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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. If I'm taking McDermott at his word that the best player plays, then yes, I do. If Peterman wins the job and plays great, I expect him to keep his job until someone else earns it.
  2. So they knew a full year in advance that Allen would be a good player, and be available to them at their pick, so they could throw away what was in their lap? Complete nonsense. For the record, I was Team Watson.
  3. Not in college or on any game besides 1 he played. He played well in the snow bowl and every preseason game this year and last. San Diego probably has 2 Superbowl wins by now if they didn't get enamored with a big strong QB over a smaller guy with less of an arm that just figured out how to move the chains.
  4. Troll attempt 0/10. Try again. You can ignore reality if it suits your palette. Plenty of people do these days. Allen had a great game yesterday. I have no motive to take that away from him. However, Peterman's game was even better. The guy has been neck and neck with McCarron in camp, at worst, from every single report, and he's drastically outperformed everyone in live games. I get it - you're excited. It's natural. But Allen, to this point, has still been second best. You should be excited for the fact that we have two QBs doing well, instead of trying to tear one down to forward an agenda
  5. I will if he earns the job and isn't given a handout. As soon as he proves he can outperform the guy above him on a consistent basis, start him. No free lunch.
  6. 85% through 2 games, kid. straight facts. Outperformed Allen significantly both games on every stat that exists. /thread.
  7. False: https://www.pro-football-reference.com/leaders/pass_int_career.htm
  8. And Allen flinging the ball up in the air last week while getting tackled was every bit as bad. That was "almost a pick six" too. What's your point?
  9. I think it would make sense for them to scour the waiver wire if a young player makes an aging one expendable somewhere around the league.
  10. There's also a lot more to completing passes than Arm strength. You don't always have to play hero ball and fit a ball in a tight window to make a great play. If your scheme and your WRs arent complete trash, you should be able to make a good play without needing a cannon. Maybe you can't make "that" play, but lots of Hall of Fame QBS didn't have rocket launchers. I feel like the barometer for NFL arm has gotten thrown out of whack around here, because Allen has one of the strongest arms in he last 30 years, at least. You don't need that to complete passes and win football games.
  11. So shouldn't that be the guy with the most yards per attempt, completion percentage and touchdowns? Starting Allen ahead of Peterman at THIS point is giving him a handout. Make him earn the job by playing better. Against the exact same players Peterman is 85% and Allen is 56%. Peterman torched 1's, and Allen did pretty well too, but not as well. Peterman then destroyed the 3's and Allen struggled. It's public record - Peterman is 85% through the pre-season. Last season is in the past. Nate was also a 61% college passer,s o not sure where you get 50% from
  12. Peterman can't throw a 60 yard bomb, but Allen can't complete 85% of his passes either. I'll take the guy that keeps us on the field until Allen is clearly better. They shouldn't give him the job until he consistently outperforms the guy in front of him. Once that happens, I'm team Allen.
  13. Sorry, I can't hear you over his 85% completion percentage throughout the preseason. He went 8/10 113 and a TD. Allen went 9/19 against those "scrubs" last week. so what does that say? He's outperformed Allen in both games against 1rst and 3rd string players. You're starting to look like a fool.
  14. Lots of Bills fans pegged the Bills as losers for picking Allen too. It's not some global conspiracy to get the Bills to move to Toronto. I'm pretty sure ESPN and The Bleacher report don't give two !@#$s that the NFL has the audacity to have teams in the rust belt. I'm well aware of media bias, and I'm also well aware of the "everything is fake news - no collusion" crowd. Just because something is printed or said doesn't mean it has to have an agenda beyond the facts. There are plenty of indisputable facts for why some people think he's a bad prospect including win/loss, accuracy, and very weak competition. If the kid earns respect they'll give it to him.
  15. People turn away from the news because they don't like the story they tell, so they turn to places like this so that they can bask in an echo chamber. Just because people disgaree with doesn't mean they lack integrity. It's also funny to me that you seem to be implying that the bleacher report is "national media". You can write a Josh Allen article on there if you feel you have more "journalistic integrity".
  16. The word "ceiling" is one of the most overused and meaningless words in sports. I'm pretty everyone, including their mothers, would have agreed that JaMarcus Russell had a higher ceiling than Tom Brady and Joe Montana if they were all in the same draft together. I care far more about a player's average, and to some extent their floor. Jay Cutler made $120 million dollars based on his ceiling, and I don't have any need for that.
  17. I hope you didn't pull something grasping at those straws. He threw with more velocity than Taylor coming out of college and tied with McCarron, who people around here seem to think has a better arm. Brady had a noodle arm his first couple of years and it didn't slow him down. Arm strength can be improved, and Nate just revamped his mechanics this offseason. I hate having to look like I'm SaviorPeterson to defend this kid from the absolute bananas takes you guys have. I think the kid can be good if all the chips fall right for him, but I'm not saying he's going to be some elite player. It's absolutely ridiculous the lengths that Allen fanboys will go to to gain an inch in the debate about who should start. Maybe we should just start Logan Thomas since he set the all-time record?
  18. I bet he doesn't. You should hope he doesn't. He's miles away from ready for that responsibility.
  19. I think it would be silly to use Cam Newton as a model, and I don't think they're doing that here. I could be wrong, and they may trot him out there for some reason. As of today, he's the least ready QB on the roster.
  20. Like Mahomes? lol. I didn't even have to go back more than 1 draft to shatter that statement.
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