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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. I always liked Whaley from start to finish. Solid, if unspectacular drafts, and always found good players on the cheap to fill out rosters. What killed him is what kills every GM, the lack of a top tier QB.
  2. I just drafted him in fantasy 2 days ago. I couldn't believe he fell to the third round, but now I realize that I'm just a sucker. This offensive line is the worst I've seen for any pro team, and maybe even college, in my lifetime. In fact, I'm not even sure I've heard stories from yesteryear of worse lines.
  3. How much did lack of mobility hurt Peyton or Brady? If a guy can't do something, you beat them other ways. An out route is the perfect call only when you need to get out of bounds quickly. You can gamelan around it the rest of the time. There are a half dozen other ways to run high-low concepts without that route.
  4. To be fair, I guess I also want to see if Daboll understands this is how elite teams play in the NFL. It seems like for 20 years we've been running a curl-flats-bomb strategy, and it's just been miserable to live through.
  5. I'd like to see him pick up chunk yardage on intermediate throws where he hits players in stride that have strong YAC opportunities. I don't need to see 60 yard hero-ball throws. Basically, can he take over drives and move the ball down the field at will.
  6. In a world where Alec Ogletree and Robert quinn were each traded for 4th and 6th round picks, I would be far more inclined to go that route than this one, and I think Beane would too. They're going to have to do a ton of FA shopping next season to improve O-line, possibly WR, and LB. We also need to Draft replacements for Hughes and Clay before their deals run out next season.
  7. What makes anyone here think Hughes has any value? He hasn't performed at a high level in any scheme since Schwartz. Trading Hughes would be nothing more than a salary dump. I don't see the raiders doing us that favor.
  8. Exactly my thoughts. 1) I don't think the Raiders are really interested in trading him for anything below 2 1's+ 2) The Raiders have him locked down for 2 more years worst case, so why trade him? He'll be 29 by then and they'll have effectively eaten the rest of his prime. 3) If the team that drafted him #4 overall and has watched him ever single day doesn't want to give him $20m, why should we be chomping at the bit? In hindsight, all the teams that let their Elite defensive players walk have looked like geniuses. Suh, Williams, Haynesworth, and my personal favorite: https://www.nbcsports.com/boston/video/should-stephon-gilmore-lose-his-starting-cornerback-job I really hope the Bills are smart enough to realize that you hamstring yourself when you sign players to these kinds of deals, and they should because we just got rid of one in Dareus. I pray the Jets land him, because it all but ends their hopes of being a decent team for the next 5 years.
  9. Like I said, I think his best ball may already be behind him. I think he'll continue to be a top tier guy for a few more years, as long as the money doesn't go to his head. But I don't want him on the team at the contract he'll command. Even with so zero trade compensation. I don't ever remember it working out in the salary cap era.
  10. I watched most of Mack's games last year. I had him on my fantasy team. While he finished the year with 10.5 sacks. Most of them were Aaron Schoebel sacks. The kind accrued that were a result of coverage or garbage time. He was largely an invisible Man last year. He was also a defensive liability at times and he dominated exactly zero games. Also 10 sacks is not elite territory. It's just pretty good, Jerry Hughes level. I'm not interested in paying $2 million per sack. I'm not saying he isn't a great player, but I'm positive he'll be unable to live up to a $20m contract, and I think you can get players almost as good for close to half that.
  11. Not really. Bosa, Chandler Jones, Campbell, Miller, Lawrence are all top tier with a lot more just behind them. You don't need the best, you need one of the best.
  12. Fantasy keeps me engaged. I do miss the pageantry of the 80s and 90s. I'm not sure how much of that I should attribute to not being a kid anymore, how much the league has changed or how much the world has changed. I used to watch road to the super bowl on repeat as a kid, and it seemed like winning a super bowl was the biggest thing in the world that could change a city like Buffalo forever. The people were all in. Even if you didn't understand it like football you wanted them to win. I think a lot of places actually felt like that. These days the world seems more complicated and the Sheen of winning a championship seems no where near as intense and fades just as quickly. People don't care as much as a whole, even though the fanbase is way larger, and that takes wind out of the sails. Makes me kind of sad.
  13. I think it's highly debatable if he's the best. If he is, there's a half dozen guys on his heels.
  14. Because I think you're seeing good teams developing strategies to negate the effectiveness and impact of the rush. Pass rush still has a huge impact against bad teams, but I think it's been reduced against the great ones in recent years. Yeah, that trade was pre salary cap. Great players never hit free agency, because you could always pay your cornerstone players. Trades were also extremely rare as a result.
  15. Mack is also coming off a disappointing season. I'm worried he may have already played his best ball, and may be a very good, but not top tier elite player on his second contact.
  16. Really depends on how you define "backup". If you're talking about QBs who sat a year or more turning into stars, well: Brady, Brees, Garoppolo, Cousins and maybe Taylor. then you have journeymen that have started a ton of games for full seasons like McCown, Hoyer, Siemian, Brissett. It's really not "rare" in any sense of the word. The majority of active starting QBs were drafted outside of the first round.
  17. On to you if the aforementioned rebuild, The bills don't have a very realistic way to afford him on his current deal, a deal he's holding out of. I think the chances of us landing him are approaching zero. You'll have to overpay on the trade and the contract. Neither of which were you in a position to do on a team with holes everywhere.
  18. Because Mario Williams and Suh is why. You burn dollars and the prime years on expensive FAs when you aren't ready to go all the way By the time the team is ready to complete, there are likely better and younger FAs available you can't target because you have old expensive vets Look at the eagles, Patriots, etc. There will be guys available when we make a strong push and Mack and Donald will be on the decline. We should be trying to stack our team with Micah Hyde's next year.
  19. You don't go out and make this kind of move without knowing your team is already very good. This type of move is 2-3 years away
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