going for them is the East isn't a very good division right now. Let's hope whoever they start is a tire fire.
  16. The Patriots would still need to clear 2 million more of space to take on Dalton's 2020 contract, but this sound about perfect for both teams.
  17. It's something I fully expect them to do before the draft. They wont be able to sign him long term so they may as well get a pick and some cap relief from the guy. They trade Thuney and release Sanu and they get back to 20 million under the cap.
  18. So Miami is going to trade up to 3 to take a tackle when only one other team in front of them is tackle needy? 100% bs garbage. A. They dont need to move up to take a tackle B. If they take a tackle before they take a QB, they werent sold enough on the QB to be taking him in the 1st round anyways. Best advice. Dont believe a thing until after the draft is over.
  19. About to be 32 year old who hasn't played in 4 years suddenly gets the itch to play again. Could he have really spent most of the 41 million he made in his career? His two contracts with the Bills may be the single biggest robbery in Bills history. 6.5 Million dollars for 224 yards and 1 touchdown. I wanna come back, what a joke.
  20. Thank you. Maybe it's time I invest in a pair of glasses.
  21. Not at all saying the consequences of failing at it were the same. The comparison wasnt saying fantasy football is the same as real football, the comparison was more based around the fact if you cant use a laptop to do the task of selecting a football player you may not be the brightest crayon in the box. I mean seriously, some guy's wife was vacuuming near him during one of the most important days of the year he has at his multi-million dollar job? Many of us take meetings from home on a daily at our "little jobs", and I think we know better than to be around a running vacuum.
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