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  1. Probably crapped in his uniform, again. Lamar 'leaves it all on the field'.
  2. It is very hard for an individual, to file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. He is probably screwed. Thoughts, and Prayers. (Cough, cough..)
  3. Mmmm...Carry on with your victory. 😅
  4. I remember Trent spiking the ball on 4th down, against Miami.
  5. He'll need to spend half of that in therapy, to cure his gag reflex.
  6. It was an amazing kick. He kicked it from the 10, and it landed at the Colts 15, before rolling into the end zone. The kick had a WTF? Wow! factor!
  7. In a preseason game against the Colts, Araiza kicked from around the Bills 10-yard line, and the ball made it inside the end zone. (I was there) Araiza had won the kicking job with that single punt, and then, the worst happened. (Officially an 82 yard punt, with a net of 62 yards)
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