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Working Hard in the Off-Season…Aaron Rodgers Style (Spinning Conspiracy Yarns to Pass the Time)

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On 4/11/2024 at 10:24 PM, NoHuddleKelly12 said:

While Josh enjoys a round of golf ️ now and then to the chagrin of many here instead of posting his workout sessions…

If I were a Jests fan, I’d start being very afraid that my supposed all-in QB fresh off of his Achilles is going to let me down this year too…just a hunch! 🤷🏼‍♂️




Some gems 💎 from this guy’s latest pod…


Due to Kennedy’s views, as well as his family history, Rodgers believes the independent candidate is ‘in danger.’

‘They killed his uncle, killed his dad,’ Rodgers said. ‘We know the CIA was involved. I mean, they can’t declassify it because it’s so damning. We know the FBI was involved…”


Bobby’s in danger. He’s putting himself on the line. Why? Because he f***ing believes in this country.

That is, like I said earlier, the archetype of everything we love about Luke Skywalker and Han Solo,’ Rodgers continued, ‘everything we love about Frodo and Sam and Eragon, and Gandolf, and Merry and Pip. Everything that we love about Gamora and Groot and Rocket and Drax… These people believe in something.’ “

Is it just me or is this guy sounding a little too checked out even by off-season standards? 


I won’t say much, because people in glass houses should not throw stones.


Due to the fact that I honestly believed for the last two years HUDS has been slowly poisoning me in my Swanson Hungry Man Lasagnas.


Why didn’t I stop if I thought this was the case?


They are just so yummy and I realize I have a problem. 

Go Bills.




Edited by dollars 2 donuts
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2 hours ago, SoTier said:


Name three conspiracy theories that have been around for a quarter of a century or more that have been proven true.   I asked you this question before at the beginning of this thread and you never answered, so answer it now or you will prove that you are the one who is " not a serious person or you live in an echo chamber" -- and that you no respect others' view:





Omg, the horror 😏

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On 4/12/2024 at 3:18 AM, julian said:

Nothing wrong with challenging group think, the conspiracy theorist tag is pretty silly at this point in history with all that’s been proven correct after carrying conspiracy label.


 You’d think people would know better by now.


Group think is Rampant everywhere. If you take a middle ground stance on something, 40 percent of the country will be furious at you one way or the other.


Conspiracy theories are generally exaggerated version of things that people should be concerned about.  Unfortunately, some people on the left are willing to call any deviation from media reported status quo a conspiracy theory.  In the same way, some people on the right will call any belief system different from theirs "woke".


If people stopped calling people overused buzzwords to demonize opponents and talked things out more, the world would be a better place.



Edited by dgrochester55
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13 minutes ago, dgrochester55 said:


Group think is Rampant everywhere. If you take a middle ground stance on something, 40 percent of the country will be furious at you one way or the other.


Conspiracy theories are generally exaggerated version of things that people should be concerned about.  Unfortunately, some people on the left are willing to call any deviation from media reported status quo a conspiracy theory.  In the same way, some people on the right will call any belief system different from theirs "woke".


If people stopped calling people overused buzzwords to demonize opponents and talked things out more, the world would be a better place.



100% agree, social media has contorted reality for many… most people, I’d say 70% pretty much believe in the same principles and understand the world around them in the same manner.


 It’s social media that has everyone believing we’re all so different.

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“How’s that worked out? All these effing bums who have been in government forever, who are insider trading like crazy and lining their pockets during their terms and post career, how’s that working out? How’s that working out for the average Joe, middle class or lower-middle class like I grew up, how’s that working out for those people? Not too good. How’s it working? Housing prices. Cost of food. The inflation that’s going on, chronic disease, homelessness, unemployment? How’s it working out?“ - Aaron Rodgers

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4 hours ago, SoTier said:

Name three conspiracy theories that have been around for a quarter of a century or more that have been proven true.  


Funny enough, my phone must have seen me reading your post, because shortly after my FB feed suggested this article...


