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How is Pegula going to salvage this mess?


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there has to be a QB worth tanking for? Not sure there is, but we have to draft one in every draft until we find one. Hit the other positions at later rounds. Also, stockpile picks. See if someone wants McCoy, Watkins, Gilmore for a decent return.


There wouldn't be one team interested in McCoy. McCoy is an overpaid, declining player that plays an expendable position. You will never get a return enough to get rid of Watkins being that the team used two 1sts and a 4th to acquire him and Gilmore will net you nothing on the final year of his contract.

Edited by BuffaloBillsForever
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Pegula is new too the NFL he also experienced somewhat similar issues when he purchased the Sabres.

pegula for his current NFL woes needs simply one guy he can trust to right this flaming dung heap. who that guy may be

is anyones guess. one thing is certain that guy is not currently working on OBD.And on the outside anyone named Polian should

be rejected.


Besides finding that person both kim's and his job should then be simply too sign the checks. Everyone likes the new owners. sadly

like their current football employees they are clueless which is to be expected. Although hailed as the hero he is. And too an extent by saving not one but two franchises from leaving town. Make no mistake he is not in this whole "One Buffalo" thing for charity. which is fine. he has done amazing things in Buffalo, with more on the way. I would hope like his other business interests he will find a very competent top executive and let him do his thing. Those searches and meetings should be held without any of the Bills current executives in the room.


In the end he is still one of only 32 owners of a very exclusive club. He will get to enjoy and profit from what that brings. But with the Bills horrific 21st century failures, and too even mention the word "continuity" by keeping this version top to bottom of the Bills together is futile. Because in reality this season is done already. keeping the clown show togehter past January will prove disastrous.and prolong continued failure on the field, the never ending media thrashings ( they are not being kind today in particular the Ryan bros.) and fan pain.

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As fans we think about things in the immediate and short term


Pegula is probably taking a much more level headed, long term, thought out approach


This does not mean it bodes well for Rex.....because it doesnt....just that I dont expect knee jerk reactions from Pegula

His hiring Rex was the epitome of a knee-jerk reaction! The guy comes in for an interview and they are worried about letting him get out of the room before they sign him.

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There is a very likely scenario brewing that has the Bills are starting this season 0 and 4, and finishing the season 2 and 14. More than likely he's going to have to bite the bullet on Ryans contract. Other than opening beer sales three hours before kickoff and offering two for one beers starting at half time, what else can he do to make this franchise saleable.

The mess he created by hiring Ryan? I don't know

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Well, I have followed this team for 53 years. I have multiple rebuilds. Only one worked and that was with solid foorball people and exceptional coaching. I trust Pegula if he wipes out this crew and does yet another rebuild. Just get the best FO and the rest will take care of itself.

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Move the team to Toronto, value doubles, fire everyone, throw insane money at the best GM's and coaches and FO people, tank the team, collect draft picks, rebuild, win the super bowl in 2035

So the sabres plan minus 4 or 5 years. I hear Toronto wants a professional hockey team.


Novel thought. Who do you have in mind?

I'll venture a guess and say anyone not on this staff or anyone that they interview for the job. Or anyone at all should cover it since everyone will be a failure and need to be fired day two. Edited by The Wiz
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His hiring Rex was the epitome of a knee-jerk reaction! The guy comes in for an interview and they are worried about letting him get out of the room before they sign him.

and from we all hear Russ is the one who pushed on the don't let him get away. Its time they tell Russ to go hide in corner and stay out of decisions except what new fan thing to sell stuff and tickets. Russ figured Rex would sell tickets and he did now they need someone who knows how to run football organization

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There is a very likely scenario brewing that has the Bills are starting this season 0 and 4, and finishing the season 2 and 14. More than likely he's going to have to bite the bullet on Ryans contract. Other than opening beer sales three hours before kickoff and offering two for one beers starting at half time, what else can he do to make this franchise saleable.

With the first pick in the 2017 draft, the Buffalo Bills select Brad Kaaya, Miami....

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