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We should see the true character of this team soon


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There is always a head scratching loss. I don't think this week but Tennessee could be that one as they look ahead to Cinci. If (and it's a big if) they stay focused, beat Cinci at home, I think we will be 8-1 for the big rematch with Pats. If we thought the hype was big week 2 wait til that one.

Why do you question if the Bills can stay focused?

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I have read in multiple places that the boys showed gumption in the comeback against the Patsies and the 4th quarter was a turning point. Is this truly the case or did the Patsies take their foot of the gas, or perhaps a little of both? I listened to the 2nd half of the game in the car in CT so it was difficult to tell. Have been a long time lurker and respect the opinions of many in this thread.

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We have been so desperate for a competent team that people are predicting 18-1 after 3 games. That's ridiculous.

I love the direction this team is going, but I'm going to wait until half the season is gone before I start trying to predict how games are going to go. 15 years of no playoffs will do that to you.

I want to see how Tyrod responds once teams have some film on him and try to take away what he likes to do. It's still very early to annoint him the next Jim Kelly. We've been here before with Trentative and Fitz (loved Fitz but never bought into him).

I think cautious optimism is the way to go.

While I completely agree with you, I bolded the statement regarding Tyrod for a reason. I've seen quite a few people post this sentiment. However, I feel it's less about Tyrod and more about how Roman responds. In the past, opposing teams figured out our offense and our coaching staff was unable to make the necessary adjustments from week to week, and within the game.


Roman, I think, will do that. So, I'm less concerned about Tyrod. I still have concerns. It's a long season and preparing week in and week out, dealing with the stress, the losses that will come, the injuries, etc.; they all take their toll on starting QBs. So, as I see it, Tyrod Has all the skills to be a good QB in this league. What we'll find out in week 10,12.. 15 is whether he's a starting QB or just a really good back up.

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I have read in multiple places that the boys showed gumption in the comeback against the Patsies and the 4th quarter was a turning point. Is this truly the case or did the Patsies take their foot of the gas, or perhaps a little of both? I listened to the 2nd half of the game in the car in CT so it was difficult to tell. Have been a long time lurker and respect the opinions of many in this thread.

The Patriots didn't take their foot off... anything but that really they never went into lockdown mode which allowed us to get close. They were not running the ball and eating clock the game was still moving on at a tempo.


However, that isn't really relevant. What is relevant is it gave Rex a narrative all week "we have already started the fightback" and that message got through to the players. Belichick said he knew last years Patriots were potential Champions when they refused to stop fighting in the beatdown at KC. I am not saying we are a Superbowl team but having that narrative of "you guys never gave in" is a strong one.

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While I completely agree with you, I bolded the statement regarding Tyrod for a reason. I've seen quite a few people post this sentiment. However, I feel it's less about Tyrod and more about how Roman responds. In the past, opposing teams figured out our offense and our coaching staff was unable to make the necessary adjustments from week to week, and within the game.

Roman, I think, will do that. So, I'm less concerned about Tyrod. I still have concerns. It's a long season and preparing week in and week out, dealing with the stress, the losses that will come, the injuries, etc.; they all take their toll on starting QBs. So, as I see it, Tyrod Has all the skills to be a good QB in this league. What we'll find out in week 10,12.. 15 is whether he's a starting QB or just a really good back up.

Agree completely and I'm happy we finally have a competent OC who I think will give Tyrod topportunity to develop into a franchise QB. It's up to Tyrod to take advantage of that.

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The Patriots didn't take their foot off... anything but that really they never went into lockdown mode which allowed us to get close. They were not running the ball and eating clock the game was still moving on at a tempo.


However, that isn't really relevant. What is relevant is it gave Rex a narrative all week "we have already started the fightback" and that message got through to the players. Belichick said he knew last years Patriots were potential Champions when they refused to stop fighting in the beatdown at KC. I am not saying we are a Superbowl team but having that narrative of "you guys never gave in" is a strong one.


