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What if we finish 10-6?


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Not really. Kyle Orton was the QB on the tail end of his career. You got pretty much all you could out of that team.

This team does not resemble that team in a lot of ways. If you can't see that I value your opinion a little less. You have good points at times besides your Anti TT crusade.

Anti Tyrod crusade hmmmm where have I been wrong there?

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Winning 5 of the last 6 games is possible even if it may not be probable. But if they do it, finish 10-6, and still don't make the playoffs, how many of you would consider it a successful season, and how many would kick dirt on them and scream for some heads to roll and players be sent on their merry little way?







Playoffs are the MINIMUM definition of a successful season.


Will I be screaming for change? Only if....for example.......the 10 wins are accomplished while the defense continues to underachieve.


In that case I think Rex needs to wise up and realize he's not the HC/DC......he's just the HC......and hire someone to run a less complex defense that can take better advantage of the personnel.


Really can't go into a third year with this D performing so far below it's potential. At some point even the more engaged players are liable to just stop buying in and the Bills will likely get further diminishing returns if something doesn't change.

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Tells me and the rest of the world if it is a good team or not. But ok. Because if you squeak by Jax and Cle you will struggle with a good team.


These ugly wins talk is just window dressing to hide a flawed team

But then again Bills fans love Moral victories so yes 10-6 with no playoffs is awesome

So is a hard fought loss better than and ugly win? Was the Seattle game better than the Cinci game? It earned us a lot of National respect but still ended up in the loss column.
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So is a hard fought loss better than and ugly win? Was the Seattle game better than the Cinci game? It earned us a lot of National respect but still ended up in the loss column.

How about coming out after a bye against a team on a short week, that has been horrible in the 2nd half and actually playing good freaking football. And close a game you should win out? You know be a good freaking team is that too much to ask of the Buffalo Bills

Edited by MAJBobby
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How about coming out after a bye against a team on a short week, that has been horrible in the 2nd half and actually playing good freaking football. And close a game you should win out? You know be a good freaking team is that too much to ask of the Buffalo Bills

I agree that I wish we had made a better "statement" vs the Bengals too, but that being said, which game did you enjoy more, the Seahawks or the Bengals?
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6 years in league

Over 20 games starting very little to no progress from weaknesses displayed in college. What more do I really need to wait on?

Seriously, you don't have to reply to every single post on the board. Try letting some other folks get a word in edgewise.

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Winning 5 of the last 6 games is possible even if it may not be probable. But if they do it, finish 10-6, and still don't make the playoffs, how many of you would consider it a successful season, and how many would kick dirt on them and scream for some heads to roll and players be sent on their merry little way?






I would be super stoked if this happened and feel pretty confident the franchise is moving in the right direction.


But I'm not expecting 10-6. I'm expecting something more like 8-8 or 9-7.

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6 years in league

Over 20 games starting very little to no progress from weaknesses displayed in college. What more do I really need to wait on?

This feels like talking politics. You have your opinion. And it may be right. I could counter with 2 different OC's. Sitting behind Flaco. Lack of experienced quality receivers. Etc. Honestly I have no clue if Taylor is good enough to win a championship. I am going to hope so. For the sake of this thread I am going to hope Taylor is good enough to help win 5 more games at least and maybe 6. If nothing else it will mean watching fun football for the month of December. That is all this fan wants. Edited by atlbillsfan1975
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Winning 5 of the last 6 games is possible even if it may not be probable. But if they do it, finish 10-6, and still don't make the playoffs, how many of you would consider it a successful season, and how many would kick dirt on them and scream for some heads to roll and players be sent on their merry little way?





If he turned around what I've been seeing well enough to go 10-6 even against this schedule, it will very significantly raise my opinion of him.

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This feels like talking politics. You have your opinion. And it may be right. I could counter with 2 different OC's. Sitting behind Flaco. Lack of experienced quality receivers. Etc. Honestly I have no clue if Taylor is good enough to win a championship. I am going to hope so. For the sake of this thread I am going to hope Taylor is good enough to help win 5 more games at least and maybe 6. If nothing else it will mean watching fun football for the month of December. That is all this fan wants.

