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Everything posted by somnus00

  1. Very intelligent (he's a Stanford guy), and he knows football.
  2. And whether the draft picks, from a few months prior, are busts or not.
  3. I've made up my mind. I ain't wasting no more time.
  4. Bills went from 3rd place in the division, to first place in the conference, in 1 week. Speaks to how fragile this lead is and how competitive the AFC is. They'll need to fight hard to keep it. Go Bills!
  5. Do the Bills have the personnel to copy cincy's defense against the chiefs? 3rd win in a row against the chefs. Including the playoffs.
  6. The Bills are in charge of their season the rest of the way. Continue stacking wins. And hopefully heal up in the process.
  7. I wasn't critical of the run game per se. I was critical of the, seeming, aversion to it even when it was working well, or when situational football called for it. Saying that, I was happy to see Dorsey use it last night to take pressure off of Allen. We saw a more balanced attack last night, and we'll need more of that in January.
  8. This is correct. I don't understand the eye roll emoji. Something does seem off. It's not all on coaching, but some of it is. Dorsey and Frazier have some adjustments to make. It's okay to say that, and it doesn't mean I want them fired. I'm actually a big fan of McDermott precisely because he's willing to learn and adapt his game. I'm confident he'll get the coachable issues straightened out.
  9. Yes! Yesterday there was a 3rd and 7 (I believe) and we see a 7 step drop. Allen waiting more than 3 seconds for a receiver to get open then a sack and punt. Why not a quick out, or slant, or pick? We don't need a 30 yard play there. We need 8 yards to move the sticks and get into a rhythm.
  10. I've never been a "fire the coordinator mid-season" kind of guy, and I'm not now. But there is still something going on here. Coming in to today, the Lions were the worst team in the NFL against the TEs. We had 2 total targets to our $14 million TE. I don't know who's at fault here, but this is kind of damning.
  11. The sideline reporter spoke about this during the game. She said Diggs was out there trying his best to get the spirits up...but that the Bills seemed pretty flat.
  12. Who thought the colts would beat the chiefs this year? Who had the Jets over the Bills? Upsets happen. Yes, the chiefs will likely be favorites every week. But I doubt they go undefeated the rest of the way.
  13. I understand what you're saying. But Davis just isn't a good route runner. He was limited in college as well. It's just who he is. I really like Davis... as a number 3. I didn't understand the belief that he was ready to be our number 2. His route tree is limited. I think Dorsey is asking him to do what he does well. Just my opinion.
  14. I want to see the 7 1/2 week option where Allen comes in week 16 at halftime.
  15. I haven't had a chance to go back, but that 4th quarter near-pick, it seemed like Allen was forcing it to Diggs when Shakir was open over the middle for a slightly shorter gain.
  16. I agree with all of this. I'd just add that these turnovers will kill us in the playoffs. And our "skill" positions need to step up (apart from Diggs and Allen).
  17. I don't understand why it's so controversial to critique the team. Yes, the Bills are a really good team. They're still atop the standings. But there are serious issues that need correcting. And they've been present for several weeks now. It's possible to point out flaws without being a sky-is-falling type of fan. Our skill positions on offense are missing apart from Allen and Diggs. Is that lack of skill? Dorsey failing?Josh forcing it to Diggs? I fit one was expecting a lap from Knox this season. Especially after that big contract. And don't get me started on the abysmal turnover rate...
  18. Truly, a classic. And a masterpiece. The juxtaposition of Cory's privilege, and Shawn's self destructive pride gave off Scorsese vibes. If someone is going to rip off a plot, this is the one to plagiarize.
  19. When I throw, I have to keep my index finger on the point of the football. Otherwise, no spiral. But I have wonky wrist mechanics that I just couldn't fix.
  20. Past performance and attitude aside, I remember him saying that the Bills were his favorite team growing up. Maybe that was just draft puff-piece material.
  21. Agreed. This is almost Ricky Williams, Herschel Walker level. An oft-injured RB in a league where RB is no longer a premium position.
  22. The qualities that make a good head coach, aren't the qualities that make a good coordinator. NFL history if littered with great coordinators who made terrible head coaches. And you have great head coaches like Andy Reid who was never even a coordinator before becoming the head guy. It is still very early, but Daboll may be a guy who is a better HC than he was OC.
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