Thanks GunnerBill. I love the "Pats running up the score" rallying cry that Rex has used this past week. Hopefully it will launch the boys into a winning streak.. I agree with others in this thread and on the board in general that things seem to be different this year. It feels like the 1988 season when the Bills were on the rise and lost to the Bengals in the playoffs. We all know how things progressed from there. Time will tell. Bring on the Giants!!

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Bills teams in the past have been the type that can get up for the big games (though often falling short), but also playing down to the level of the competition. So for as many times as they pulled out a big win against a stronger opponent, they also fell flat and lost to teams they should have beaten. Those, to me, are signs of teams that needed better talent, better coaching, and better discipline.


As many others have pointed out, this year certainly seems different than other years. We have much better talent, and we have solid coaching. Execution has been strong for the most part, though there were discipline issues in the Pats*** game that bit us in the ass.


But over this three game stretch against Miami, the Giants, and Tennessee, I thought we would have a good opportunity to see the true character of this team. Three teams we definitely should beat, though each with its distinct challenges; Miami with its tough defensive front, the Giants with their SB-winning QB and tough receivers, and Tennessee with its stellar rookie QB, and two of those on the road. But despite those challenges, there is no reason this team should not be 4-1 heading into a showdown at home against the Bengals.


The game against Miami was a sign to me that this isn't the same old Bills. On the road, they not only took care of business, but they held their foot on the gas and didn't let up. True, Miami is probably worse than any of us thought going into the season, but again, previous Bills teams would find a way to play down to their level and make it a close game. There are initial signs that this team has a different, stronger character.


Now we have the Giants and Tennessee, and two more opportunities to show that this team is built for real success. Teams have more film on us, so they'll have more ways to attack our weaknesses. How this team responds against these two additional opponents will tell me a lot about who they truly are. I don't expect every game to be a 41-14 thrashing (sure would be nice, though), but if this really is a team with playoff expectations I expect them to execut'e well and take care of business these next two games. If not, well, I guess we will still have a ways to go.


Go Bills!!


I'm pretty confident there is enough talent on this team to make the playoffs. If they do lose games we think they shouldn't, I'm not so sure 'character' would be the reason. If they quit, took a bunch of personal foul penalties... , then maybe you could say that, but to lose to any NFL team is no great sin and shouldn't be considered a major character flaw. Judge each game on it's own merits and circumstances. Missing key players this week may be a factor if we lose, it wouldn't be because of lack of character. But I think they will win tomorrow and will win the majority of their games as long as they stay relatively healthy.

There is always a head scratching loss. I don't think this week but Tennessee could be that one as they look ahead to Cinci. If (and it's a big if) they stay focused, beat Cinci at home, I think we will be 8-1 for the big rematch with Pats. If we thought the hype was big week 2 wait til that one.

You think that they will be thinking about Cincinnati while they are playing Tennessee? They have different color uniforms so that may help keep them focused on the team that they are actually playing

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I agree that this team seems destined for the playoffs, but I will NEVER be optimistic at the start of a game. I will be scared and unapproachable as the game starts tomorrow, even though most people think the Bills should beat the Giants easily. I will NEVER predict a victory for the Bills. I live in an area dominated by Giants fans, so if the Bills lose I will be the target of ridicule for a while. Too many years of dashed hopes, too many years of being ridiculed for being a Bills fan, too many years of injuries piling up. Yes, there is depth and there is better coaching this year, and Tyrod has turned out to be better than many people thought (so far). But I have seen defeat clutched from the jaws of victory too many times. My poor wife, she doesn't understand why I care about something as trivial as football, but she knows that if the Bills lose I will be in a bad mood for a while. The bad mood used to last for several days, but all these years of bad teams have made me much less likely to let it bother me for very long. But losing to the Giants or Patriots has an extra sting. I sure hope the Bills win tomorrow.

How dare you label football as trivial!!!!


