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  1. Past hour
  2. Kinda reminds me of the Bills in 2020 when they were just decimating teams
  3. You can check in anytime you like but you can never leave. *guitar solo*
  4. I live in Seattle proper and will be going to that game. Feel free to message me if you'd like info on the city, it's a great town and also very neighborhoody - there's ways to do it right and wrong.
  5. The 1973 Tainan,Taiwan Little League World Series Champions. A true juggernaut if there ever was one.
  6. I think the fins take a step back as mua is found out and Rodgers is washed up. The Jets are media and ratings darlings but not a threat to take the division.
  7. Not sure how you came to that conclusion.
  8. đź’Ż talk to someone from the city for ten minutes and you would get that info. Roger Dodger doubles down and chooses 2 green teams so no one could be targeted-genius level planning and execution right there. In reality and all kidding aside I doubt if people would target NFL fans the week leading up to a game based on jersey color- easy targets and sticking out like sore thumbs maybe but not jersey color. If there was a soccer exhibition in Chicago I doubt if people would target Fiorentina fans because their jerseys are the same color as the Vikings.
  9. IOL and WR are fairly obvious, but I'm also watching Safety closely. I think Bishop might have a slow start considering a totally new system as well as improving his coverage skills. Fingers crossed he comes out of the gate on fire and my hand wringing is for nothing.
  10. (Let's dance) for fear your grace should fall (Let's dance) for fear tonight is all (Let's sway) you could look into my eyes (Let's sway) under the moonlight, this serious moonlight
  11. Plus he was focused more on football and not Friday dance party once Lil dirty left.
  12. The NFL did no research on Corinthians Pretty hilarious that a multi-billion dollar corporation overlooks something like this
  13. You mean holder since we don't plan on putting more than once a game this year. Whoever is the best holder will win the job. Remember we had old, injured and slow poyer and hyde last year- not all pro po and all world Hyde from 3 years ago. I don't expect the safety play to drop off and could be a slight improvement as long as Rapp stops taking out our own players and stops getting late hit calls. Dude has to reel it back a smidge.
  14. What’s your personal stance here, Daz. SC justices have received massive advances from corporate America (this article details a near million dollar payout for Justice Jackson), free tickets to premier venues of billionaire artists, gifted artwork, free travel/lodging/meals and substantial payouts by universities—and this article involves no significant deep dive into the true financial picture of any justice on the court. Why does Justice Thomas in particular earn your scorn here? https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/07/supreme-court-clarence-thomas-financial-disclosures-00162311
  15. I overall agree with you but I think you are truly upset at the fact that the cigars are not gonna drop in price!
  16. This country also varies greatly by zip code. Americans mostly know what part of their city can be dangerous, and how people find that trouble. Buffalo has its share of issues for example, but I’m not stressed out in most locations. In South America even the glamorous decent looking neighborhoods aren’t very safe. As far as per capita crime rates, I’m not sure how some have such inaccurate information. It actually is far higher in South America than the US. There’s a reason that survey’s in places like Brazil indicate the majority would like to leave their country. Brazil like much of South America has a fun culture, with people who enjoy life, but even locals don’t feel safe at any time.
  17. IMO La'el Collins isn't as safe here as you're assuming. I could certainly be wrong, but I thought so even before he has been getting his butt whipped at OTAs. We'll see.
  18. In 60 years politics inside the US has stopped an opportunity to close a huge gap in security. This week Russian War ships will visit Havana. Hard not to see this coming. Hard to imagine not being able to have a treaty, understanding and positive relationship with Cuba that benefits both parties. Hard to imagine a country starving could not be influenced. Hard to imagine the US oenaluzed Canada for having politicians visit Cuba. Hard to imagine this is about mob money and personal wealth of a few Cubsn refugees. Thousands died fighting in Vietnam for a fraction of the strategic possibilities. Hard to imagine having a military base in a country you have no relationship with. Welcome back to the real Cold War. Every politician and activist that stopped a development of a positive relationship with Cuba since 2016 when Fidel died should be paraded through the streets of Washington and exposed. Price of poker just went up!
  19. If you need a Designated Drunk Driver, I’m your guy! 🍺 Houston would actually be cool. It’s a sneaky huge city I’m curious about. I looked it up a few years ago and Houston had as many Fortune 1000 companies as Atlanta and Chicago combined.
  20. Today
  21. This is going to be the new way I discipline my kids.
  22. viewership went down during the season, meaning they were losing viewers....new and old.
  23. That is crazy that Trump had the authority, because he did it. When did Biden lose the authority?
  24. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
  25. No offense, but I’m gonna go with the abundance of caution that the State Department provides. Your assessment sounds like the guy who says “Yeah, my grandfather smoked four packs a day and lived to 100, so it must be safe”
  26. Facts we know about Fauci: 1) he knew that the virus came from the lab but lied about it 2) he knew we paid for the research but did not admit it until Rand Paul called him out. 3) he promoted the masks even though he knew it had no scientific backing 4) he profited from the situation through the NIH. I can not state for certain his reasons for these things but these are all factual statements which basically can summed up to point out that he had one real job, he did it poorly, he lied about it and then he profited off of his poor job.
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