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Everything posted by thenorthremembers

  1. Seriously, how do you ignore the fact this guy had so many bad influences around him. Not to mention the fact he is pretty clearly bi-polar. Wow
  2. Loved the use of the cliche Native American Wolf story....he isn't crazy, he is an immature idiot who thinks he is intelligent. Never seen more time wasted on a #3 wideout in my life.
  3. So what is the reason then? He never had the superior quarterback in the big game. This year he did.
  4. Belichick's coaching win pct, including that 11-5 team before Brady was .460. There is a reason Phil Jackson only coached teams with Michael, Kobe, and Shaq on them. Belichick was a good coach in terms of game day readiness prior to Brady, but he wasnt great until Brady showed up. It's the same reason Andy Reid hadnt won a title before Mahomes. You're correct here. Its not a coincidence.
  5. Watched the Bills vs. Broncos there in Manning's final season. It was the game Orton made it very clear he was just here for the money by sliding a half yard short of the 1st down marker on 3rd and 1. The atmosphere was pretty cool at the outset of the game, tailgating was a lot like the Stadium. However, it got cold quick so my buddy and I went to the bar across the street to watch the rest of the game.
  6. Dude spent nine years getting his head beat in and has 60 million in the bank he deserves to "hang out with his kids"
  7. The guy has been dealing with spine injuries since 2017, the Jets were incredibly stupid to resign him. If its true and he has spinal stenosis they may have paid him 16 million dollars to play one game.
  8. His philandering is pretty well publicized. The Jets reporter thing was a big deal when it happened, and that was also covered quite well. I am not sure it was the media who gave him a pass, as much as it was the public. Can't love the guy because he seems like Joe Six Pack, and then hate him when he proves it.
  9. Great tribute. Love that they started the set with Francis Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle, one of my favorite Nirvana songs. Also very cool for them to play songs off of Bleach. Must have been a big fan to know that album. School sounded incredible, what a great riff. Travis was flying on Come As You Are but he is one of the best rock drummers ever so not going to complain too much.
  10. Jim and Rex were on the cover of Sports Illustrated together. I think you are referencing the time Kelly was upset that members of the Bills took a knee for the National Anthem, which Jerry Hughes gave him hell for. You may have the same number of Super Bowl rings as Kelly, but in terms of impact on Buffalo football I imagine you're nowhere near as influential as Kelly or Thurman. Unless of course you're Bruce Smith? This isn't about kissing their rear end as you say, and it's not a dog and pony show. It's our GM and Coach having respect for these guys, and showing their admiration for them. You say you respect those players, but then talk trash about Thurman being on a radio show. These guys have lived more football than you or I will ever know about. Just because someone isn't a current player doesn't mean they arent a part of the Bills family. Sorry it's just an immature and disrespectful way to look at these players.
  11. If it wasnt for guys like this there wouldnt be organizations. Have a little respect for the guys that paved the way. If you're allowed to express your opinion on the organization because you bought tickets and merchandise, Jim Kelly is more than entitled to his.
  12. Completely disagree with you. A.J. Green hasnt been a top player at his position in going on five seasons. His production since then has been easily replaced on his own team by Tyler Boyd. John Brown's 2019 season is arguably the best season a Bills wideout has had since Stevie Johnson in 2010. That said, I'd say Brown's importance to Buffalo eclipses what Green has meant to Cincinnati. A.J. Green's upside hasn't been in play for close to five years now. No way you trade a known resource, for a player thats 30 years old, and has played nine games in two years just because he is tall and used to be good. If you want to go that route Demaryius Thomas is a free agent.
  13. The best decisions are made by taking the scenario that has fewer "what ifs." For me its a no brainer to keep Brown.
  14. Just took a look. They are either going to need to cut Fletcher Cox, Jeffrey, and Goodwin or they will have to trade Carson Wentz by June 1st. If Wentz doesnt stay healthy this year he could be on a new team in 2021.
  15. You're looking at statistics the wrong way. You shouldn't look at them over the player's entire career. You should be looking at them in a statistically relevant sample size, or in this case, the most recent years, and not just over a one year period which could give you anomalies. A good sample size is the last three years. In that case you'd end up with the following: That said why would you trade a younger player, for an older, more injured player who is less productive? Especially when the younger player just had his best career as a pro? Player Current Age GMS/YR Rec/YR Yrds/YR TD/YR Green 30 9 43 570 4 Brown 29 13 45 690 4
  16. Fresno State. Kiper called him the steal of the draft that year. Actually played five years in the league despite only getting carries in 2007.
  17. Out of the two I'd much rather have Britt, that being said he is coming off a major knee injury. No thank you to both.
  18. Lots of injury concern. Would have been a day 2 pick if his knees werent beat to death.
  19. I think it had more to do with his size. Not a lot of teams want to trot out 238 lb edge rushers or OLB who arent fast enough to cover tight ends.
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