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New England Patriots caught deflating game balls


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Mark Brunell on ESPN just now....they had two footballs. One properly inflated and one with two pounds less air like the pats used. Brunell is first analyst with any cojones on this subject. He says huge advantage, can throw the ball at least ten yards further with ball that has two lbs less air.



Yipes, that is pretty significant.


Certainly a QB would be an authority on this.




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Refs and players handle the ball differently. Players grip it more strongly, by necessity, and would be more likely to notice. A 2psi - even 20% - difference isn't something you're likely to notice through casual handling.

That's another thing Gerry Austin said today. Unless you were looking for it, the refs wouldn't notice. They aren't squeezing the ball when they handle it.

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That's another thing Gerry Austin said today. Unless you were looking for it, the refs wouldn't notice. They aren't squeezing the ball when they handle it.


I would think anyone who's ever driven a car would be aware of that. Try telling the difference between 35psi and 28psi with bare hands. You won't notice.


Then try it by driving over a curb. THEN you'll notice.

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Let's say your 8 year old son takes $5 from your wallet left on a night stand while you were out mowing the lawn. You note the loss of the $5 bill and for some reason confront the 8 year old regarding this. He says he knows nothing about it. You later find out from your 10 year old daughter (eye witness) that the boy took the $5 and she told him he would be sorry.


Do you say "no big deal, it is only $5. That's not a lot of money and it doesn't really impact the economics of running my household" or do you freak out b/c your 8 year old is learning at a young age to steal, be dishonest, and lie?


Is this a "minor infraction" or a very serious matter for you?


To me, that is perfectly analogous to Deflate-gate.



Are you a cop?


Anyway, I think you are right, the kid should GO TO JAIL. A 5 year sentence, because stealing is stealing! It's the same as robbing a bank!



This is another media frenzy, click-baiting story. Everyone HAS to have an opinion on football inflation, and the more it's focused on, the more serious the charges appear to people. "Wow, it's obvious that they built a dynasty with these deflated balls!" "This is VERY serious, and I think they should a have a crew of ball measurers on the sideline measuring the ball before EVERY play. It's only fair"

Edited by HoF Watkins
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I would think anyone who's ever driven a car would be aware of that. Try telling the difference between 35psi and 28psi with bare hands. You won't notice.


Then try it by driving over a curb. THEN you'll notice.

Yup. There is zero question they cheated. It's really just a matter of what the NFL does. They're not going to find out the real story and who was behind it I don't think. And if that is the case, the penalty should be worse. I don't, unfortunately, think it's going to be.


I wouldn't be surprised, however, if they took a first round draft choice away from them in the off season. That's probably asking for too much. But I imagine the league is furious over this, even with their affection for the biggest scumbag of them all, Bob Kraft. He's worse than Bellichick IMO, simply because he's completely disingenuous and dishonest, Bellichick is just dishonest. ;)

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Personally, I think the Patriots would have beaten the Colts like a gong without the deflated ball controversy.


But you know what's great about this? Make the SOBs deny that they were cheating. Piss off every Patriots fan who already gets a hair across their backside when someone mentions Spygate.


Because irritating these festering boils on the face of humanity is really what its all about.


Goodell isn't going to do a bleeping thing about it other than maybe come up with a rule that the game balls are controlled by a neutral party at every game.

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Refs and players handle the ball differently. Players grip it more strongly, by necessity, and would be more likely to notice. A 2psi - even 20% - difference isn't something you're likely to notice through casual handling.



That's another thing Gerry Austin said today. Unless you were looking for it, the refs wouldn't notice. They aren't squeezing the ball when they handle it.




I would think anyone who's ever driven a car would be aware of that. Try telling the difference between 35psi and 28psi with bare hands. You won't notice.


Then try it by driving over a curb. THEN you'll notice.


Certainly a different sport but I referee soccer and it very easy to tell when a ball is under inflated. Those are to be 9-10.5 lbs of air maybe that is why it is more noticeable but it jumped in my head immediately. As a soccer ref I am handling a ball much less than a football referee would as well.


That said... Wouldn't 2 lbs of pressure be noticeable when they threw it to each other for spots, or when they placed it on the ground, or when they held it for measuring? It did happen at least once that the official noticed it early in the 3rd so I don't totally buy that they didn't/wouldn't notice. I am asking seriously though as I really have no idea. Going back to soccer it is noticeable most when the ball is bouncing which is something that doesn't happen in football with the regularity it does in soccer.

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This from Goodell after Spygate... Saying the league should crack down harder on future violators to protect integrity of the game. Here's your chance, Rodger the Dodger.



Goodell pledged to impose more severe penalties on teams and employees who violate rules governing competition. He also proposed a measure requiring team employees to report "actual or suspected" violations and another that would require each team's principal owner, top football executive and head coach to stipulate annually, under the threat of league discipline, that they complied with the rules and reported violations.

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Personally, I think the Patriots would have beaten the Colts like a gong without the deflated ball controversy.


The thing to keep in mind is that the Patriots didn't just want to win the game. They want to beat everybody in the history of football. They want to cement their legacy as The Dynasty of all Dynasties. This is the same team that ran up the score on everybody in 2007 (except the Giants in the Superbowl...and they still try to ignore that game and claim an "undefeated season.") They play the game not to win, but to be the greatest football team of all time.


So regardless of "they were going to win anyway"...if 2 psi is the difference between Brady going 18 of 35 for 2 TDs and 1 int, and going 23-35 for 3 TDs and 1 int...yeah, you better believe they deflate the balls.

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One thing for sure every single Patriot fan has no defense against the Cheatriots claim. Anytime they try and show team pride regarding the Bellicheat years they are going to be laughed at, and slammed.



Now the question is how long has this been happening. is it this one incident or have game balls for much longer been under inflated for Brady.


no matter how you slice it the Patriots are a mere asterisk

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So just to be clear...the Pats' cheating shouldn't be punished, but in an honest blowout a high school coach should be suspended for not teaching his players common courtesy...?





If only that winning basketball coach had cheated, then he'd be fine.

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It will be interesting to see if this kind of accusation opens the gate a bit, and players/coaches start making more frequent accusations against each other. Of course, that might make the league look bad, and unsportsmanlike.


In any of the books from the 90's Bills are there any allusions to "skirting the rules"?

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