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Trump Alone at the Top

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Comey, however...



... This just in... I'm reporting at the bedside of FBI Director Comey, who has just been admitted to the hospital in an apparent suicide attempt. Sources close to the Clinton Campaign have told me that it was multiple self inflicted gun shots to the head. Comey is in a coma and expected to li... *BANG*... err... that is... Comey has just passed due to his self inflicted injuries. Our prayers are with the Comey family and the Clinton Campaign in these trying times.

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... This just in... I'm reporting at the bedside of FBI Director Comey, who has just been admitted to the hospital in an apparent suicide attempt. Sources close to the Clinton Campaign have told me that it was multiple self inflicted gun shots to the head. Comey is in a coma and expected to li... *BANG*... err... that is... Comey has just passed due to his self inflicted injuries. Our prayers are with the Comey family and the Clinton Campaign in these trying times.


Note to new PPP posters. This is how you do it early on in your posting career here. Bravo!

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Note to new PPP posters. This is how you do it early on in your posting career here. Bravo!


I would have gone a different direction, myself ("I'm here at Ft. Marcy Park, at the scene of Director Comey's suicide. Reports are he should be arriving within the hour.") But still, it was good.

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Okay, that helped me to understand your point. Cheers. :beer:



That being said, I do not see anything coming from the right that compares with what I see from the left with regard to intolerance and violence in promoting an ideal. The only thing that makes it easier for the leftist firebrands to justify their violence is the fact that the republican nominee is a loudmouth capitalist with boorish tendencies. A Trump for President sign in a yard somehow validates vandalism. You don't see Hillary supporters on youtube being threatened or attacked, while the reverse is becoming commonplace.


I'm not talking about what comes out of Washington, or what either political party has adopted as part of their platforms. I'm talking about the ever-increasing rank & file on the left that seems to think that their way is the only way, and that the perceived righteousness of their position justifies the open disrespect and violence shown towards those that oppose them.


They do not care about the constitution, they do not respect true diversity, and they are anathema to true American values. They need to be shut down at every opportunity and exposed as the fascists that they are.


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Note to new PPP posters. This is how you do it early on in your posting career here. Bravo!




I would have gone a different direction, myself ("I'm here at Ft. Marcy Park, at the scene of Director Comey's suicide. Reports are he should be arriving within the hour.") But still, it was good.

Oh youse twos crack me up! :w00t:

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So now the DNC, Hilary's Campaign Committee, the Main Stream Media are all attempting to obstruct the investigation of a criminal matter.

Throw 'em all in the clink.

If destroying evidence after getting a subpoena doesn't rise to the level of "obstruction of justice", somehow I doubt Harry Reid's ridiculous comments and whining will either.

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Watched a bit of CNN this AM. Trump Russians, Trump taxes, Comey bad. It's amazing how in such a short period of time, a bunch of "news" outlets all run the same anti-Trump stories and talking points in unison, yet they aren't coordinating with anyone. Yesterday at lunch I turned Rush on in car for a few minutes and he played a montage of 16 different news people all using the phrase "baked in" as it related to voting for Clinton. For Clinton voters, the email situation is "baked in" so it won't affect her support. Strange that so many on various news outlets would all use that phrase.

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Watched a bit of CNN this AM. Trump Russians, Trump taxes, Comey bad. It's amazing how in such a short period of time, a bunch of "news" outlets all run the same anti-Trump stories and talking points in unison, yet they aren't coordinating with anyone. Yesterday at lunch I turned Rush on in car for a few minutes and he played a montage of 16 different news people all using the phrase "baked in" as it related to voting for Clinton. For Clinton voters, the email situation is "baked in" so it won't affect her support. Strange that so many on various news outlets would all use that phrase.


"Baked in?" That's not even a normal phrase.


I suspect it's not coordinated, per se. Everything's just single-sourced. I'd bet everyone's reading off the same AP copy.

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Watched a bit of CNN this AM. Trump Russians, Trump taxes, Comey bad. It's amazing how in such a short period of time, a bunch of "news" outlets all run the same anti-Trump stories and talking points in unison, yet they aren't coordinating with anyone. Yesterday at lunch I turned Rush on in car for a few minutes and he played a montage of 16 different news people all using the phrase "baked in" as it related to voting for Clinton. For Clinton voters, the email situation is "baked in" so it won't affect her support. Strange that so many on various news outlets would all use that phrase.


Happens a lot, remember gravitas?


I remember earlier in the campaign Trump gave a speech and the next day nearly every single print and electronic media outlet used the word 'dark' to describe his speech.


Quick search found this, I'm sure there are many other examples - http://www.politico.com/story/2016/07/trump-convention-speech-media-226010

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"Baked in?" That's not even a normal phrase.


I suspect it's not coordinated, per se. Everything's just single-sourced. I'd bet everyone's reading off the same AP copy.

AP posts unconfirmed rumor

CNN picks up story

NBC cites multiple outlets

That's how news is made

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AP posts unconfirmed rumor

CNN picks up story

NBC cites multiple outlets

That's how news is made

George Orwell almost had it right. Although, it's not necessary to go back and revise previous stories. A better strategy emerged: just make the news a swirling mess of vague confusing half truths so that nobody really knows what's going on in the first place...which ensures that eventually nobody really CARES what is really going on anymore.

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