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Everything posted by Boatdrinks

  1. I can see maybe a slight move from 22 for Jackson. I do not believe they will move up for Rudolph. Down perhaps,( still very unlikely imo) but not up.
  2. Jets trade was a low risk move of essentially 2 spots ( Jets taking QB obviously) for 3 second round picks. 6 th pick is much better than 12th pick in the draft order. It's a better deal, plain and simple. Is this stuff really that hard to understand? Is it a fail on Beane that the Colts took the better picks?
  3. Sure, I get that. You just laugh those off or roll your eyes at that stuff. Just interested why someone would voluntarily subject themselves to something they found so annoying. If it aggravated me that much, I'd avoid it. The OPs post count doesn't look to be one of a longtime board follower. Found it curious is all.
  4. I don't think the Patriots will move up to draft a QB in round one. If they felt that strongly about the need for a QB , I think they would have tagged Garoppolo and bit the bullet . Or just traded Brady like practically every other team has done when a great QB was near the end and they had another QB in hand.
  5. Most drafts don't have " lock" QBs , if there is such a thing. Still doesn't answer the question , though. I take it you do not think the Bills can get one of their top rated QBs at 12. I don't either. I do think it's very possible they believe strongly in one or two of these QBs and will try to move up to get that player.
  6. You believe the Bills can get one of the top QBs on their board at 12 ? Why do you think this?
  7. Okay, but that question was asked of a poster other than yourself. It was a real question. Curious why someone would follow / post on a fan message board if they found draft discussion " unbearable".
  8. Yep. Worked at Dicks in Quaker Crossing. He's basically the guy in the next bar seat over from you.
  9. If Eli Manning is as done or close to done as you imply, the Giants will be picking pretty high again in short order. Giants fans were furious that Manning was benched by McAdoo last year. The Giants offseason actions as an organization don't seem to line up with one that believes Eli Manning is finished at QB. We'll see, but my gut tells me they don't go QB in round 1.
  10. Because the NFLN crew has been selling Allen to the Bills pretty much from the jump. Because weather or something.
  11. I agree, I think the Giants made that decision at the end of last season. I just don't think they'd smooth over everything with Eli, get a new HC then pick a QB at 2. May as well have just traded Eli in the offseason and turned the page. I think the Gmen believe they have a couple more seasons with Manning. In short , they think they are better than the pundits do. Taking a QB to sit until 2020 seems unlikely at their draft position.
  12. Mayfield has 100 times the college resume of EJ Manuel. Heck, Manuel's own coach questioned his being draft- worthy.
  13. Yes, it was 3rd down, so they could have snapped the ball again to run the clock down. However, I can't argue with the logic. A bad snap or whatever and the game is over. I'd like my chances that I can cover a kick and defend perhaps 2 plays with that defense. I'd like them to a 99.999% chance and many coaches would probably have done the same. It took complete ST breakdown that high school players would know not to do. Stay in your lanes and go make a tackle.
  14. A little early for this, no? Watson had success before his injury, and Mahomes started all of one game.
  15. I don't either, but it's a no win for the Bills, at least initially. Jackson at 12 will be panned as a reach, at 22 it will be smart. If BB takes Jackson it's a stroke of genius, if the Bills do they're " settling for a very flawed player that some teams think is a WR" .
  16. FG was good with 16 seconds remaining. Just looked it up. They couldn't have gotten it lower. 3 seconds wouldn't be enough in case of a bad snap , most likely. Regardless, they let the game clock run as long as they could without incurring a penalty.
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