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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. As it looks right now the Bills are still in a quagmire at the QB position as we have all seen . We as fans always hope because TT is a good team mate & a team guy that he can become a real good QB & score just the points needed to get victories but doesn't or can't !! With that being said i was wondering if the Bills fans would mind or want Mc Bean & company to pul a Whaley type deal to get say a Baker Mayfield or a Josh Rosen in this years draft & package 2 first round picks to get either or just take the best player that falls to them at what looks now to be a #18 draft pick ?? I always thought the Sammy pick was foolish when OBJ was there along with a lot of other good players that the Bills passed on (which seems to be a recurring theme) but if you have a franchise type QB which no one coming out of college is a bonafide 100% guaranteed Tom Brady QB , but some one that has that kind of potential . There are certain kinds of players that come out & you just get the feeling that they can change the fortune of the team that drafts them & it looks as thought there may be a couple of those in this draft & the Bills need one at the QB position . So would you pull that kind of deal or would you sit back & take your pick as it falls ? You be the Bills GM & call it as you see fit !!
  2. I think good receivers start with good or great QB play !! You put the receivers that we have with a Brady, Rothlesberger, or A Brees & you have a good NOT great receiving group !! But when you have a QB that for what ever reason holds the ball to long & can't put it in a tight window or throw with any anticipation you have a Buffalo offense ... I think the Bills top priority will be getting a QB in the draft & that may be (depending on who they get) the start of a turn around but until then same ole same ole !!!
  3. If it's a good day i see them maybe beating the Colts but NE is another loss & Miami is a split at the least so another year with out any play offs oh well SAME AS IT EVER WAS !!!!!
  4. With McD already utilizing Peterman i think the proof of what he wants to do was in the pudding when he pulled TT . Now i really can't say as i blame him !! But as it goes in B/lo they will let him walk or trade him & like most other Bills players & coaches that have went elsewhere he will flourish . But i think McD & company has a plan like all the other coaches that have been here i just hope his will work ...
  5. Yah even with the 5 interception game that Petermen was in this game makes ME see more of why McD pulled the trigger on the QB change . TT is a great team guy, tough as nail, & has a ton of class as far as a player & a team mate but you can see why he was a back up for so long, but just as the E.J. train went TT's time has about run out !! The D did what they needed to do for the most part but if the QB can't direct the O to score points some way some how you won't ever win !! He has had every opportunity to show every thing he has in his bag of QB tricks yet he still can't get it done ! He's not the kind of QB that can carry a team hell he can't even pick it up & push it a little ways ! QB is definitely a top priority in the draft & i would start seeking a trade for him closer to the end of the season because i for one Bills fan am over hoping that he can squeak out good enough play to win week after week !! I wonder what Rex big mouth has to say about his guy this week !!
  6. What's the old saying 2 wrongs don't make a right !!!
  7. Stand up dude & a great teammate but i can't figure him out !! He has all the tools but just can't seem to put it all together ... I would look for him to be trade bait to a team like Cleveland, unless this year has got other teams thinking twice about TT !!
  8. Im with you that is a HUGE part of why i haven't watched one & a quarter games this year !! Every year it gets more & more about WATCH ME LOOK AT ME !! This new crap they are doing makes TO look lame ! His was spontaneous at times i think these players today spend a lot more time thinking about how to celebrate than on the actual game plan ... I wish they would change the rule back to the way it was it is making the game worse !!
  9. Ragland was a pick Rex wanted Whaley was just getting players that fit the scheme Rex implemented . Whaley did that his entire time here just like he drafted the rookies the Bills have now because those were the players that McD wanted so why all the hate on Whaley ??
  10. I know this has been talked about in some form but haven't looked to see when it last was recently so if this is too soon i guess you all can block it !! But here i go ... Every time a team gets a new coach it comes with a entirely new look or thought that now we got it, the sky is the limit , but when is to much change not a good thing ? We saw it when Chip went to the Eagles, he had a ready made team that was blowing people out in the air & on the ground (plus the D wasn't bad either) on the offense so why would you change because of personality's ? But from anything i've gathered over the past 17 yrs is that each coach no matter how good a player/scheme is or how good the team was before the new staff got hired they have to feed their individual ego & put their mark on the team ! I get it you pull from your past or what you have learned . Does a new hire CEO of a company that is doing well in sales come in & change the entire platform or do they come in & study first what has been done really well in the recent past that has made them successful & keep those things & just work on the area's that aren't working so well or do they come in & blow it up completely regardless of what is working & redo the company in their image ? Or do they implement the new things in a slower more methodical fashion in order to not throw what success they have had into a tizzy ! I'm not sure which is the answer but overtime when the Bills have gotten a new staff the following staff's cast offs weather it be players or coaches wind up doing really well with other teams. When D'Alessandris the Bills O line coach went to San Diego their O line improved almost immediately & when the new coach the Bills old offensive coach Anthony Lynn went to LA he saw what was good about the O line & Joe is still there. More recently the Rams offense was terrible last year, this year the Bills cast off Aaron Kromer went to the Rams & their offense (Gurly) is having a monster year not to mention the Bills old WR corp is a big part of the resurgence of their offense . So when is to much change not a good thing ? I would love to sit & ask a NFL HC that question !! I believe change is made with good intentions but i guess you don't know until the full implementation of the change is made so as we all sit & hope that the changes made this year have been & will be for the good of the future of our team we all can wonder the what if's that we have seen over the last 17 yrs !! Here is another recent change that we can , will & have wondered about already this year . The last paragraph says it all about the differences that come along with change ... http://www.espn.com/blog/jacksonville-jaguars/post/_/id/23642/marcell-dareus-has-made-huge-difference-in-jaguars-run-defense
  11. Carr & Stafford signed new deals, Stafford signed his this year & Carr Last so they are not going to be FA's any time soon !! But the others may be ...
