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The Golden Age of Football is Over?

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I do think the future of the QB position is the legitimate concern.


IMO it's difficult to avoid a socioeconomic conversation when looking at the future of football, but I think there's a disconnect between the situations where parents aren't allowing their kids to play and the type of players who eventually end up in the NFL.


I really am worried about that as well, which is why I want us to keep Tyrod in 2018 even if we do draft a QB.


I had forgotten about Matt Barkley. People were legitimately thinking that he might go first overall, and almost certainly a first round pick had he declared in 2011. He had a let down in 2012, where he showed the problems that still plague him. The lesson for a lot of players is "if you qualify to be drafted, and you have one fantastic season at QB and there is any doubt you might not have another, you take your chances in the draft"

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Which golden age? The winged-T? Option? Steel Curtain? Run and Shoot? Tampa 2? Spread?

The game evolves.

They have made rule changes to make the game safer but the unintended consequence is an imbalance favoring the offense.

The next shift that needs to happen is to change PI to a 15 yard penalty and not a spot foul, as well as an emphasis on offensive PI. This will help level the playing field.

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Check out what Riddell and Vicis are doing with helmets. The new helmets that are coming out are significantly better at absorbing the impact than the current helmets. Kind of like when cars went from rigid bodies to bodies with crumple zones.

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Which golden age? The winged-T? Option? Steel Curtain? Run and Shoot? Tampa 2? Spread?

The game evolves.

They have made rule changes to make the game safer but the unintended consequence is an imbalance favoring the offense.

The next shift that needs to happen is to change PI to a 15 yard penalty and not a spot foul, as well as an emphasis on offensive PI. This will help level the playing field.

I don't believe there was ever a run n shoot fad in the nfl... even though it would be awesome


Unless your talking HS and college

Edited by Buffalo716
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I think a good analogy is boxing. For those of us old enough to remember, the sport was right there with Baseball and Football. Basketball and Hockey were a notch below.


Boxing still exist today obviously, but it is no where near the level it was 30-40 years ago. Somewhere along the line, some, not all of the would be boxers moved to different options. Why? because you don't have to get you head bashed in to make a lot of money. And, only a few boxers made money.


Could we be headed towards an era of only those without other options stick to football? I think it is very possible.

remember looking forward to heavyweight championship bouts? it was pretty exciting

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Both of my boys are playing, but they wanted to. I played so I am not going to hold them out if that is what they want to do. The league is very strict about teaching technique. It's a different era from when I played as a youth through HS. The equipment is different, the teaching, and even the rules. It is still a contact sport, but not the same one I played 25-30 years ago.

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golf is a dying sport. courses are trying to attract members here with freebies. I heard everyone playing is over 50 or 60. nobody younger. LOL.

Thats because it actually is very expensive to play Edited by MAJBobby
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golf is a dying sport. courses are trying to attract members here with freebies. I heard everyone playing is over 50 or 60. nobody younger. LOL.



well, I am over 50, so there's that...although I do not play or watch the game of golf. I just forgot to add the sarcasm meter to old row 33's quoted post.

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The Romans watched gladiators murder each other for a few hundred years, surely football can have a longer duration then that, right? :thumbsup:

But the Gladiators union was soooooooo much weaker than the NFLPA.


You never head the Gladiators whining about two-a-days, or the length of their season ... and holdouts???? There were no stinkin' holdouts.

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But the Gladiators union was soooooooo much weaker than the NFLPA.


You never head the Gladiators whining about two-a-days, or the length of their season ... and holdouts???? There were no stinkin' holdouts.

They were true professionals!


Every nfl player talks about how if they could die anyway they would die on the field...


90% of the gladiators died on the field! Talk about dedicated to your craft!

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The funny thing is knowing Football or any other sport for that matter is dangerous, is not the same as knowing what that danger leads to. Its dangerous to play Baseball, Soccer, or even Golf but generally speaking there is no serious danger of brain damage unless you take a serious beaner to the head.For Football, they are doing studies on just what happens to the brain in normal play, forget about getting a concussion, we're just talking about taking normal average hits playing the sport year in and year out.



In baseball, at least at the youth level, there is a chance someone can be hit in the chest with the ball and die. Has something to do with the ball hitting near the heart at exactly the wrong moment. Some leagues make the hitters were a chest protector while batting, although I have seen some take pretty hard shots in the field.

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My personal opinion is that the "golden age" of the four major professional sports is definitely over. On the next level down, NASCAR is hemorrhaging fans, horse racing is dying, as is the human version of f track and field, bowling is now definitely a niche sport, pro tennis in the US is a shell of what it used to be, on and on. And Disney today announced it will begin offering ESPN as a streaming service in response to cable-cutting and plummeting viewership. I think if parents suddenly stopped being so overly involved in their kids sports, it they decided to leave participation up to the kids, that youth sports would collapse.

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Newsflash to Bleacher Report.....The Golden Age of Football ended a long time ago.


Defenders no longer know how to tackle and the quarterbacks wear skirts.


It's still a good game to watch, although I am leaning towards liking college football more than professional.


Corrected. That is the NFLPA's influence.

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For me the Golden Age of football was 1989-1993. Everything else has been a mirage. Truth be told, I think the real golden age was from the '70's-90' before free agency, greed, advertisers and bull **** took over. Once the athletes became pampered prima donna's the luster of the real game wore off. Growing up in Buffalo, nothing felt as good as hitting the field in the blustery air of fall and knocking a few bodies around, whether it was a pickup game or a league game, football was just plain fun. I think the modern era took the fun out of the game.

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