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Everything posted by Boatdrinks

  1. I feel that Jackson at 12 is a panic, yet Jackson at 22 is viewed as a " smart move".
  2. It could happen for sure. Make no mistake though, short of a miracle happening this scenario would be the depths of suckitude for Bills fans. Just can't call it anything else, given all the moves made beginning with the pass on QBs at 10 last year.
  3. It was 16 seconds and I think they may have decided to kick on 3rd down in case of a botched snap or whatever. I don't think they could run it down any further without a delay of game.
  4. Well no, the best scenario would have been to finish with the worst record and own the 1st overall pick. That didn't happen either , and had about the same chance or worse of the Bills getting the 3rd pick from the Colts . The Jets interest in pick 3 meant that wasn't happening for the Bills. Fans need to realize that some things ( such as the draft order and what other teams are willing / unwilling to do) are out of OBD control.
  5. Can't have it both ways. Regardless of what transpired earlier in the game, what happened when the game was on the line in the waning moments ? RJ led the team on an apparent game clinching FG completing a critical pass with one shoe. Flutie got strip sacked.
  6. It was early, boards weren't close to finalized and 3 2nds for what amounts to 2 spots was too good to pass up. It was very low risk for the Colts, and as Yolo mentioned above the opportunity for a second move down is still there. They didn't want to position themselves outside the top ten that early. It now looks like one or two elite players will get pushed out of the top 10 due to QBs being taken. The Colts did indicate a willingness to make another move down just a week or so after the Jets deal. I don't believe the Bills had much of a chance at pick 3, but that the Colts used the Bills interest to leverage more out of the Jets. Their pick at 6 was just a lot more attractive than what the Bills had.
  7. It's quite possible the Bills don't have these QBs ranked the same as many fans do. It's also possible they get shut out of moving up for one of the top 4. They could take say, a LB at 12. Then take Jackson or even Rudolph at 22. This will be viewed as a failure by many fans, who don't see those players as " franchise" type QBs. I don't think the Bills will pay the price to move up for less than one of their top 2 ranked QBs, so I'm not convinced the first pick ( wherever it is) will be a QB.
  8. Oh I disagree. I think the last thing that McD wanted to do is play a 5th round rookie in year one.While trying to stay afloat in a playoff race to boot. Tyrod's struggles and refusal to throw the ball led to the desperate decision to start Peterman. McD is a very conservative coach, it really was sheer desperation.
  9. The QB class IS overhyped by nature , as the probability of a bust at that position is higher than others. Yet it is the most important position on the field. Therefore, everyone wants to talk about the QBs. So pretty much every QB class since ' 83 hasn't lived up to the hype. '04 is looking pretty good, but that's still 2 in 35 years. Odds are that one or two of the highly ranked guys will be good to great, the rest will be varying degrees of bust. Maybe one from the second tier will surprise. That's kind of how it's gone with QBs over the years. Yes, I absolutely want the Bills to move up and get one of the top prospects regardless.
  10. I'm not convinced that the Bills first pick will be a QB, though I absolutely believe it should be. That's giving me major anxiety about this draft.
  11. I cannot argue with this. I don't think the Bills will draft Mayfield, but that's one guy I don't want to see elsewhere in the AFCE.
  12. I think one of these 3 end up being " franchise" and either Rosen or Darnold bombs. It rarely goes the way the " experts" say it will.
  13. According to " the chart" 12 to 5 is Bills pick at 12 + 2 second rounders . So 12, 53, 56 sounds about the right # of points.
  14. Took Thursday off. Draft party at a downtown establishment. I think it's the most critical Bills draft since the Kelly years.
  15. It's 100% not a tank, and shouldn't be referred to as one. They are transforming an old team into a young one. Mostly by choice, with a couple unexpected twists. It's a continuation of what they started last season. The team outperformed its flaws, and that's a testament to the coaching staff and GM. The team still has plenty of holes, and likely won't equal last years record. Their goal is to compete for championships , not to " Tank" for some draft pick or whatever. Young players will make mistakes and have growing pains along the way. Previous regimes were content with old , middling teams.
  16. Giants won't take a QB at 2. Won't trade down outside the top 10. It will be Barkley/ Chubb.
  17. Definitely a decent chance a vet can beat out a rook at QB. At least intitially. Curious take on McD and co with QBs. Play favorites? The inherited QB that they didn't even really want started 15 of 16 games last season.
  18. I can't see them staying at 12 with the QB need as great as it is, coupled with last years pass. It would be a curious decision, given what they've done to this point.
  19. I'd say the Bills give a first round draft pick 3 years minimum. Then they would have to decide on picking up the 5th year option or not. Fans will probably be less patient and will make up their minds much sooner.
  20. Just a wasted draft pick lost in the constant coaching churn . Hopefully that trend stops for this team.
  21. Nah. There will be LOTS of Pats fans, who will load up on secondary market tickets from willing Bills fans. I wouldn't go to this one if I had a free ticket.
  22. Everything in the prime time scheduling is focused on ratings. That's it. Some teams are a big ratings draw regardless of the season they had the previous year.
  23. NYC market- huge Bears are still a big ratings draw . They get pt games even when they suck because of this Steelers fans are everywhere. They're almost more " americas team" than the Cowpokes these games will get ratings
  24. It makes sense. Get to 5. If anything changes drastically with the NYG or CLE, you're in the catbird seat for another move up.
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