11 Unbelievable Conspiracy Theories That Were Actually True | HowStuffWorks

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One of my happiest days as a Bills' fan, at least when it comes to a competitor's move, was the day the jets signed Rogers, a quickly fading, narcissistic head case.  It meant HUGE money tied up in a player who would never come close to challenging the Bills, and one team wrecking head case added to one of the three teams in their division. 


Now, he just gets worse and worse, crazier and crazier, and is as  dumb as a box corn flakes. And throw in 'despicable character' to boot, and I assume all attending the Jets game are looking forward to letting that nut have it, and relentlessly,  when he comes to town.


I hope he keeps exerting his power and control over his team--and also takes a cue from Brady and plays many more years...


Edited by Mister Defense
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On 4/13/2024 at 12:46 PM, julian said:

This is common knowledge, many so called conspiracy theories have been proven correct, not sure how you don’t know this. I could list plenty but what’s the point ? You’re obviously coming from a place of skepticism and if you were genuinely interested in educating yourself about the topic you would have already done so and certainly wouldn’t be relying on a stranger on a message board to do so.


Like I said, it’s really not controversial or interesting so I’m not going to entertain the back and forth, I respect your views and hope you have a nice weekend.


I don't think you understand the difference between a conspiracy and a conspiracy theory.  


If something illegal or sinister or unethical, occurs that's the result of two or more people planning it, that's a conspiracy.  Conspiracies leave clues that remain available after the fact to investigators -- conspirators themselves, people that conspirators may have confided in or confessed to or who may have seen something/heard relevant to the conspiracy, forensic evidence, various paper or electronic records, surveillance film or photos, etc.  Investigators may not be able to gather enough evidence to convict the conspirators in a court of law  or it may take them many years to get enough evidence to do so, but there is always some evidence of the conspiracy very early on in any investigation.    An example of a famous conspiracy in the US: Oklahoma City Bombing


A conspiracy theory is an alleged conspiracy that's lacking with any substantial evidence that an a conspiracy exists.   The supposed "evidence" that supports conspiracy theories is most often denial that a single individual could have carried out the action so there must be others involved.  Another kind of "evidence" believers cite to support some conspiracy theories is pseudo-science or debunked science.  Frequently supporters of conspiracy theories may cite coincidences or omissions or mistakes as "evidence" of a conspiracy by someone. 

Conspiracy theories linger for decades because no evidence ever comes to light, no matter how much rehashing of the facts.  There are no death bed confessions from co-conspirators.  No researchers working on other historical events about the same time never find some physical evidence that sheds new light on anything.

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1 hour ago, SoTier said:


I don't think you understand the difference between a conspiracy and a conspiracy theory.  


If something illegal or sinister or unethical, occurs that's the result of two or more people planning it, that's a conspiracy.  Conspiracies leave clues that remain available after the fact to investigators -- conspirators themselves, people that conspirators may have confided in or confessed to or who may have seen something/heard relevant to the conspiracy, forensic evidence, various paper or electronic records, surveillance film or photos, etc.  Investigators may not be able to gather enough evidence to convict the conspirators in a court of law  or it may take them many years to get enough evidence to do so, but there is always some evidence of the conspiracy very early on in any investigation.    An example of a famous conspiracy in the US: Oklahoma City Bombing


A conspiracy theory is an alleged conspiracy that's lacking with any substantial evidence that an a conspiracy exists.   The supposed "evidence" that supports conspiracy theories is most often denial that a single individual could have carried out the action so there must be others involved.  Another kind of "evidence" believers cite to support some conspiracy theories is pseudo-science or debunked science.  Frequently supporters of conspiracy theories may cite coincidences or omissions or mistakes as "evidence" of a conspiracy by someone. 

Conspiracy theories linger for decades because no evidence ever comes to light, no matter how much rehashing of the facts.  There are no death bed confessions from co-conspirators.  No researchers working on other historical events about the same time never find some physical evidence that sheds new light on anything.

I think everyone reading this discussion who operates in good faith understands what’s being discussed without the need for a Wikipedia reference. 

