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Alleged KC sex scandal involving new Iggles HC

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Man, there's some stuff that doesn't reflect well on a lot of people in this. The Iggles just gave a 5 year deal to a new HC they didn't bother to vet. That makes them look bush league. Peterson and Reid lied to them about Pederson calling plays so they've got a HC who never called a play in his career. Pederson actually made the team get him a male secretary when he came in and still wound up banging another secretary, which shows a real lack of professionalism and lack of self control in such matters. Also there's got to be a pattern there. Reid told Pederson to end the affair and he ignored him, which is ignoring a directive from his superior. That's unsettling. Philly looks like a clown show right now.

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Man, there's some stuff that doesn't reflect well on a lot of people in this. The Iggles just gave a 5 year deal to a new HC they didn't bother to vet. That makes them look bush league. Peterson and Reid lied to them about Pederson calling plays so they've got a HC who never called a play in his career. Pederson actually made the team get him a male secretary when he came in and still wound up banging another secretary, which shows a real lack of professionalism and lack of self control in such matters. Also there's got to be a pattern there. Reid told Pederson to end the affair and he ignored him, which is ignoring a directive from his superior. That's unsettling. Philly looks like a clown show right now.


That's quite a story...wonder if it's true...

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The guy reports what he thinks is a rumor that he does not know is true?

The question to him is "have you stopped beating your wife?" How would he like that.


To be fair, the texts did read that two other sources corroborated what he had heard.

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Couldn't happen to a nicer franchise. I guess the Philly media will have something new to vent their spleens about now that Shady is off the front pages.

Looks like Andy put out the trash on his old team's front lawn. :lol:

Edited by Nanker
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The guy reports what he thinks is a rumor that he does not know is true?

The question to him is "have you stopped beating your wife?" How would he like that.

This is good reporting to me. He's not presenting anything as absolute fact, but he's showing the evidence.


What I hate is when reporters present rumors or opinions as fact and provide no source/evidence. Something we see too often nowadays.

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