Seriously though, the Giants are a much better team than many here are giving credit for. I too have a lot of Giants buddies from college. I've been quiet for once with the pre-game chatter, but I'm cautiously optimistic regarding this matchup for once.

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Speaking purely on gut feel:


The Bills will win tomorrow. They will beat Tennessee. Probably the Bungles, too. I expect them to have 1 loss at the bye. Hard to believe? Not if you have been watching them since pre-season, and realize that they haven't scratched the surface of how good they can be.


For every extra game that opposing defenses have footage to watch on TT, that is also another week that he and the rest of the offense have to learn this scheme and develop chemistry with the receivers and OLine. I see a QB that isn't going to "Trent" or "Fitz" out. He isn't going to be like Bledsoe who played great for 8 games and was trash after Belicheat provided a blueprint on how to beat him. He isn't crashing down to earth unless he gets injured.


The defense has been playing prevent for almost half of their wins. They have yet to play their best game. They were expected to carry the team, and they are almost an afterthought.


I am starting to think that the Cheatriots game may have been what they needed to play focused and angry; bonded, even. Every "Glory Days" team needed a good butt-kicking to get their attention. They have responded, and now they have to maintain. This squad is like no other from the past 15 years; time to stop expecting them to be.


Come week 11, when they are 8-2/7-3, they will beat the Chiefs. And that's when the season takes a turn. How will they deal with the excitement and new expectations? That will be the key.


I return now to logical, rational thought.

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I have read in multiple places that the boys showed gumption in the comeback against the Patsies and the 4th quarter was a turning point. Is this truly the case or did the Patsies take their foot of the gas, or perhaps a little of both? I listened to the 2nd half of the game in the car in CT so it was difficult to tell. Have been a long time lurker and respect the opinions of many in this thread.

Offensively, the Pats**** kept their foot on the gas and stupidly so. Defensively, they stopped sending five and pressuring the A gaps in the 4th quarter when Bellyache was content with seven or eight in coverage. This gave TT the time he wasn't getting earlier to find his targets downfield.



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Funny how different this year is. As crazy as that sounds I can actually envision that being a remote possibility.


You're not serious are you? 18 and 1 ? Come on back down to earth, there is absolutely NO chance that will happen. Yeah the Bills are better than they have been for the past 15 years but don't get carried away. You saw what happened against New England. The Bills are better and a lot more fun to watch but they're not ready for the big time.

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Bills teams in the past have been the type that can get up for the big games (though often falling short), but also playing down to the level of the competition. So for as many times as they pulled out a big win against a stronger opponent, they also fell flat and lost to teams they should have beaten. Those, to me, are signs of teams that needed better talent, better coaching, and better discipline.


As many others have pointed out, this year certainly seems different than other years. We have much better talent, and we have solid coaching. Execution has been strong for the most part, though there were discipline issues in the Pats*** game that bit us in the ass.


But over this three game stretch against Miami, the Giants, and Tennessee, I thought we would have a good opportunity to see the true character of this team. Three teams we definitely should beat, though each with its distinct challenges; Miami with its tough defensive front, the Giants with their SB-winning QB and tough receivers, and Tennessee with its stellar rookie QB, and two of those on the road. But despite those challenges, there is no reason this team should not be 4-1 heading into a showdown at home against the Bengals.


The game against Miami was a sign to me that this isn't the same old Bills. On the road, they not only took care of business, but they held their foot on the gas and didn't let up. True, Miami is probably worse than any of us thought going into the season, but again, previous Bills teams would find a way to play down to their level and make it a close game. There are initial signs that this team has a different, stronger character.


Now we have the Giants and Tennessee, and two more opportunities to show that this team is built for real success. Teams have more film on us, so they'll have more ways to attack our weaknesses. How this team responds against these two additional opponents will tell me a lot about who they truly are. I don't expect every game to be a 41-14 thrashing (sure would be nice, though), but if this really is a team with playoff expectations I expect them to execute well and take care of business these next two games. If not, well, I guess we will still have a ways to go.


Go Bills!!



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