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Everything posted by Boatdrinks

  1. A six foot and a half inch QB going first in the NFL draft. I know, it's the Browns but I still won't believe it until I see it.
  2. And it could. 12 isn't that strong a position. Might be insurmountable with who is in front of them, but I hope not.
  3. Jets were willing to overpay to prevent their division rival Bills from jumping ahead of them in the draft order.Smart move, and not much Beane could do about it. The Jets were going to defend their position , and at 6 had the ability to do so. They still could get blocked, but the Bills would have to get to 2, and the Gmen may not want to move.
  4. It's starts with one heartbeat, louder runs deep it's our time first all in. #Bills 2018
  5. Once the players/ media started this drivel, everyone had the right to talk on the issue. Including the Prez. I imagine your response would be different if he had supported this nonsense. Or if the previous guy had.
  6. No, it's my opinion. However , it's one I feel is highly likely to be the case. I don't think he balked at a price , nor do I think Beane would be willing to pay any price demanded. But the Jets made that move and paid the freight to stop the very realistic possibility of their division rival jumping them in the draft order. The Bills were the first team reported to be talking to the Colts about pick 3. They are all the way back at 12, trying to get a QB. It's not a giant leap to connect the dots. The Jets did this to block another team more than anything else. If it had been the Bills at 6 with the Jets at12, most fans would expect / want the Bills to do the same exact thing. I can imagine the outcry if the Bills allowed a division rival to gain position on them. I also don't need anyone to do anything for me or whatever. Enjoy!
  7. The fear was real. The Bills would be at 3 right now. End of story. They took the Jets offer because they had better picks to give. Indy never had a realistic price for the Bills to pay if the Jets were compliant with their demands. They wanted a chance to take picks from both. If the Jets said " no thanks" , I'd bet the farm the Bills are at pick 3 right now.
  8. The league doesn't have a media and / or perception problem. They have a reality problem. Lots of people don't like your players using league time for politics , Terry. Or the message they have chosen to send. The league needs to stick to the business of football, or this will continue. The media are complicit. Completely in lock-step. The players love this.
  9. The Jets move was clearly to prevent a division rival ( also QB needy) from jumping ahead of them in the draft order. Call it fear or whatever, but it was absolutely legitimate. If they didn't cough up what the Colts were asking , the Bills would be sitting at 3 right now. If they get a good QB, no one will think about the 3 2nd rounders.
  10. Houston made the playoffs in 2016 just like the Chiefs did. Their defense was excellent even without Watt. No reason to think they wouldn't be good again , in the mediocre AFCS. While the KC pick wasn't expected to be a high one, a pick from HOU wouldn't have been expected to be much different. Certainly not 4th overall.
  11. Yup. Pittsburgh made out pretty well sitting tight at 11 for the third best QB off the board. For the price of a single first round selection. I'm not suggesting the Bills do this, but sometimes it's better to be lucky than good, right? Wonder if PIt fans have nightmares of their team sitting idly by, waiting for Roethlisberger to fall to them. A lot of unexpected things can happen in a draft. We just dont know until it does.
  12. Interesting, I remember that draft well. I never had a problem with Kiper, still like listening to those segments. It's kind of just part of the draft , since as long as I can recall. I give him props for creating a job where once none existed. For years I've said the Bills could have just bought MKs draft guide and made their picks off that. Would have had better results and saved some $$. It's probably not true now, but it was not too long ago.
  13. It will take a team being willing to do it, and the Bills willing to pay what that team decides is enough. Otherwise no deal.
  14. Don't like the " 4th and ten " idea at all. It's way too easy to get a defensive penalty that carries an automatic first. The rules just favor the offense so damn much. A penalty on the receiving team almost never happens on onside kick attempts. It should be very hard to retain posession, which the onside kick provides.
  15. That weekend Ballard did say he was reluctant to move out of the top ten. He qualified that by saying he would consider it later if he got a good offer. This was shortly after the combine, so not really surprising.
  16. It's not hard to figure out. They said they were willing to consider another move almost immediately afterward. The Colts were going to use the Bills interest in 3 to hold the Jets hostage for picks. The Colts weren't leaving those on the table. Not when they were only moving to 6 and could get more picks in another move if they felt like it. Would they have taken the Bills entire draft? Probably, but no GM is offering that. Bills capital is not as good as the 6th overall pick. As Yogi would say , not " rocket surgery" going on here. The Jets were ahead of the Bills and therefore were the ones doing " the letting" you referred to. You can't " let" a team that's already far ahead of you do anything. It's out of your control. Also, it's a month later and quite possible the Colts feel differently about what player they can get and where. If your assumption is that you would give up your entire draft and then some to coax a reluctant team out of spots 1-4 , it's safe to say a GM wouldn't keep their job long if they made such a deal. It's just a ridiculous notion as it's almost never been done. For good reason.
  17. Desperation move caused by Taylor's garbage play at QB for 3 games.
  18. That's not what happened , though. If anything they screwed themselves by their team outperforming it's talent level and making the playoffs. Jets were at 6. They wouldn't let the Bills jump ahead of them at any cost. They were already in position to do this, Bills couldn't do anything about the Jets all the way back at 12. If the Jets were willing to pony up what was demanded, the pick was theirs.
  19. This is also assuming no one will move off their spots. Totally possible. CLE not moving off 1. Giants stay at 2 , Jets are obviously staying put. CLE will get Barkley or Chubb guaranteed at 4 so that's out . 3 QBs gone and maybe they don't want the 4th guy at all. Don't like him. This could happen.
  20. What if there's only one of the " top 4" left and the Bills wouldn't take that guy with the 32nd pick? Then what?
  21. There are business sides to football decisions . Particularly at say, the QB position. They'll leave the decision to the football guys though, ultimately. This would be nice. Except he can't possibly know this.
  22. Yeah, Denver's not taking a QB. They'll trade out if they get a good offer. Who's willing to give it is the key.
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