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Everything posted by somnus00

  1. Reminds me of that Bills/Browns game. But that one was in bad weather.
  2. I seem to remember reading a lot of stories about JP being a good dude and really wanting to embrace the city of Buffalo.
  3. I don't understand how so many can be quick to hubris and respond negatively to comments like this. As though the Jaguars game is ancient history or something. I hope no one on the roster or staff have this mentality. Every team has world class athletes, the Steelers included. Upsets happen every week. And we have injuries all over the place. Look, I believe the Bills are going to win this game. But I don't view any game as a gimmie. Because any given sunday...
  4. They, seeningly, had a great draft and are putting together a nice roster. If Saleh and Wilson pan out, the Jets may have something moving forward.
  5. From Baltimore, but quoting Dickins? Surely, you could've found an appropriate Edgar Allen Poe line to quote.
  6. 20 points left on the field by my count. Clock management left 2 field goals out there. Gabe Davis dropping the TD. Settled for FG. Missed Bass FG. Turnover on downs on the goalline.
  7. Can't explain it, but the Steelers D looked like they were playing in mud. Just uninspired, with a lot of sloppy tackling, and a step too slow. Which is weird for a Tomlin coached team.
  8. I just watched the highlights. But what was the Ravens' secondary doing? Waddle and Hill were just wide open on all these deep balls. Seems like they went from cocky to frantic in the 4th and just lost discipline.
  9. Titans have had the Bills number the last 2 seasons. I'm betting the team will be hungry for some payback.
  10. They tried to make him into a run stuffing DT which he hasn't done well despite his size. He's a penetration style DT. And he's great at that.
  11. He certainly seems like an outlier in what is otherwise a very athletic Bills o-line.
  12. Didn't Kujo have the knees of a 70 year old, retired powerlifter?
  13. I've been most impressed with his willingness to self-evaluate, and evolve. A lot of head guys (I'm looking at you Rex) are far too stubborn and/or egotistical to change. It seems like McDermott really looks at himself critically and makes adjustments to his game.
  14. Not sure if I'd call it a weakness, but certainly a big question mark is the ability for the coordinators to show flexibility/creativity. This defense now has a few pieces that don't necessarily fall into the normal Frazier/McDermott style defense that we've seen so far in Buffalo. Miller, Bernard, Elam, Settle. These are different types of guys that would allow a DC to get creative. Is Frazier willing to do that, or is he a conservative guy who is set in his ways? The offense now has personnel to run 2 tight end sets, empty backfield with Cook motioning out wide, etc. Will Dorsey be creative, or will he feel the need to be Daboll 2.0 since they had success in the past? McDermott, to me, has shown a growth mindset (willingness to self-evaluate and change) so I'm not so worried about him. I don't know if Dorsey and Frazier have the same mentality.
  15. This is exactly how I see things in the AFCE right now. I hope the Bills org isn't overlooking the division the way many on this board are. There are no easy games in the NFL. We lost to the damn Jaguars last year.
  16. So intrigued by Benford. Bills coaching staff is elite when it comes to developing the secondary. I can't wait to see what they can get out of him.
  17. Exactly. Wind, rain, snow all increase the chances of a bad throw/interception/fumble. No QB "likes" this type of weather. Yet if one QB has been practicing in this bad weather for a few days, maybe he has an advantage that Josh is alluding to here.
  18. Especially if you link the story to a Facebook post so people can do their "own research."
  19. This thread is about what I expected when I clicked. Mostly classy, respectful comments by people that make me proud to be part of Bills Mafia. Sprinkled with a few snarky, mean spirited comments by a few people who, for some reason, seem to have a psychological need to be contrarian or rude.
  20. Seeing Kaiir pull out his notebook of his own negative plays so he knows what he needs to work on was super impressive. That screams "process" to me. Not having the interviews is a big part of what throws off mock drafts and draft pundits, I think.
  21. "Statistically?" The Bills likely will not be better. Not many defense in NFL history have been better "statistically." But they are better set up to make a stop or a big play when going up against the elite offenses they'll see in the playoffs. In that way they should be better. And that's what matters to me. Though during the season, I think they're still going to be a top defense. More physical and fast than last year. Statistically, they'll take a step back.
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