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How do we pull the impossible and beat the Pats?


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Blitz 3 on obvious passing downs. Clog the middle in coverage. Lewis is squirrely but should be able to stop the run.  Completely remove Gronk from the equation and make them beat us with Cooks or vice versa. 


Their D is not great, so we will get our chances. I predict we will lose, but it'll be close- nothing like the Saints. 

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Actually you have to hit Brady constantly. Incessantly . You don't need to sack him, just hit him with relentless regularity. Make him move laterally, do not allow him the middle of the pocket to step up into. These things are well documented. No one can cover Gronkowski one on one. Dust off some game films , such as last years playoffs Vs HOU. If the Texans had even a mediocre QB like Tyrod in that game, they probably pull off the upset. Check out Wade Phillips Denver defense in the AFC title game a few years ago. He said he borrowed many of those schemes from Rex and the Bills Monday night game at New England that year. These things haven't changed. There is no Edelman to deal with.The Ravens wins over the Pats in the playoffs are worth a look too. The AFC divisional round win featured less than twenty passes by Flacco. That's a formula the Bills could follow.  I don't think the Bills have the horses on D to pull it off, but it's truly the only chance they have. Play keep away on offense. TOP is huge vs New England. It's much easier said than done. 

Edited by Boatdrinks
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Lot of people are saying blitz, but another thread today indicates that Brady has thrown 70 TD's vs. 0 picks when at least rushers come at him.  Blitzing the guy has never worked and won't work Sunday.  HE can tell exactly what you're going to do when he sets up, and knows exactly where to go with the ball before the snap.  You blitz him you're pretty much saying you want to lose the game.


The only teams to have success against him, like the Super Bowl Giants, were able to get pressure from their base front four, especially up the middle.  I'd be throwing a lot of D line stunts his way to try and free guys up on the rush. 


Offensively I believe they are ranked pretty low in rush defense.  Dennison needs to do what they did coming out of the bye week; go back to man blocking schemes that worked well for this O line, give Shady a better chance to make yards, and let TT run the ball more.  Try to control the clock and keep the ball out of Brady's hands. 


For us to have any chance, each line has to play their absolute best.  Odds are low, but odds are low any week for whomever goes up against Brady.  Just the way it is right now.  The guy is that good.

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Seriously what about controlling the clock?   Belicheat's game plan doing the same to the '90 Bills is in the hall of fame.


Why not snap the ball at the last possible second according to the play clock to give them less time to operate?   If we try to trade rhythm up tempo possessions with them we are going to get murdered, we always do.  Fewer possessions gives them less times to figure out our D and less time to score.   Keeping the score low worked for the 90's Giants so why would we not take that chance? 

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Ball control. Game plan for long, clock consuming drives on offense to keep Brady off the field. Defensively, they need to do a better job covering the middle of the field, as they've needed to all year. He's going to unload the ball quickly, three step drop and out, gonna be tough to get to him with a 4-man rush. But even if they aren't getting to him, at least collapse the pocket and get some hits on him. If I'm Frazier I'd also work on showing them some different fronts/looks/disguises, hopefully stuff that they haven't put on film too much this season. This Bills defense works on preventing the big play by keeping everything short and underneath but that's where Brady lives. He'll take those short slants and out routes all day and nickel and dime his way down the field. To me, one of the biggest reasons for the Pats' sustained success is that they really don't have a strict offensive or defensive identity. They practice everything so they can morph into different schemes based on their opponents. One week they'll beat a team with a vertical passing game, the next week they'll run it 35 times, after that they'll run the dink and dunk. They're just always so prepared for anything that they can play just about any style or system they want.

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On their very first possession, hold all of their receivers at the line (literally, tackle them), and send 6 after Brady.  Have as many as possible dog pile him even after he throws it or hands it off.  Take the 15 yard penalty for roughing the passer.  Repeat this process until Brady is out of the game.  After that, figure out how to score against their defense.

Edited by Peace Frog
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2 minutes ago, Peace Frog said:

On their very first possession, hold all of their receivers at the line (literally, tackle them), and send 6 after Brady.  Have as many as possible dog pile him even after he throws it or hands it off.  Take the 15 yard penalty for roughing the passer.  Repeat this process until Brady is out of the game.  After that, figure out how to score against their defense.

How many players will we lose for the game though from ejections?

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