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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. Hell this was standard when I played in the late 90s and early 2000s. We went winless. 7 years later my little brother's team won their state class championship. Wonder if it was at all related? Could also just be we were terrible and coached by substitute gym teachers. Who knows?
  2. I don't really see how it matters since he doesn't play in the front 7. Better get used to a lot of "just a bit outside"
  3. You couldn't convince a trumper, (most cons by extension) that water is wet if FauxNews reported otherwise. Their parents made their mind up for them long before they were born, and they don't have the mental acuity, empathy, or the breadth of worldview to broaden their horizons beyond a 10 mile radius from where they were born. As long as you realize that, they're exceedingly predictable people. I usually just climb right over them to the next place I have to go, barring an occasional sidestep.
  4. I guess they're only good if they parrot what you want to hear? I don't always agree with their takes, but I think the complaints are way overblown unless you need validation of your opinions.
  5. Vegas knows what it's doing in order to make the money even. Saying X team is going to have Y Wins, just means they want 50% on the over and the other 50% on the under, including payouts. It's more about public perception than being accurate, but yeah the books know their stuff.
  6. Not sure where you kids come up with this stuff. I'd far prefer Allen be successful. I just think it's highly unlikely.
  7. Is it kind of reminiscent of Nate Peterman's first ever half of professional football? I don't cheer for busted plays, Bills fans in the stadium literally cheered for an out of bounds pass just because it was deep.
  8. I've had the same handle for 17 years. Pay attention. I saw all of your nonsense on BBMB and it didn't fly there either. The Taylor threads were gold. Enjoy your time in the majority camp.
  9. So a kid that's played 2 preseason games is now a "franchise QB". You're incorrigible. I'll be interested when he shows me something to be interested in, but just like EJ Manuel, I'm not counting on it. I'm not even that big of a Nate Peterman fan. I just see one guy doing everything that could possibly be expected of him, and a deeply flawed shiny toy who seems to be the same player he was in college, so far. I have no interest in cheering for 60 yard out of bounds passes, or talking about whatever "ceiling" means. If he shows consistent growth, I'll support him. It's still a long way off from week 1. 99% of this thread existed before that news came out a couple hours ago. My issue is that McDermott has always talked about accountability, earning your spot, and "The Process". If he ends up starting a kid week 1 that has underperfomed his competition, then what he's essentially saying as that as long as they have an investment in you, those things matter less, or not at all. If I was in NP's shoes I'd be asking what else, precisely, I'd need to do to meet that standard. I'd be extremely curious what other young guys without draft status pedigrees on the team/around the league felt about it too. It just seems like the whole concept of a competition was a farce at this point and it was all a ploy to make him feel like he earned it. It's not like we're watching Wilson or Prescott's rookie season here.
  10. I really don't really care about Josh Allen, or any of the trite comments on here about how he's the next coming. He'll have another opportunity on Sunday, and we'll see how he does. I've yet to see an interesting post about him.
  11. McCarron has been skirting the line of awful. I'd rather have Shane Matthews back.
  12. And they've been that way for somewhere around 15 years. Peyton Manning tricked us into thinking guys like Pierre Garcon and Austin Collie could play. Who knows what wouldve become of Marvin Harrison and Reggie Wayne had he not showed up.
  13. I prefer watching tp make a fool of himself. This thread's going to read as bad as the rest of his do 2 years down the line.
  14. I think it's far more likely he goes straight back to dominating the division, and jacksonville crawls back to the basement where they belong.
  15. Realized I said Baltimore, meant Carolina. Peterman had two strong bodies of work. Once against the first string of a playoff team and once against the 3rd string of an 0-16 team. Allen flashed talent week 1 against Carolina's 3rd string, but ultimately didn't have the kind of day you'd like your starting QB to have. He then played very well against the 0-16 backups. I didn't bring up strength of competition, but since happy did, that's the result
  16. Allen played against salesmen from a different city and performed worse. It's a bad argument. Since you brought this up, It also shouldn't be discounted that Allen's wonderful performance came against an 0-16 team's second string. You could make a very reasonable argument that Carolina's 3rd string has stronger talent.
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