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Everything posted by Boatdrinks

  1. Yep, you can offer pretty much your whole draft. That'll git 'er done. Let's just assume most Bills fans wouldn't expect ( or want) this to happen.
  2. Colts GM Ballard says he thinks there are 8 " elite" players in this draft outside the 4 QB prospects. Fwiw. That would leave one of these players available at 12.
  3. So 6 is high enough? It might not be. Can't move to 6 until the draft starts. 5 is possible. I highly doubt the NYG trade out of 2. With anyone. I'll agree, if the Bills don't get one of the top 4 QB prospects in this draft the plan didn't work. Could something else pan out? Sure, but the plan didn't work initially. There'd be no other way to sum it up.
  4. There's been exactly one trade made in the top ten of the draft. Moved a grand total of three spots. Capital means squat if no one wants to move where your pick is.
  5. Hmmmm they only had to find a team willing to move 3 spots. Really 2 as that team isn't taking a QB. Colts weren't taking 12 with the Jets offering 3 free 2nd rounders. Jets were already far ahead of the Bills due to their 2017 finish.
  6. Then they take the best LB on the board , maybe move up slightly from 22 for a QB. This would be the disaster scenario, but definitely could happen.
  7. Yeah, but really Beane wouldn't say even if there were a framework in place. Still all just speculation.
  8. I don't buy TDs opinion as fact here. Why does he think this? The Bills were interested in Trubisky last year. If he felt he could win with any QB, why not take Mahomes or Watson then. He can win with either, right? Most observers opined that last years Bills draft " felt different" from the previous Whaley drafts. Like someone else was calling the shots. It's highly likely that McD knew he was going to be working with a new GM in short order. A huge decision like franchise QB is probably best made with whomever that GM is. I can see a new unproven HC not wanting to make that decision with dead-man-walking Whaley. That's why he punted.
  9. It might. They weren't going to pay the freight to Tyrod for 7-9, 8-8, 9-7. That just keeps the wheels of mediocrity spinning. They've waited 22 years to see the opportunity. At some point you have to make your own opportunity.
  10. The mistake is being content with mediocre Tyrod.
  11. I wish that the Jets weren't interested and the Colts took the Bills offer. I DONT wish the Bills had given up a lot for the 3rd overall selection.
  12. It's not a surprise. He IS the team President, after all. If he didn't have a seat at the table, it'd be almost like saying the team owner didn't have a seat.
  13. It's entirely possible they have the QBs rated very similarly outside of one , perhaps two players. There doesn't seem to be a consensus by the pundits either, so this seems reasonable. There's no Luck/ Newton in this draft.
  14. You are clairvoyant then ? We know the Bills need a QB. How do you know which QBs will pan out and which won't? Shouldn't you be on an NFL FO staff ? Make a career out of picking lottery numbers etc.
  15. Just as often ( especially in Bills history) decisions that were unpopular at the time remain that way . Mostly because they were bad decisions. Bad decisions stay bad , whether they were popular or not .
  16. It was about leaving themselves options, and possibly fleecing two teams out of picks instead of just the Bills.
  17. A GM isn't taking the first offer. Especially when it doesn't involve a top ten pick off the bat. Sorry, but that scenario is pure fantasy. Zero basis in reality .
  18. I wouldn't hate that scenario one bit. Not sure of their reasons, but maybe it's more personality than anything else.
  19. They're outside of the top ten due to their 2017 record. That's how the draft order works. They began with 21 & 22. There's been all of one trade made thus far inside the top ten, and it was a mere 3 spots. Where is all this aggression by other teams that you speak of ? If other teams ( namely in the top ten) are being passive about trades and sitting on their hands, this represents an underestimation by the Bills? He means Darnold and Rosen are not on the Browns board. It was reported Rosen was not on two top 6 teams boards fwiw
  20. They said this very shortly ( just days ) after the Jets deal was done. They simply leveraged the Bills interest in pick 3 to fleece more picks from the Jets. As long as the Jets were compliant , the Bills just weren't getting pick 3. You can't blame the Jets for doing whatever possible to maintain their position ahead of the Bills, where they already were in the draft order. The Colts positioned themselves nicely for an elite player at 6, and maybe even more picks from a second team in another move down. It's pretty clear they weren't refusing to take the Jets ransom , save for a massive overpayment by the Bills. Think something along the lines of the Ditka deal, for just the 3rd pick off the board.
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