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Working Hard in the Off-Season…Aaron Rodgers Style (Spinning Conspiracy Yarns to Pass the Time)

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8 hours ago, billsfan714 said:

The Kennedy assassination is the mother lode of conspiracy theories, and increased distrust in the government.   Depending on your bent, it was the CIA, the mafia, the KGB, the fatal shot was an accidental shooting from a secret service agent discharging his weapon from a car in the back of the motorcade.   I recently watched a documentary on amazon, where the gist of it was Kennedy faked his own death and put a squib (movie special effect for a gunshot) on his head and was living with Aristotle Onassis---that's why Jackie married him.   There's 5 right there.

The one I heard was that JFK was going to be a boxer before entering politics but he couldn't take a shot to the head.

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Listen up Sheeple. We all know Aaron Rodgers won the Superbowl, the MVP, and the Miss USA pageant last year, and the CIA, Zombie Ralph Wilson. The Bilderberg Group, Joe Biden, Michael Jackson and the Franciscan Gay Man's Catholic Choir of Nova Zemba covered it up, and made up a story about him hurting his Achillies in the first game, when WE KNOW THATS NOT THE TRUTH ESPECIALLY BECAUSE OF MY USE OF ALL CAPS!!!! Do your research.  If Aaron Rodgers has hurt his Achillies tendon (and we all know the Trojans won that war, not the Greeks-so much fake fighting, so much fraud, Agamemnon is a loser. It shouldn't be called the Achillies tendon)  if he had hurt his tendon he would have gone into his dark Gotham Batcave below the stadium with the bones of Jimmy Hoffa, planted his ankle in the ground like a mushroom, taken more mushrooms, burned a truckload of COVID vaccines and VIOLA! Instant healing!!! Big Pharma lies!!! Connect the dots. Rodgers is a Jet. What leaves chemtrails-Jets.  Who flies the planes-the Lizard people. What color are lizards? Green.  And how do we really know Al Green isn't the antichrist? Do you have any pictures of him hanging out with Jesus? YOU DO NOT! So to recap -Aaraon Rodgers-stable genius -miracle worker - Superbowl LVIII MVP and emperor of Arrakis! He has all the spice.

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7 hours ago, julian said:

Although your ratio is obviously exaggerated immensely to help drive home your point that even though sometimes outlandish sounding claims end up being true, many times they’re just incorrect stories, I do agree with you.


 My point wasn’t to say every story or claim made is true, it was simply to say the conspiracy theory label is thrown around by some people who’d rather not think critically or question their own belief system.

How do you know?

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Just now, julian said:

Because I’m 51 years old and have lived in the world.. we obviously disagree and that’s ok, I respect your views point.

That's not empirical evidence. 

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2 minutes ago, Doc Brown said:

That's not empirical evidence. 

The fact you can’t admit that some so called “conspiracy theories” have proven to be true over time, just means your not a serious person or you live in an echo chamber, either way I respect your views and you have a great evening.

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15 hours ago, stevestojan said:

The weirdest part about our modern conspiracy theorists is that they seemingly believe every conspiracy. It’s like they do it just to be argumentative. They’d likely get more traction with their whacked out ideas if they were a bit more selective. 

Totally agree.   While there is nothing wrong with skepticism, that same skepticism should also be applied to the conspiracy theory and the motive of the people peddling it.   You will frequently find it's money.   Buy my book, watch my movie/documentary, buy my miracle cure, listen to my podcast, watch my youtube channel.    There's plenty of grift money to be made.   

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2 hours ago, julian said:

The fact you can’t admit that some so called “conspiracy theories” have proven to be true over time, just means your not a serious person or you live in an echo chamber, either way I respect your views and you have a great evening.

I admit some have been proven true but proper context is needed on what qualifies as conspiracies before determining whether over 99% of them are bs.  There's 1,000's of 9/11 conspiracy theories of who did it but obviously only one of them can be correct.  I'm not trying to be difficult here.

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14 hours ago, SoTier said:


What conspiracy theories have been "proven correct"?   After 60 years, there's as much proof that the CIA killed Kennedy as there is that the Cubans, Russians or Mafia killed him.   John Wilkes Booth died in a barn in southern Virginia in April 1865.  FDR didn't know about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor before it happened.   Hitler didn't escape to South America.  Astronauts landed on the moon several times.   9/11 wasn't "an inside job".   Speculation, rumors, coincidences, debunked pseudo-scientific theories and outright lies do not constitute "proof". 


And it was Tessio that betrayed Michael Corleone, I always suspected it was Clemenza, but Tessio was smarter.

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8 hours ago, nedboy7 said:

There are morons who believe in every conspiracy. Then there are morons who think there are no conspiracies. 



There are some conspiracies. A very very small percentage of them are true. 


Ben Franklin said it. "Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead." If there's no clear evidence, it's almost certainly not true.



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9 hours ago, nedboy7 said:

There are morons who believe in every conspiracy. Then there are morons who think there are no conspiracies. 

There are also all the morons in the middle


basically there are a lot of morons

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17 hours ago, julian said:

The fact you can’t admit that some so called “conspiracy theories” have proven to be true over time, just means your not a serious person or you live in an echo chamber, either way I respect your views and you have a great evening.


Name three conspiracy theories that have been around for a quarter of a century or more that have been proven true.   I asked you this question before at the beginning of this thread and you never answered, so answer it now or you will prove that you are the one who is " not a serious person or you live in an echo chamber" -- and that you no respect others' view:


On 4/12/2024 at 9:19 AM, SoTier said:


What conspiracy theories have been "proven correct"?   After 60 years, there's as much proof that the CIA killed Kennedy as there is that the Cubans, Russians or Mafia killed him.   John Wilkes Booth died in a barn in southern Virginia in April 1865.  FDR didn't know about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor before it happened.   Hitler didn't escape to South America.  Astronauts landed on the moon several times.   9/11 wasn't "an inside job".   Speculation, rumors, coincidences, debunked pseudo-scientific theories and outright lies do not constitute "proof". 



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18 minutes ago, SoTier said:


Name three conspiracy theories that have been around for a quarter of a century or more that have been proven true.   I asked you this question before at the beginning of this thread and you never answered, so answer it now or you will prove that you are the one who is " not a serious person or you live in an echo chamber" -- and that you no respect others' view:



This is common knowledge, many so called conspiracy theories have been proven correct, not sure how you don’t know this. I could list plenty but what’s the point ? You’re obviously coming from a place of skepticism and if you were genuinely interested in educating yourself about the topic you would have already done so and certainly wouldn’t be relying on a stranger on a message board to do so.


Like I said, it’s really not controversial or interesting so I’m not going to entertain the back and forth, I respect your views and hope you have a nice weekend.

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On 4/12/2024 at 9:19 AM, SoTier said:

What conspiracy theories have been "proven correct"?   After 60 years, there's as much proof that the CIA killed Kennedy as there is that the Cubans, Russians or Mafia killed him.   John Wilkes Booth died in a barn in southern Virginia in April 1865.  FDR didn't know about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor before it happened.   Hitler didn't escape to South America.  Astronauts landed on the moon several times.   9/11 wasn't "an inside job".


Yeah, but did Churchill know about Coventry?

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one huge difference between Jr and his father and uncle.  they both mattered,  were trying to challenge and or change existing parts of the govmint that some very very powerful people were not happy about changing.  Jr,  isnt important, hes a nobody with a famous name.  so Aron can take a break and.....relax.... and stop worrying.

Edited by bigduke6
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