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THE linchpin to a successful season is?

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I think if we score more points than the defense allows on a game by game basis the season will go well

I hate to be the wet blanket, but we need to factor in how many points the offense allows. And then there's special teams...

Edited by Augie
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I agree, but I'll narrow it down to: run blocking.

I'll narrow it down even more, interior OL. OG's and OC's. Specifically the OC & RG. We know trap blocks and whip blocks are coming but we really have to block and get a push there. I am optimistic our tackles will get to the next level, as both all we have seem to be next level guys.


Incognito and Wood need to step up, with whoever they put in at Guard beside them.

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A playoff berth will definitely be the mark of success this year.

The key will be being able to get QB play that is just a notch or 2 better than Orton last year.


The OL will play a big role in that of course, but a strong run game won't be enough in my opinion if none of the QBs can be average to slightly better than avg. throwing the ball.


We need one of these QBs to surprise us and be a bit better than we thought.

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I agree, but with the talent this team has average QB play will be enough to win a lot of games.

If only we could reach that plateau. of average QB play.

but to the point. If the Oline can give both QB and runners any level of confidence and trust via consistent play? Bills might reach the next level

its the O line and the O coaching from top to bottom

Go Bills!

Because i think we might have something this year that turns it around up front

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It's QB play. If the QB can have a 2:1 TD to INT ratio and move the chain on 3rd down the Bills will be in the playoffs. They basically need a QB to minimize mistakes and make a few plays at important times. They don't need them to win the games but they need to keep them on the field.

What will allow that ratio?


Above average o-line play. Without it we're doomed. With it the team has a chance.

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Reasonably good QB play. The OL obviously effects that, but the bottom line is that this team will only go as far as a QB takes it.

but the QB can only take the team as far as the o-line allows.

If the team loses because the QBs suck, it will be because the QBs suck, not because the oline or McCoy or the defense couldn't pick up the slack for sucky QB play. If the QBs are good, the team will win. So the linchpin is the QB.


if the o-line sucks any one of our 4 QBs will suck.

They just about got it last year with well below average line play. The OL will be important but if the QBs perform as they did today it won't matter.

yup. Just about.
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I agree, but I'll narrow it down to: run blocking.

QB play. period. they will see 8 in the box, which will negate the running game, forcing whoever the QB is to throw the ball. With 8 in the box , Jerry Kramer and Fuzzy Thurston have no chance at success, much less henderson and crew... when defenses know what you like to do, they take it away to see if you can do anything else...

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Smart play calling on offense is critical.


The defense will be good enough to keep the games close.

The O-line is not great, but should be good enough.

The QB will need to be a caretaker/game manager.

The best chance to score on offense will be to rely on runs/slants/screens.


That was pretty much the same as last year, and awful play calling may have been the single factor that doomed the season.

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For me it is o-line play. If that unit comes together and finds itself above average the running game will work and mediocre QB play will be a possibility based on decent protection. Mediocre QB play will, IMO, be enough to get to the playoffs based on the defense & ST.


Below average o-line play won't allow even mediocre QB play to become a reality.


Yes, after all this time I would call the playoffs a successful season.



It's turnovers.


It's always forgotten in the offseason but it's the biggest predictor of success or failure.


With all the threats the Bills have in the passing game now if the Bills aren't putting opponents away by creating turnovers and scores on defense then there is going to be pressure on Greg Roman to throw the football.


The ability of these rag-tag QB's to do that without turning the ball over themselves is going to be the most crucial individual factor.


My defensive game plan against the Bills is 7-8 in the box, press coverage, pressure up the middle to force quick throws to covered receivers.


We've seen this gameplan a ton over the past 15 years. It's pretty standard "bad QB" defense.


That's why I hope.....like some others.....that the QB who steps up is Tyrod Taylor.


He is the only one who has the physical ability to negate pressure up the middle.


Unfortunately he has pretty much stunk according to reports in mini-camp and now TC.


I will agree that the OL is the unit that has the most to prove and that the player who really needs to step up is Eric Wood.


He was awful last year and I suspect he is about done but his ability to hold his own is crucial. Teams will attack him and Miller.


Hoping wherever Orton, Wood and Urbik went together in Mexico in January that Wood found himself a good HGH supplier. :thumbsup:

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