And if he can I may change how I look at him. What I really want is more games like Seattle and not have that be the anomaly.

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I don't think it's going to happen. I don't see them beating Oakland, and I also think they'll lose to Pittsburgh. They struggle against good QB's, and until they beat one I'll expect more of the same. I think all the "playoff" talk is a little bit crazy, I just don't see this team going 5-1, or especially 6-0. They needed the Ravens, Jets and Dolphins games, that was their season and in two of those they had a roster at full-strength.


If they couldn't beat the Jets, I don't expect them to beat good teams who are playing for their divisions or the playoffs.


The Pittsburgh game is in Buffalo, which is one plus. Big Ben has also played poorly in road games the last couple of years.

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The inexorable axis of this discussion is: can we make the playoffs, given how everybody else does?


So, rather than talking about us/10-6?


First, here's everybody else's remaining schedule, in order of current standing: (If you insist on a Bills-first perspective, our remaining schedule is tied for 2nd easiest in the league, with the Steelers. This is predicated on odds. We play the Steelers, at home. The Pats have the easiest remaining schedule, but remember: odds. Ask Nate Silver how his recent presidential odds worked out. Better: ask the "explanatory/data :lol: journalists" at VOX why they got that election so wrong.)










Safe to say the Raiders aren't sweeping their way to the 1st seed. In fact, they can just as easily lose out, given their D. But, the important part is: somebody has to lose between the Raiders and the Chiefs/Broncos. This is the pattern for all the remaining games for the AFC West, and the AFC wildcard contenders in general. Somebody always has to lose/tie, which means our chances get better. It's not only possible, but likely, that us defeating the Raiders knocks them not only out of the 1st seed, but out of the playoffs completely.










I have to disagree with the odds guys saying this is the easiest schedule, or, at the very least, I would be taking the over in every single one of these games, if I still bet on NFL(I didn't quit because I lost. I quit because I was way ahead). Hey, it's the Pats, so, we'll see.


TEXANS(AFC South Sucks)








Since somebody has to win the AFC South, somebody is going to be ahead of the Bills. But, that works the other way too: it's most likely this division eats its own chance at a wildcard.










Same argument as the AFC South/AFC West: they have to play each other a lot still. They are better teams than the Jets and Dolphins. The Ravens have the Pats and Eagles to contend with, and again, somebody has to win the AFC North, but, they have to do it by beating the Bills' potential wildcard competitors. The Ravens may very well guarantee us a playoff spot.










The Chiefs are the real wildcard here, much like the Broncos and Raiders. They could all end up sucking wins out of each other, and therefore clearing a path for the Bills to easily overtake them. However, of all the teams, the Chiefs are who scare me the most: because of history. They win games they aren't supposed to win, more than the Bills. But history also says the Chiefs could self-destruct. Thus, the AFC West is wide open, because they played the AFC South(sucks) and the NFC South(Sucks worse), but most of those games are over, and baked into their existing record. For all we know, the real season hasn't started for the AFC West, and the Chiefs, Raiders, and Broncos could all be paper tigers. The Chargers could win that division.










Basically the same story as the Chiefs and Raiders above. The AFC West winner has to beat teams that are in direct competition with us for a playoff spot.




Well, we get to play 2 of these teams. We also get to play the Browns, Jags, and Jets.


Given all of this?


Perhaps the better question is: what if the Bills go 9-7? Because, the answer to "What if the Bills go 10-6?" is: The Bills make the playoffs...with a 95% confidence level. While there's a whole lot to be settled in other divisions, the Bills control their own destiny right now. Beating the Raiders/Steelers/Dolphins matters a hell of a lot more than losing to the Jets/Browns/Jags.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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Tells me and the rest of the world if it is a good team or not. But ok. Because if you squeak by Jax and Cle you will struggle with a good team.

Denver struggled against Cleveland last year, had to beat them in OT, and went on to win the Superbowl.

Edited by Chilly
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