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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. I think he's better than Steve Tasker and that's about it. He does a decent job of explaining coverages to common people and outside of that I hear about 5 minutes of pre game from him a week. Sounds like a standard local former athlete to me.
  2. You can only give him credit/ding him for the opportunities he's had, and then you want to constantly change the parameters of what constitutes a valid opportunity. He threw back to back touchdown bombs week 1. Oh, 1 didn't count because of a penalty. The other doesn't count because reasons. The O'Leary TD doesnt count because he was open. The KB snow bowl TD bomb doesn't count because red grapes are better than green grapes. 85% completion because defenses don't try against NP, easy passes, and it's preseason, but JA's 56% is coming against a stacked Cleveland second unit that game planned against him for months and hacked into the playbook server to try to shut him down, and failed miserably . BUTWHATABOUTTHEDEEPOUT!?!?!?
  3. This has pretty much been my experience, but I think you've mixed up your directions. I'd bet money that these guys aren't in my camp on that subject either. KB touchdown in the snow bowl. Stop ranting on 2 quarters of football like it defines a career. It makes you look even more foolish.
  4. Can't you at least give us the credit of having the foresight to add this account 18 months ago just to take advantage of this very opportunity?
  5. Yeah, you caught us...I mean me. Or is it him? I forget. Great sluething, Ace. You'd be a lock for BPD. If at first your weak illogical rants don't succeed, attack the credibility of the opponent. Amazing that no one can stop the same play called 30 times in a row more than 15% of the time. Maybe they're on to something?
  6. I think he's really going to struggle behind this line. I also expect to be playing from behind quite a bit as this front 7 looks very weak.
  7. The kid has amazing arm talent and he's really fun to watch. It's too bad it's never translated into wins at any point in his career. He should be great in fantasy though, just like Jay Cutler.
  8. When you can't even spell my name correctly, when you can see it right there, it should give folks a lot of pause about your ability to break down any more complicated subject.
  9. I understand that it might seem inconceivable that they could do two things at the same time, but I think they're up to the challenge. They don't throw the playbook out depending on the QB, the just change the frequency of plays.
  10. A. I don't like him B. Peyton proved without a doubt he was the sole reason for the Colt's success and put together probably the best season any QB ever had at age 38. AFTER having his neck broken. C. Peyton's intelligence allowed him to win even when his arm fell apart to a JV level.
  11. Here's a great article on the subject from 15 years ago from Paul Hackett's perspective. tl;dr you design your offense around what you have: https://www.newsday.com/sports/powerful-arm-not-required-touch-poise-leadership-more-important-for-qb-1.436308
  12. You'd almost think Jim Kelly actually won something if you were born in Buffalo. I'm not sure Kelly is in the top 30, and Brady, as much as it pains me, is the best there's ever been. I'm still taking Peyton on any team though.
  13. What happens if we win when he starts against Baltimore? Another fluke? What about the week after, or the week after that?
  14. Yawn. You've proven over and over again your incapable or unwilling to acknowledge the most basic principles of facts if they don't fit your agenda. An out route is one of dozens of routes available. Obviously the coaches are comfortable with his ability to handle it, otherwise he wouldn't be on the team. If they decide there are better routes for him, they'll run those instead. Nobody ever lambasted Peyton Manning because he didn't execute the best naked bootleg. I don't expect any of you to acknowledge you were wrong when Allen's holding a clipboard week 1. I just expect more logical fallacies, excuses, and personal attacks until everyone forgets this was even a discussion.
  15. I got to that assumption because NP and AJ have been splitting #1 reps all off season with Allen getting minimal. Given game #3 is usually a dress rehearsal. game 2 is your last shot to get a look. Given Nate played well against the 1s last week, you really had 2 choices about how to play him this week. You could either start him again/split with McCarron to give a fair look, or let JA get his reps and see if Nate could perform without starting talent around him. The only other possible explanation for Nate getting 3rd team reps would be that McD already made up his mind he's out of the competition, which i would consider HIGHLY unlikely given all play to this point. There's not a lot you can learn from 3rd team reps besides does the guy make others better or does poor talent drag him down .
  16. The !@#$ing deep-out again. I swear to god, it's been mentioned more in this thread than in the entirety of human history. I had no idea a 10 yard sideline pass was the holy grail of sports. Why even bother with a playbook, just run deep outs all game and may the best QB win.
  17. https://www.buffalobills.com/video/sean-mcdermott-a-step-in-the-right-direction 1:27 Tells me all I need to know about McDermott's thought process. "He made the guys around him better". Before the game he said he wanted to see if Nate could elevate the guys around him. The fact that NP came in with he 3rd unit in the second Half told me it was likely he was trying to cement his choice about who should be #1 by seeing if NP could command a bunch of guys that wouldn't be on the team. McCarron and Josh Allen were auditioning for #2 unless NP fell apart.
  18. God, I hope not. I don't think my heart is strong enough to endure 4 more consecutive Super Bowl losses.
  19. Pathetic. Peterman 85% over two games - leading effective drives against a great Carolina D, and lifting his 3rd string scrubs above their level against Cleveland. yeah, but he's garbage. Meanwhile Allen goes 48% against Carolina's 3rd team, not elevating anyone ont hat unit, and beats up on the 2nd string Browns who just went 0-16, but he's Jesus. How pathetically delusional. You don't have to say Peterman is a great player to acknowledge he's had a phenomenal pre-season by any standard. Your fanboysim is so juvenile.
  20. As was a jumbled ball by Patrick Dimarco. He proved his uselessness that game.
  21. I'm just taking the man at what he said. If he doesn't follow through on that I don't know how he keeps credibility with the locker room and the fans. They didn't really clear the deck, they paid 12 million guaranteed over 2 years to McCarron. That's a lot for a guy you know if going to be your backup, and they started Peterman last year, so they were willing to give him a shot. I'm trying to not create a ridiculous scenario here, but I'm pretty sure if San Diego could do it all over again, they'd trade Rivers instead.
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