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  1. I think we, the fans, will worry about this more than Josh and Beane. They will get a deal done when it is time.
  2. Watched about 1/3 - I do not have patience to sit there and just listen to guys talk football and spew various stats. The gist was pretty simple - improved with Brady as OC - ran the ball more and effectively - stoped killing themselves in no man’s land just across midfield but before sure FG range. The one point in the analysis that scares me going forward is Bass has to be better at FG’s.
  3. This is a good breakdown. To me Beane is a B and could have an A except for key misses on both the O line and dline. The Bills have put together a very respectable o-line. I would argue that the D-line is mediocre. The Dline has hurt the Bills in the playoffs. I think Beane is good - He found JA but without JA he does not show enough for me to say he is absolutely top tier.
  4. Not unl;Ike Bills trading for Bledsoe. He was not personally controversial but not a good move.
  5. I believe it is SB or bust for McD this year. Who knows, he has been outcoached by Reid in the playoffs. He was allowed to replace his coordinators so the excuse cookie jar has to be empty. I am not a McD hater but with JA 17 on your roster there is no measure other than win a Lombardi at this point. Yeah, JA has not been consistent in the playoffs. Maybe this speaks to coaching. Hard to say.
  6. Yep, he just needs the team around him to get slightly better, especially in the playoffs. With this said it was interesting at one point last year the Bills were a .500 team. Yes, enter Joe Brady but the D and ST’s were also not good enough. The Bills to beat KC and others in the stacked AFC have to be able to play all three phases in a game.
  7. I am about 1/3 of the way through. The Bills have just failed to play well in the preseason - especially against the Bengals and the Chiefs. There’s little else to say. The situation is not on Josh - Bills need better coaching, d and ST’s during the playoffs in that order.
  8. The bar for @BringBackFergy has never been much above ground level. However, in this situation Claypool is a likely #5 receiver and he therefore deserves the name. We should thank BBF for bringing attention to this.
  9. The ***** …. How else would women survive and Bills fans communicate their love for Tom Brady?
  10. Yeah but the real test will come when he thinks “he has made it.” The fight in him has too endure for the full season. Let’s hope it does.
  11. I tend to believe this at some level. The primary difference being that the NFL is now a pass driven league vs. the old, nope gone, era of a run 1st league. You have to have people who can throw and catch. It’s also interesting that the CB market is no longer what it used to be. I think the WR market will settle out to be more like this vs it being like RB.
  12. Irritable bowel syndrome? You have to run a lot, I guess you are in excellent shape.
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