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Buffalo Bills Fire Offensive Coordinator Greg Roman


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"It's really uncanny," said Marcus Wilhelm, Anthony Lynn's high school football coach, "Anthony just can't lead. He has failed to lead wherever he's been. If he goes left, the herd goes right. No one follows that man, ever."



Not going to get good coaches next year unless Rex is gone, no way he goes into his third year with another lousy team...No one in the right mind would sign up for that; unless they think they might be able to pull an interim HC position out of it...


or need a job

You presume Dennis knows what's going on. He doesn't.


You should change your sig to Rex is a goner.

Then Rob ryan becomes the interim head coach?!



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Why do we all assume this is a scapegoating knee jerk reaction?


It could be that Rex had a dawning realization that Anthony Lynn would make a better OC than G-Ro.


Maybe the SB Nation headline is right:


"Rex Ryan's fate is now in the hands of the offensive coordinator he should have hired years ago"



That was an interesting read.

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Gee, I never heard that joke before.


Then you surely have witnessed the wry basis for it, which is when a team takes advantage of the prevent D to climb back in the game and eventually win, despite later defensive adjustments by their opponent.

That is why I don't believe in the term 'garbage time' until and unless it's mathematically impossible for the losing team to score enough to win. It's a term defined in retrospect by the game's final outcome.

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i see... Has he given any insight then on Lynn, or is he just critizing other reporters for not doing so? I don't follow him on Twitter.


Oh he criticized him, but that would have an entirely different tangent for this thread and one that well I just didn't feel like starting. In a nutshell it was about how little control as a position coach he has had over his RBs (Shady's fight, Karlos's weed and subsequent binge eating, Williams DUI). I noticed all of that down below his feed after I posted those original 2 tweets...


BTW; I'm not advocating Timmy or his thoughts at all... and you are better off for not following him

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Why do we all assume this is a scapegoating knee jerk reaction?


It could be that Rex had a dawning realization that Anthony Lynn would make a better OC than G-Ro.


Maybe the SB Nation headline is right:


"Rex Ryan's fate is now in the hands of the offensive coordinator he should have hired years ago"




not buying those last two bullet points;


Roman was not quick to abandon the run.


Lynn speaks their language? WTH is that supposed to mean, Roman is not some ancient who has no clue how todays athletes tick.

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The best thing about this change is now Whaley is in the crosshairs. Lynn will most certainly get Whaleys play makers the ball. If they dont succeed he is gone. I have no problem with that Pegulas gave the old guard 2 years and if it doesn't pan out completey raze it and start over. Sucks for us long term fans but may be the best for us long term.

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The best thing about this change is now Whaley is in the crosshairs. Lynn will most certainly get Whaleys play makers the ball. If they dont succeed he is gone. I have no problem with that Pegulas gave the old guard 2 years and if it doesn't pan out completey raze it and start over. Sucks for us long term fans but may be the best for us long term.

Have I missed something? If I have, I apologize... Is the assumption that Lynn will put the ball in playmakers hands bc the last guy that didn't got fired? Did Lynn come out and say what he's going to do?

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Have I missed something? If I have, I apologize... Is the assumption that Lynn will put the ball in playmakers hands bc the last guy that didn't got fired? Did Lynn come out and say what he's going to do?

Please try to pay attention. The ball will now go to the play makers, so apparently we will no longer hand the ball off to Richie. I think......

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