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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. Minor quibbles, but good synopsis. I would add that Allen needs to learn not to throw fastballs on 5 yard hitch plays, so that balls are easier for his players to catch. Having power is a great thing, but it's no good if you don't have control. He used touch on a couple of passes which was nice to see, but maximum power all the time is what held Favre back from being even better than he should have been in his career. I don't think Allen should be considered a legitimate candidate for the competition this year because the guys above him are not disasters. I would rather he focus on getting better throughout the year than trying to figure out how to play the game live with all the added pressure. He doesn't really help us reach our goals this season, so let the starters get the time with the ones.
  2. Minority on TBD maybe. I'll take that as a badge of honor. The reports today seem to back up my analysis, so whatever
  3. Of the 3, I thought he looked most distressed off the snap, and his feet never looked solid. I thought the game looked faster for him than the other two.
  4. I thought he looked mediocre. Some great plays, some bad ones. I grade him as incomplete. He didn't show me anything I didn't expect him to do.
  5. If the players don't stand their ground, then threats have no real bite. Considering his tax burden will be reduced, it won't be quite as big a deal. He would've lost at least 40% of that to tax anyway. The players Union should push for NHL style contacts and then this whole thing goes away. No more holdouts everyone guaranteed.
  6. If he's the greatest pass rusher of all time ( which he's not), he'll still never be able to live up to the contract he's going to get. You simply can't pay that kind of money to players who don't throw touchdown passes. The Patriots don't, the Seahawks don't, the Steelers don't, the eagles didn't last year. If you want a championship team you have to have a lot of guys that outperform their deals either by getting them before they're stars, or as reclimation projects on prove it deals.
  7. If you watched them, you'd know he played 7 games where he threw for 1700 rushed for 250, and had utterly insane games. He was the most dynamic QB in the league last year until he got hurt.
  8. Personally, I don't think we should look at backups for Josh Allen until he gets promoted from the 3rd string. It's clear he can do some amazing things, but I'd prefer he not start until he's the best quarterback on the team.
  9. Hit Ivory in the hands. It was behind him, but you touch it, you catch it. At minimum you don't bobble it in the air. Didn't adjust his body at all. Pop Warner 101. You kids are fighting so hard to take away from a breathtaking performance. It's really sad that you'd rather cheer for an incomplete pass than a guy that threw back to back touchdowns after a sketchy penalty tried to steal the momentum.
  10. Confirmation bias? 47% completion percentage and a couple of amazing throws. His fundamentals are still poor, he puts way too much zip on passes that need touch, and he put the ball in bad spots a couple of times trying to do too much. If you told me I was watching a Wyoming game, I wouldn't have even flinched.
  11. "he knows where he wants to go with the ball presnap, makes quick decisions, has a quick release and throws an accurate short pass" Athletic, plays with intensity, smart, resilient.
  12. Yea, he was too busy having a perfect outing. This is a blatant troll job.
  13. Brady doesn't have the arm strength for that throw either - it doesn't make Allen better. QBs play the game different ways, and sometimes they don't need to make flashy plays because they don't put themselves in that position. Jay cutler has made way more incredible throws in his career than Alex Smith has, but he isn't half the QB that Smith is. I guess I shouldn't be, but I'm really shocked that so many people are so impressed with arm strength in a league where it really doesn't matter that much as long as you have enough. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000400156/article/matthew-stafford-leads-list-of-top-10-strongest-arms
  14. I'm not going to name them, because it's not my job to understand things for you. The tape is in the thread. He showed he can throw a football far, which we all knew, and showed some mobility. great. Is throwing the ball 60 yards in the air impressive? Sure, why not. I'd be more impressed if he put them in bounds where his receivers could catch them. Foster is bad, but knowing that is something QBs are judged on. I don't really care that much about 60 yard bombs, though. i care about passes that move the chains, maintain possession and put us in a position to own the game. hail mary passes don't do that.
  15. Right now, he's just a talented prospect. He'll get a lot of experience this camp, and if he puts the work in, he can make his case next year.
  16. He threw the ball downfield today. The kid can make every throw you need a QB to make. Extremely few great NFL QBs have a rocket launcher. It's often the sign of a poor QB more than it is the sign of a good one. I'll take the guy that completes passes, and you can have Ricky Vaughan.
  17. I think most of us are upset about passing on Watson, who was pro-ready with every tool you could want. Then he stormed into the NFL and was elite from Day 1, just like he was in college. Instead we passed to draft a major project from a bad conference that had a poor college career. That's why I was upset.
  18. Is this post from 2021? It makes no sense in 2018.
  19. If Nate plays the way he did today throughout the season, Allen never plays a down as a Buffalo Bill.
  20. The only thing that matters in the NFL is QB, until you have one. The staff showed they understood that tonight. It's tough to evaluate QBs by handing the ball off to backup RBs. I would expect the regular season to be far more balanced.
  21. I thought you were talking about Allen here.It's funny you talk about how impressive Allen was, when he showed virtually zero development so far from his college game. He threw the pigskin over the mountains, but his spotty accuracy and suspect decision making forced him to come up short. That's literally the book on Allen. Big kid that can throw balls far. The NFL is littered with failed careers of guys that looked just like him. Did it put a massive smile on my face watching that frozen rope post pass? Sure. But he's got a long, long way to go before he ever sees action in an NFL game. I'm hoping the best for him, even though I hated him as a prospect. It does me no good to root against him now, but as of today, he's closer to Paxton Lynch than Brett Favre. mhmm.
  22. Yo. So did Joe Montana. QB Arm Strength doesn't win Super Bowls. Tom Brady won 3 championships on 5 yard slants. It takes a team, and a system. I'm not saying Peterman is ever going to be elite, but it won't be arm strength that holds his career back
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