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Cheektowaga Chad

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  1. Possibly for a if he gets cut helping with him wanting to sign with the bills practice squad
  2. The Higgins hold out could get ugly Was reading about how he is screwed currently. A big year will just get tagged again, a down year and he won't get paid Basically where wr salaries are and headed to. If he has a big year Cincy will just tag him again where he would be well worth his cap hit at roughly 26 mil or so
  3. I feel a thread like this starts every off season and then said player is an all pro
  4. It's weird he isn't there, not a huge deal or a even a sign that he is a bad teammate But definitely weird, it's the first team practice and you were a pretty big trade piece. You gotta be there
  5. Dolphins gonna play 4d chess and screw the bills over with the contract they hand over to tua If tua gets 60 per Allen is worth 100 per
  6. Could you even prove that the cap went up x dollars because of swift? Like I'm sure she had a hand in the increase in revenue but how would you even attack proving her worth Any sort of analysis you could theoretically bring to the table would easily be dismissed as "this is the NFL we also do numbers with or without you"
  7. I don't like the Netflix games........ because it gives who ever is hosting Christmas for my family way too much control over if the games are on Maybe they don't have a subscription, maybe they don't remember the password, maybe the Internet is down, maybe their Internet sucks and can't stream and play video games at the same time I don't like it
  8. Every schedule looks rough It's the same that with strength of schedule being discussed in May, it doesn't mean much I don't know how many years the bills looked to have an easy schedule when it came out only to have a top 5 strength of schedule by the end of the season. Like wise the other way as well
  9. With Thursday week two, likely a 1pm Sunday week one game in my opinion
  10. I think his leg strength will keep him floating around in the NFL/training camps for a couple years If he continues to improve his accuracy I could see him being on a roster somewhere getting a chance
  11. I think they end up pearsell without the trade I'm one of the few that think pearsell ends up being a lot better than worthy in the NFL
  12. This pick and the reaction now officially reminds me of the Josh Allen pick The night of the pick beane mentions how Josh Allen is "buffalo" and how everyone is gonna love him The next day Josh Allen has a press conference and instantly see what beane was saying and I understood the pick more Last night beane mentions how the media will love cover him and that everyone will like keon Coleman Now watching parts of this press conference, I see what beane was saying and I'm in board with the pick
  13. We should, the last time the bills built the foundation they were starting with who? Maybe Kyle williams? They got Allen cook Kincaid Dawkins Oliver Milano benard this go around
  14. This draft reminds me a lot of the first McDermott draft, where it seemed the bills placed high priority on character, locker room fit, leadership and college production Slight change from when the bills were draft more on athleticism and potential the last couple years
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