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Brady Played the Preseason w/o the NFL Shield on Helmet


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The best part is that he's a year older now and always starts the season slow.


Maybe this is the year? I never thought I would see Peyton not be able to throw a football. Whatever you want to say about Manning he always put up the stats until last season.


Let's hope Jimmy G is a mess and they start 0-4.

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Brady is so arrogant, he simply can't seem to simply say "I did it. I didn't think it was that big of a deal." Then he'd make it easy for the NFL to give him his slap on the wrist, and move on. But no. The crybaby/drama queen, must deny everything and give preposterous denials--which, of course, transforming relatively minor infractions into HUGE issues. All the while turning Marcia into the "victim", for those stupid enough to buy into his act---or Pats* fans. (And let's face it, "stupid Pats* fan" is pretty close to an oxymoron.)

It's reminiscent of Richard Nixon.

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Brady is so arrogant, he simply can't seem to simply say "I did it. I didn't think it was that big of a deal." Then he'd make it easy for the NFL to give him his slap on the wrist, and move on. But no. The crybaby/drama queen, must deny everything and give preposterous denials--which, of course, transforming relatively minor infractions into HUGE issues. All the while turning Marcia into the "victim", for those stupid enough to buy into his act---or Pats* fans. (And let's face it, "stupid Pats* fan" is pretty close to an oxymoron.)

You forgot the part where he destroyed the razor used to scrape off the logo.
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Brady is so arrogant, he simply can't seem to simply say "I did it. I didn't think it was that big of a deal." Then he'd make it easy for the NFL to give him his slap on the wrist, and move on. But no. The crybaby/drama queen, must deny everything and give preposterous denials--which, of course, transforming relatively minor infractions into HUGE issues. All the while turning Marcia into the "victim", for those stupid enough to buy into his act---or Pats* fans. (And let's face it, "stupid Pats* fan" is pretty close to an oxymoron.)

I think you mean "stupid Pats* fan" is redundant. Government intelligence is an oxymoron.

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I think they should just make Brady play one game where the officiating crew calls the game like he is Cam Newton instead of Tom Brady.....there would already be fines, suspensions, banishing and possible executions of Wade's defenders if Brady was the QB that took those shots on Thursday night.

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Seems like Tommy Boy can't stop lying. Now he's claiming he didn't know the sticker wasn't on the helmet. I guess the equipment guys must have done that on their own as well.


Really? Is this suspension worthy or something? Why would he bother lying? Man up and admit you were protesting. Geez.

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