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Millbank is at the doctors today


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Last spring when I was talking to millbank he had informed me that he was very ill .A lot of prayers went out to him in a thread that I posted . He like myself was very over weight (I still am) . When he had seen the doctor last year the doctor told him that there was nothing he could do for him in part do to his large size . He never really said what was wrong with himself as I belive he is a somewhat of a private person and I did not want to pry. I do know that about a month ago he had sent me a pm about how he was doing . I was shocked and very happy at the same time about his weight loss . I am sorry that I do not remember what he said his exact weight loss was but I think it was over 150lbs ( could have been close to 200 ) .


Below is what Grant wanted me to post for him today as he vist the doctor that he saw last spring .





I appreciated post in believe last spring. I was really just so surprised how many extended well wishes.

Have always assumed me living in Canada, my Christian views and me being a knucklehead , few would have noticed at all I was not about , those that did notice, relieved at my lack of presence . Can't tell you how humbled and appreciative I was and am of the many kind thoughts and people. From yourself Rande, to Tom, Steve, Fezmid, I was going to mention and so many more, you have become friends. How thankful I am of Scott for he allowing this person to post on this forum and appreciative of those who do the work of keeping this wonderful place going.

The past year has certainly been a odyssey, it beginning with a Doctor telling me there was no hope for me, to long days of being in a little room not being able to move from bed.

In time being able to get in wheel chair and later on being able at times to use walker and actually be able to be independent and take care of myself somewhat, even getting on buses and being able to get Christmas presents for family. Don't we all appreciate better the things we have when we lose them , then are blessed to regain them again.

Seems crazy but little things like putting on my own clothes, shaving , brushing teeth, pulling socks on, going out for walks and seeing the blue sky and feeling the cold air on skin again.

Monday I return to Doctor who told me he could do nothing for me, it will be fun to say, " remember me, still here. He will do now what he said he was not able to a year ago. Have not idea what the future holds, but I am confident in the Lord , his will , will be done.

I appreciate you all and Love you very much. Thank you.





Hope your vist goes well today grant .

Get well soon .

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That's the spirit I like! :( A big, "Screw you!" to the doctor. ;)


Good luck, Grant!!!!


I'm sure it wasn't his intention, but reading that story now, it almost looks like a "there's nothing I can do, you have to do it yourself" type comment. It probably wasn't, but hey, it appears to have worked out pretty well.

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GO MILLBANK! Congrats on the weight loss as well. 1st step to rebuilding health for you I'm hoping. :(

Like you, it looks like the Leafs are on a path to wellness also. Generally playing better since they made the gm move.

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