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Crowd Sourcing Worst Bills Losses Since 1997

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Season opener 2007 vs. Denver. Broncos have the ball on their own 34 with 2:13 to play 1 time out. They convert 2 4th downs including one after a 3rd and 23 and another after a 3rd and 13 then complete an 11 yard pass on 3rd and 10 to get into FG range. Denver runs out onto the field (with no TOs) and Elam makes a 42 yd FG as time expires. He'd missed 2 earlier in the day.

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losing 31-0 seems pretty bad to end a season

Losing to the Steelers backup players seemed pretty bad

97 passing yards and losing to the MCM illegal pass with 16 seconds to go seemed pretty bad.


Losing in the 3rd SB with 9 turnovers en route to a 52–17 loss was really bad.

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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I am not going to weigh in because it's too painful to TRY and think of bad things. (I'm a positive-type of guy.) But I did want to say that so many of these bad losses were killers mostly/only because the team stood on the cusp of a breakthrough in those games and they shrunk in the moment. Got scared of winning, choked - whatever you wan to call it. The Bills have done it to such an art form we just say "same old Bills" and we all understand. Pathetic actually.

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October 21, 2012 vs the Tennessee Titans - This was in the heyday of the Dave Wannstedt "defense". Both teams had run up and down the field all day. Fitz throws 3 TD passes. Brad Smith returned KO for a TD after Chris Johnson ran 83 yards untouched for a TD. With about 2:00 to go with the Bills leading the Titans had 2nd and 18 from their own 40 after a Mario sack on Hasselbeck. 3 players later the Titans score on a longish pass. We get the football back and Fitz throws a couple of short passes and we fail to convert and lose 35-34.



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Another game for where I remember exactly where I was. Applebee's near Erie. Turned to a fellow bills fan, and we were dumbfounded at the Hail Mary PI call.


98 season…that game on Sun night then a blown call the following week on Testaverde QB sneak TD (against Seattle I believe) gave the Jets the shot at the division that year. 2 game swing thanks to the zebras.



Edited by filthymcnasty08
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Okay-- here it is.


These are just our opening day losses:


2013: GW FG by the Patriots as time expires

2009: GW TD by the Patriots with 50 seconds left (after Pats trailed by 15 points with 2 minutes left) (1 point loss)

2007: GW FG by Broncos as time expires (1 point loss)

2006: Patriots score 12 unanswered points late in the game, win 19-17

2004: Jax beats us on last play of game

2002: Opening kick of OT returned for a TD--Jets win

the 2007 Broncos game was Lap the one where Kevin Everett was hurt and they put Tasked on the wall of fame. I remember it cause I was there and sitting almost right in line where he went down


It's funny, I can remember the injury happening and the wall of fame ceremony burnt the result of the game or details about it, lol

Edited by apuszczalowski
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Since 1997? There's only one candidate for #1 for me and it ain't close: Just Give It to 'Em.


I don't remember, did the refs even get any flak over that after the video became public? Did the NFL later say it was the wrong call?

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I remember that 2004 game vs Cleveland. I was watching it at a bar and the place was at a fever pitch hoping that they could knock Cleveland for a loss on their final drive and have them finish the game with 0 yards of total offense. Even now thinking that an NFL team had 17 yards of TOTAL offense in the entire game is unimaginable.

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Of the games in been too

- the giants at home years ago where they lead in the rain in the first half then gave up the lead as the weather chAnged and the temp dropped at the hUg turning to snow.


- the Tennessee Christmas Eve game where Royal stepped out of bounds in the end zone negating a td


- the pats game in December where flute leD the pats over the bills in a blow out (buffalo scored in the 4th to keep from being shut out)


- there was a home gamE years ago where they had a lead and blew it, there was a saints fan sitting near us who was getting ripped on pretty good then turned it all around when they came back.


- then the broncos opener with K E getting g hurt

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