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Everything posted by thenorthremembers

  1. I'm with you brother. They go and get a guy who was widely considered a top ten pick going into this year and everyone is crying. Lets go and get the division!
  2. Had 17 more sacks in college than Chaisson but dont let facts get in your way.
  3. I thought the story of the McBeane era was going to the playoffs 2 of 3 years when every other front office failed for 17 years...get over yourself.
  4. Very good pick. Was incredibly glad the Eagles picked Hurts in the 2nd so we had to wait 5 minutes to find out who we picked. Good job NFL.
  5. What the hell is Tony Gonzalez wearing in that commercial?
  6. Thank you for using this feature unlike the other boneheads.
  7. Henry Ruggs his pregnant girlfriend and cardboard walls would like to have a word.
  8. I cant believe how far the TV Broadcast is behind. Maybe next year we dont need the analysis I could look up on sports reference.
  9. So glad they are interviewing the player who was drafted yesterday while the pick is in.
  10. Like me, he is aging fast because of boredom and alcohol.
  11. Exactly. If you like football you already know Jonathan Taylor is a good college running back. I've also seen the Gross Matos story 50 times now.
  12. Belichick is also a .460 lifetime coach when Brady isnt his starting QB, so I am not going to worry too much about a Safety.
  13. I mean Tunsil had double the penalties Dawkins did last year, Houston's line gave up almost a sack and a half more than Buffalo last year, while averaging less yards a game rushing...but Tunsil was drafted before Dawkins so you're probably right.
  14. Tunsil has made the Pro Bowl, but to your point, no he isn't that much better than Dawkins that the money will be that far off.
  15. Better get ready to be pissed. He is 100% a top 15 player at his position. He is younger, and easily better than these top 15 paid Left Tackles below. Reiff Duane Brown Okung Donovan Smith DJ Humphries Solder The guy is going to get paid 16 million a year or more easy, and the dumb Texans really just made a mess for the Bills.
  16. Difference is Quarterbacks are already making that kind of money. There was no reason to pay him 30% more than what Castonzo just got when he is a lesser player, and if you want to argue age, he is getting 2% more on the cap than Lewan got in 2018. It was a stupid move by a stupid team.
  17. Wish I could say he wont get that much money, but he isn't far off from the player Tunsil is. If Tunsil got 22 million a year, Dawkins could easily get 21.5 No clue why the Texans thought they needed to add 5.5 million to the biggest LT contract already in the NFL. Really screwed a lot of other teams by setting the market that high.
  18. I think its overblown in the sense that both guys at the Athletic seem to think it has to be a safety. As such, there is this belief the Bills have focused on trying to draft or sign someone specifically to fill this "Big Nickel" role, rather than the reality which is the Bills try very hard not to have a big plodding linebacker on the field in base sets because offenses use spread more often than not. I also dont think the Big Nickel is this novel idea that is specific to the Bills defense. So I dont think there is this dire need to go and get Kyle Dugger just because he looks like a fast tweener, he has to be able to fill other roles in the defense as well. I think the Athletic latched on to something from when McDermott was first hired and ran with it. Sitting around wondering why his career peaked at 25.
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