  12. Well if the new staff wouldn't have sat our starting QB they could have done what it thought they were going to do . Which is play out the year with Taylor at the helm & keep him in 2018 to work out his contract while they draft another QB & see how Peterman came along after one year of watching TT . But now a totally different plan going forward !! Now Tyrod is probably thinking he's out even if they don't want him to leave .
  13. You have a guy that is performing in the top 5 of all NFL QB's & you pull him because you want to see if your guy can do better ?? They should have let TT finish this year & have a open comp next year in TT last year with the team & draft another QB then it wouldn't have upset the entire deal as it has !! Not the smartest of moves !!
  14. Lets be real honest about the O Line --- COACH & SCHEME they both suck ! Arron Kromer our old coach is in L.A. & is the Rams new O lIne coach & Gurly along with the rest of there offense is doing really well !! I think this zone blocking scheme along with the O line coach Juan need to go !! I for the life of me can't figure out WHY i new coach coming in that is handed a offense that has had a top 5 rushing attack for TWO YEARS IN A ROW wants to tear it down & redo it ??? They all need to check their ego's at the door & IMHO the Pegula's should have pulled a J.J. move & told Rex keep Scwartz as the D coach you run the team & now told Mc D to keep the offensive coaches last year & just run the team . I baffles me which is easy to do but hey !! If it ain't broke don't fix it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. I feel for the dude he has and always be the ultimate team guy ! He could have put the screws to the team last year & just faked being injured & could have made a ton of cash & left the Bills on the hook for it but he didn't & to me that proved his make up he put the team & what he believed they could become first ! Nice guys always seem to finish last though . But I'm sure he will bounce back & be able to give another team the same as he did the Bills , but i would expect him to be more about the money now because of the old adage . Burn me once she on you Burn me twice shame on me ! Live & learn !!
  16. NOT !! They had proven that he wasn't a integral part of the D before they let him go !! He may have had little if any benefit especially the way he was playing before the trade ...
  17. With the pass rush they had going last night you would need a frankenstein QB of Montanna/Marino/Vick to do anything even near productive the O line wasn't doing well & the O coordinator needed to take shots down the field but because of the pass rush they had NO time !!
  18. They had one safety back & he should have at least tried to get someone deep . I saw a crossing pattern that Tyrod was under so much heat he apparently didn't see him on the crossing pattern WIDE OPEN !! That is one of Tyrods down falls is i don't think he sees the field quick enough . He had guys open at times & the really good QB's see that stuff or find a way to get more time to see it he just wasn't last night ! Dennison definitely needs to take more shots down field though weather the guys on the WR corp are good enough or not they need to make the other team at least think they are going to go long to loosen things up up front . No team can run good if there are 8 to 10 in the box every play even Shady ain't that good !!!
  19. You watched the same game i did the Jets didn't have any trouble with Thursday night !!! I think with all that was going on at one bills drive there may have been some distractions that took away from the prep for the game ...
  20. ABC - ESPN's parent company really screwed the pooch when they changed MNF from ABC to the ESPN sports network ! I can't remember the last time i watched MNF !! When AL left he took all the good stuff including himself to SNF which because of the move has made it (SNF) the game of the week & ABC along with ESPN r sucking hind t*# on this one !! And they don't like it !! Hey if your gonna be dumb you got to be tough !!!
  21. This would really be a huge mistake i believe & if this was to happen I'm not sure i would be a fan of what this FO is doing !! LT is one of the most important positions on offense & you can see the difference in the run game when Cordy is healthy so why would you be that foolish to give away one of your elite players ! Sure Dawkins is good but you need some veteran players & this is one of the cornerstones of the team if they can't see that they would be fools ! But hey they are employed by the Bills !! I hope it doesn't happen !!!
  22. So this is what mind altering drugs can do my dad told me about this kind of thing & now i know !!
  23. No kidding ! If you actually believe what you have written in this post you might want to look into what level the rest of the D has been playing at WITH OUT Dareus on the field !! The guy has had more than his share of chances while being a Bill & has gotten paid by the previous FO which was a foolish deal to say the least ! Lock a guy in to a contract that put's the team in salary cap purgatory & all's the player has to do is make one mistake & he's on the bench for 3/4's of the season because the dude just seemed to not care & why should he he's guaranteed $60 mill weather he plays or not ... Give me $60 mill & watch me sit on my ass too !!
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