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Tyrod Not Speaking to Media Today or on Locker Cleanout Day


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haha. We are only allowed a good offense or defense.


I doubt TT walks. But what would he say today or locker cleanout day that the media would not twist? I think he will be offered to regnoitate his contract. I doubt he would get that much elsewhere. And other QB options exist: McCarron, McGloin, draft pick, Jones (ranked on QB behind Dak last year on walterfootball.com).



did Matt Ryan even play in close games this year? They blew most people out.

It goes off of percentage, and yes he played in close games.

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If Romo is a trade target, does getting rid of Tyrod hurt our leverage?

Just so everyone knows, Tyrod is not a free agent until March, and only if the Bills fail to pick up his option. So he can pout, skip press conferences all he wants, media people can say he's gone all they want. He is a Bill till March.

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Just so everyone knows, Tyrod is not a free agent until March, and only if the Bills fail to pick up his option. So he can pout, skip press conferences all he wants, media people can say he's gone all they want. He is a Bill till March.


exactly. I think this is much ado about nothing. I think he and the Bills work out a new contract. And TT, Jones, and new QB battle for starting spot.

Edited by RyanC883
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Move on to who?


They didn't beat winning teams in large part due to the defense unable to stop a nose bleed.


I'm not defending the Bills defense at all, but there were chances in at least four of the loses that Taylor could have pulled out a win if he wasn't so limited as a passer.


Who?... Jones, 2017 high draft pick, McGloin, Glennon, trade for a QB, Romo? Once you determine that Taylor has hit his ceiling and that you don't think you will ever achieve your goal of winning a Superbowl with him, it really doesn't matter who the name is of the starting QB on week one. You just have to have a plan in place to have a QB on your team you either know or believe has the potential of becoming the starting QB who will be a large part in achieving that goal. I think the Bills will select a QB in rd 2-4 and that guy will battle Jones over the next two years over the starting position.

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More than a bit simplistic..........A LOT simplistic.......nonsense actually.


The team that won the SB last year had a QB that couldn't win a game by himself if his life depended on it.


Bridge quarterbacks that are effective can allow you to build identities on offense and defense while remaining competitive.


Made the point earlier today about Donahoe:


He couldn't bare to watch Bledsoe for another season so he cut him and inadvertently set his entire regime ablaze in the process.


Parcells picked him up and used him as a bridge for a year and a half and in the process Romo emerged and the roster got stronger.

Point is, they're all bridge QBs in the interim. I really don't care if our bridge is TT or someone else, it won't make much tangible difference in the passing game, unless a new QB can somehow lead us to a 32nd ranking in passing yards, can manage to leave more plays on the field or is just as afraid to use the entire field at his disposal. Interchangeable, like I said.


I'd be all for a QB like Bledsoe coming in to serve until somebody else is groomed. I agree Donahoe erred greatly by letting him go; lost the entire locker room as a result.


What happens if your bridge's cap hits moving forward make it a challenge to sign the franchise guy you're hoping to find? TT's performance didn't merit the long term investment like we hoped. That's what Polian was alluding to when he said the contract was untenable.

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2005 set the dark ages in motion.


It lead to the hiring of idiots Jauron and Levy and the tradition of letting good players go via FA or trade and using high draft picks to replace them.........which destroyed the roster.


I don't care for Whaley......but he's pretty much average as a GM.


We always assume it can't get worse but it can.......and if he tries to start over this late in his game....... with unworthy cronies and tries to start Cardale or EJ.......things could get worse.

I definitely see things getting worse, but who knows, maybe ALynn can coach. He's hardly being set up for success by the organization though, judging by this week.


They either finally win or I keep laughing at them, after all this time I'm good either way.

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We are basically 8-8 with EJ, Orton, and Tyrod. Are we really making it worse, or do we have a more exciting (scrambling/mobile) version of mediocre?


Do I seriously have to explain the circumstances around those quarterbacks' respective seasons? The importance of defense? Offensive rankings? PFF ratings? DVOA? How by your logic Drew Brees is a bad quarterback?

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No quarterback can win games by himself. Otherwise Rivers and Brees wouldn't miss the playoffs so often and Rodgers would have more than one ring.



The numbers and analytics simply don't reflect your opinion.


It will be the final straw for me. I can't continue supporting a franchise that refuses to learn from past mistakes.

It's called hyperbole to emphasize a point.

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What franchise QB is going to become available via FA?


Your bridges cap hit won't effect that at all because no team lets their franchise QB walk.

Doesn't have to be a free agent.


What if Cardale Jones is worth making a TT-like investment in after a couple years? What if they want to trade for Romo to be the bridge instead? Point is, if they think TT isn't worth what they were hoping his deal would reflect, then they may be limited in their options. It's understandable that they would prefer that flexibility moving forward, regardless. Again, that's one of the factors Polian alluded to when he said his contract was untenable.


I don't think TT is the answer. That is obvious to everyone. But I was also one of the earlier posters to suggest that he may end up being the BEST of a lot of poor options available, anyway, when talk of Hoyer and others cropped up.