 Everyone knows what the original poster meant when referencing conspiracy theories, even if the definition only somewhat overlaps the topic at hand in this thread.


 The bottom line is people throw around the term conspiracy theory now like it’s going out of style, most often done so to shut down any real conversation, that was the only point I was making, nothing more.


 I‘ll politely bow to you good sir and allow you stake your ground on this subject and take home the win.


And for the last time I’m out, I mean it this time lol.

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On 4/13/2024 at 3:19 PM, CoudyBills said:


23 hours ago, Just Jack said:


Funny enough, my phone must have seen me reading your post, because shortly after my FB feed suggested this article...


11 Unbelievable Conspiracy Theories That Were Actually True | HowStuffWorks


Thanks for the enlightenment.   I think that many of those conspiracy theories, though, rather quickly crossed over to real conspiracies because evidence that there was some truth to them was found.    The Business Coup was discovered before it took place.   President Kennedy nixed the CIA's terror plot they intended to blame on Cuba.  The 1970s CIA assassination plots were discovered by Congress only a few years in.   


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this guy is one of the most gullible people ever.  His comments on the origin of AIDS is so beyond ignorant that I really do not care about anything he ever has to say.


I hope Ed Oliver plants him two feet into the ground on the first play of the game when the bills play the jets.


I will say he is perfect for the jets organization.  Straight up garbage at the top of that organization.  Which is why I guess his ignorant comments are allowed.

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This quote is a perfect summary of why so many poorly educated dolts suddenly feel like they know ***** about anything. It’s unreal:


”"And if you do even a smidge of research—and I know, I'm not an epidemiologist, I'm not a doctor, I'm not an immunologist, whatever the f***—I can read, though. And I can learn and look things up just like any normal person, you know. I can do my own research, which is so vilified, to even question authority." - Aaron Rodgers. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 4/13/2024 at 2:47 PM, julian said:

100% agree, social media has contorted reality for many… most people, I’d say 70% pretty much believe in the same principles and understand the world around them in the same manner.


 It’s social media that has everyone believing we’re all so different.

plus this idea that everyone has to take a stance on everything instead of accepting we don’t know much about most of it

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5 hours ago, Commish said:

I thought I couldn't dislike this guy any more than I already did  ... wrong:



Doing a 2+ hour interview with Tucker Carlson definitely wouldn't assuage my worries of him being Kennedy's running mate in the election if I was a Jets fan.

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Posted (edited)
On 4/11/2024 at 10:24 PM, NoHuddleKelly12 said:

While Josh enjoys a round of golf ️ now and then to the chagrin of many here instead of posting his workout sessions…

If I were a Jests fan, I’d start being very afraid that my supposed all-in QB fresh off of his Achilles is going to let me down this year too…just a hunch! 🤷🏼‍♂️




Some gems 💎 from this guy’s latest pod…


Due to Kennedy’s views, as well as his family history, Rodgers believes the independent candidate is ‘in danger.’

‘They killed his uncle, killed his dad,’ Rodgers said. ‘We know the CIA was involved. I mean, they can’t declassify it because it’s so damning. We know the FBI was involved…”


Bobby’s in danger. He’s putting himself on the line. Why? Because he f***ing believes in this country.

That is, like I said earlier, the archetype of everything we love about Luke Skywalker and Han Solo,’ Rodgers continued, ‘everything we love about Frodo and Sam and Eragon, and Gandolf, and Merry and Pip. Everything that we love about Gamora and Groot and Rocket and Drax… These people believe in something.’ “

Is it just me or is this guy sounding a little too checked out even by off-season standards? 


Had not read this previously..


Rodgers gets more and more nuts with each passing day, it seems.


Cannot wait for his sorry kiester to step onto the field at the Ralph on December 29th.


The fans will be ready.


But again, I have confidence this nut will not be playing by that time, injured again--or in a padded room, and in a straight jacket, in Bellevue. Or both.





Edited by Mister Defense
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