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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. The coach should take the blame, but honestly the coach shouldn’t be held accountable if someone doesn’t have their shoes tied. Time for the baby to grow up.
  2. A big stop starts and ends with a playmaker. Thankfully we have Von Miller and Rasul Douglas.
  3. What happens off the field can affect what happens on the field.
  4. 2-5 in 1 score games what is the turnover margin in those games? -10 or -14? Hard to win when the offense is playing against its own defense.
  5. The 2nd fumble was on Allen. Wow. 3 TOs for Allen. Should be interesting heading into Jets week. Wow. How many 3 TO games can Allen endure before McD sits him a quarter?
  6. Didn’t the 2022 Vikings go 11-0 in 1 score games? The Bills are basically 2-5 in 1 score games. Unlucky to be 2-5, should be at least 3-4, if not 4-3 in those games. They we be 6-4, or 7-3. Being so unlucky hurts. The major issue as I see things is inexcusable turnovers and sloppy execution.
  7. What is PI, that looked clean to me, a QB can so under throw a ball that the CB has no idea where the ball is. I don’t think it was catchable, and clearly Johnson is turning his head around as the ball is arriving in the area. Plenty of hand to hand combat. I see that as a no call. We wouldn’t want to get that call to win a game. I prefer letting them play the game out.
  8. Lucky for Josh he still go 12-5 if he can find it in himself to play better.
  9. This board wants to know what Elam & Tremaine had to say. Like no one else to blame except blame itself.
  10. Basically Hardy caught a ball 7 yards short and every linebacker and safety missed or hit him at same time, causing player to stay upright and tackles to be nullified. It was Dan Dierdorf’s wet dream.
  11. I would disagree. I like the idea of milking Denver’s TOs and forcing them to make a stop on 4th down. Suppose Allen slides at the 1’, Payton likely doesn’t call TO then we milk 3rd down play down to 1:15, basically play chicken with the self proclaimed GOAT coach. It takes balls to play chicken.
  12. The Bills will lose because that’s what you concluded? Is Zach Wilson suddenly better than our QB? Last I checked the score is 0-0. We have 60 minutes to find out who wins.
  13. In every loss there is a GOAT. Let’s be real did Norwood not lose Super Bowl 25, along with 1/2 the defense that missed Dave Megget?
  14. All I know is they play the Jets next week. Or do they not field a team?
  15. But the comment contradicts title of OP. Either Diggs saw this coming or didn’t. Which is it?
  16. The 2023 Bills could beat anyone. The drought era Bills sucked pretty hard.
  17. Easy Josh slides at the 1’ line, it’s now on Denver to call a TO. Let them use it. As it stands Cam Lewis gets injured and they get a free TO. If we failed at the 1’ line we still have 3 TOs to stop Denver.
  18. Don’t you want Denver to blow their TOs? You still have 2 downs to get 1 yard. Ideally you have your TOs so a basic math says you are in control. One tush push away from a TD. If it’s 3rd and goal from the 2 and 1:30 to play I trust Allen to get me one yard. Same logic I use with all you 13 second’s crybaby’s. We scored, great! Instead of kicking the PAT, go for 2. Play for the kill.
  19. In our world scoring when we did cost us the game. Should have tripped and fell short of the goal. Hell Denver’s D wanted him to score to get the ball back. Check the tape.
  20. No what I’m saying is Allen should have run out of bounds at the 1’ line or fell short around the 1. Then it’s basic math.
  21. Von Miller is clearly not 100% but he came close to making some sacks on the very mobile Russell Wilson, along with Floyd and Rousseau. It’s hard to bring down a 5’10” guy who hides behind the OL.
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