It's just too bad Taylor couldn't put the issue to bed once and for all through his performance.

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Since you brought it up, here is a report on his stats from inside the pocket: Link

Dunno. I'm game to play. The stats surprise me a bit, but I don't know where he rates against the field on any of those. He gets compared to 1 or 2 other QBs on each aspect, but there's no indication of a ranking. His total stats are noticeably worse so if the link is accurate, then his outside the pocket stats must be horrible. He doesn't pass the eye test with me either. His passes are generally not accurate - and I'm not just talking about the incompletions and interceptions. Those that are caught are generally not placed where they should be. And lastly, e's not utilized as a passer nearly as much as a typical NFL QB. He's not seeing the defenses that a typical QB sees. With the Bills running so much he doesn't see defenses keying on pass coverage like most QBs do. If he threw more, his QB rating and similar stats would not be as good as they are.


Lynn is aware of all of this. His lack of confidence in Tyrod has been evident. I can't tell you how many times I've seen Tyrod pass on opportunities to audible out of man coverage and 8 in the box. The throws have been there so many times, but he either didn't take the opportunity or he wasn't allowed. It was one of the most frustrating things about watching the Bills this season. Well, that and watching Tyrod take forever to get out most of his passes.

Edited by BarleyNY
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Dunno. I'm game to play. The stats surprise me a bit, but I don't know where he rates against the field on any of those. He gets compared to 1 or 2 other QBs on each aspect, but there's no indication of a ranking. His total stats are noticeably worse so if the link is accurate, then his outside the pocket stats must be horrible. He doesn't pass the eye test with me either. His passes are generally not accurate - and I'm not just talking about the incompletions and interceptions. Those that are caught are generally not placed where they should be. And lastly, e's not utilized as a passer nearly as much as a typical NFL QB. He's not seeing the defenses that a typical QB sees. With the Bills running so much he doesn't see defenses keying on pass coverage like most QBs do. If he threw more, his QB rating and similar stats would not be as good as they are.


Lynn is aware of all of this. His lack of confidence in Tyrod has been evident. I can't tell you how many times I've seen Tyrod pass on opportunities to audible out of man coverage and 8 in the box. The throws have been there so many times, but he either didn't take the opportunity or he wasn't allowed. It was one of the most frustrating things about watching the Bills this season. Well, that and watching Tyrod take forever to get out most of his passes.

Out of curiosity....are you watching from the Stadium?

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Dunno. I'm game to play. The stats surprise me a bit, but I don't know where he rates against the field on any of those. He gets compared to 1 or 2 other QBs on each aspect, but there's no indication of a ranking. His total stats are noticeably worse so if the link is accurate, then his outside the pocket stats must be horrible. He doesn't pass the eye test with me either. His passes are generally not accurate - and I'm not just talking about the incompletions and interceptions. Those that are caught are generally not placed where they should be. And lastly, e's not utilized as a passer nearly as much as a typical NFL QB. He's not seeing the defenses that a typical QB sees. With the Bills running so much he doesn't see defenses keying on pass coverage like most QBs do. If he threw more, his QB rating and similar stats would not be as good as they are.


Lynn is aware of all of this. His lack of confidence in Tyrod has been evident. I can't tell you how many times I've seen Tyrod pass on opportunities to audible out of man coverage and 8 in the box. The throws have been there so many times, but he either didn't take the opportunity or he wasn't allowed. It was one of the most frustrating things about watching the Bills this season. Well, that and watching Tyrod take forever to get out most of his passes.

"Make him be a quarterback" was one of the most pointed condemnations ever. And I was struck by Lynn's allusions to some of the shortcomings in TT's game at his presser. The tape never lies.

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I bet you anything he would be talking if he was 100% convinced he was going to be here next year and if the Bills were treating him like a franchise QB. The Bills aren't.


They are treating him like a business asset. He is likewise treating his current status with the team as he is just a business asset that could be moving to another team at any time. Can't blame him.


They are absolutely treating him like a business asset and they should.


They need to recruit a new head coach and OC plus probably a good portion of their defense staff. EJ was signed because his head coach recommended him because he had his eye on him and tried to have his GM sign him before so the GM signed him (not the coach as some have said). They need to keep their options open; if the head coach that looks best in interview states "I can make it work with Tryod as QB" they could try to convince him that they are willing to overspend (Eagles model) on QB and they can try for a trade before draft but the safest option is telling coach we have an option exercise in March but we still have all of our options open. Now this may hurt Tyrod's feelings but that is why they gave him a raise in 2016 to have that option.

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If this team doesn't make the playoffs next year there will be a Whaley mutiny in the small but angry fanbase.


If the fan base mutinies the Pegulas should do the smart thing and exercise the clause in contract allowing them to move.

They will not need to worry about venomous media, the fans who think touches and molotov cocktails are toys and find some city who is willing to contribute to a stadium.

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