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Everything posted by Ridgewaycynic2013

  1. Bills captains should conduct a major psy-op. Defer, and hand the KC captains a 20 pack of McDonald's chicken nuggets and fries to give to Reid.
  2. Ryan 🤡 Williams 👿 Jauron 😐 Marrone ☹️ or 🫥 So that's how you got your screen name!
  3. Wasn't Williams pitching the same horsedung about being in demand the season after the Jests canned him? 🤨
  4. KC charter flight UAL 2543 just passing over Cleveland. Anyone going out to welcome them? 😁
  5. 🎵We get up at 12🎶 🎶And go to work at 1🎵 🎵Take an hour for lunch🎶 🎶And then at 2 we're done🎵 🎵Jolly good fun!🎶
  6. Guddam thread. Game Day Thread. Same difference. 😁
  7. "Bob Kraft gave me this phone number for the 'Orchids of Asia' Charlotte N.C. location."
  8. Ought to get the 35-65 F attendance demographics up..🤔
  9. Never happen. There will be no customers for all that crap from temu.com. 🤔🤨
  10. "Sorry, can't make it...I'll send Matt Patricia in my place." * Promised: Delivered:
  11. Zero's been upset ever since SDS pinned his losing bet thread the other day. 😁
  12. Deluded yinzers. They have spent so much time schlepping up and down those hills that they all think they're the 'little engines that could'. "I think I can...I think I can...I think I can..."
  13. It's going to be like McDonald's hockey cards up here in Canada, eh? * If Belichick as much as answers your phone call, you get to make a commemorative card. 😁
  14. Kraft is a doddery old man. Probably misconstrued Belichick saying Kraft and Brady should wash after visiting 'Orchids of Asia'. 🤔
  15. You'll be amazed at how many friends you'll make. Just make sure they bring their own extension cords.
  16. It is becoming increasingly difficult to obtain enough newsprint to adequately crumple and stuff damp footwear with. (Works like a champ, but use true newsprint, not the glossy stuff.)
  17. McDaniels in about 3 years, on a brisk 50 degree South Beach evening:
  18. No, they get a bill: Please remit $6.
  19. Jerry's keeping McCarthy because McC does the dancing. Fire him, and he'll have to dance like the clown from Miami (Ross) does.
  20. Route 20-A and I-390? 🤔 Or 20-A to NY 98 to Route 20? Depends which side of Rochester you're coming from / going to. My two suggestions are based upon 'after' the game.
  21. I have heard baseless rumours that Fournette asked for his release; he wants to get in on one of these $150 per spot parking concessions for future home games.
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