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  2. Oh he'd definitely do it this time. If Trump got in it would be a bloodbath on day one. Thousands of swamp bureaucrats fired. Democrats will howl. Then he'd fire even more on day two. This is precisely why he will not be allowed to win again.
  3. This reminds me that just yesterday some dumb ***** on the right in Congress were defending Russia. This country we live in will be some sort of dictatorship in the future.
  4. This day reminds us all that freedom isnโ€™t free. Democracy isnโ€™t guaranteed and requires sacrifice to stand against tyranny. Today, that tyranny is Russia.
  5. You just know that Lron, Roundy, billsfuk.c et al. have brought a parent to a job interview
  6. Who carried their tape measure worrying about six feet? Dumb assess. Seeing all the fighting still going on Iโ€™m afraid we have learned nothing!
  7. Indeed, sad. You know what else is unbelievable? The assumption that we genuinely think you care about our law enforcement officers. Just another vessel for Roy to spread hate.
  8. They have nothing else to run on so it's "he's going to do this." The funny thing is he already was President and didn't do it then, but goldarnit he's going to do it the next time.
  9. Whereโ€™s the coward that started this thread? I notice a lot of these chicken ***** ran to another board where they are safe with only like minded people. Cowards!
  10. Dems screaming about the orange dude cause bidens policies not only suck. But then things like this just really nail why they focus on the other vs their guy.
  11. You don't need to mention him. He's always on your minds.
  12. Can't make it up. Hockel is backing off the congested tax as most hate it. And the rich folks are crying hard about it. God forbid the lady actually represents people vs special interest.
  13. Also, what's to stop tiered pricing where good games cost more than bad ones. Bills v. KC is $100 while Bears v. Carolina is $30. A la carte though. Yeah....
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