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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. Allen should have slid short of goal? That makes sense in a perfect world. That ensures a play for the game down 16-22.
  2. Madden curse is career ending injury. Did I miss something or are the Bills still in contention?
  3. I’m in my old now living on the west coast but still can’t quit my Bills nor want to. Listen ***** way to lose but all is not lost. 12-5 is a possibility if they play better. But it starts with the Jets.
  4. I liked the concept of milking the clock on Allen’s scramble we should have instructed him to fall short of the goalline and forced Denver to use their TOs. Being that we scored right away we gave the ball back with plenty of time to spare. It would have been smarter to sneak an onsides kick the ensuing kickoff after Allen’s running TD and recovered the ball at our 40. Worst case scenario they have a condensed field and less field to drive the ball.
  5. Diggs saw what coming? A 5-5 start with zero blow out losses?
  6. I’m all for giving Allen, Diggs, Cook and Davis two weeks off. They look injured.
  7. To be fair the 13 seconds game was a coverage : kick issue and this was a FG.
  8. It’s easy to blame it on the weather
  9. 7 games left and ppl quitting? This team is 1 play away per game from being 10-0.
  10. The path has always been through winning the division. Keep pace with Miami and have a play in game week 18.
  11. Mistake if they were approached and offered a first, outside of that no mistake.
  12. Dorsey’s worst call of the year was the naked bootleg as Josh was coming out of the medical tent. Many of his calls have built in basic answers for the Josh to check the ball down and stay ahead of schedule.
  13. The Bills play really well when they have an axe to grind.
  14. Bengals seem to be trending into lead underachiever category as they went form an overachieving 10-7 team in 2021 that made the Super Bowl, to an even better 12-4 team who bowed out in the AFCG, now sitting 5-4 and 4th place in AFCN. A total underachiever, or perhaps the rest of the division has caught up. Lou Anaroumo suddenly has no answers for a rookie QB on the road missing his WR 1. If I’m a Bengals fan I’m wondering what is wrong with Burrow and an offense that can’t get going in the first half.
  15. Stroud is killing the Bengals secondary with journeyman WR 3 Noah Brown. Crazy.
  16. Could it have anything to do with the fact that Burrow is mediocre athlete who has like 9 TD passes in 7 games, meanwhile Allen has 17 TDs in 8 games?
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