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Asking For Thoughts and Prayers

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Just post - Orton is a waste and can't wipe EJ's arse. You'll make plenty of enemies.




You misconstrued my posts, perpetrated lies and you ragged on me for weeks. I call that being a dick, so please don't pretend otherwise

Bills Fan 4 ever, as far as I can tell you have spent the last month on a crusade telling everyone that the Bills defense really isn't that good and that EJ Manuel is good and that Kyle Orton sucks. And the more your opinions look ridiculous and the more you get backed into a corner, the more you try and defend yourself by misstating facts and contradicting yourself. Two examples: you continually failed to grasp the concept that the Bills' rushing defense was actually ranked higher when there were teams ahead of them when you looked at total yardage allowed because they had a bye and thus had allowed less yards despite the fact that they had allowed more yards per game. And also, you harped on EJ being a winner and wins are the only thing that matter and wins, wins, wins and then when Orton won, you kept talking about how much more he gets sacked than EJ. From a fellow Bills fan (not an enemy), you do kind of make yourself an easy target.

Edited by metzelaars_lives
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I do like bacon but I hate tuna fish. Does that count?


But do you like bacon ON tuna? I get a sub at Wegman's called The Bruce Special (coincidence?). It's tuna, olives, pickles, banana peppers and provolone topped with bacon. You just you-know-whated thinking of it, didn't you? Admit it. Try one...

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I hate the fact that we are now seeing everything bacon. Bacon vodka? Bacon Beer? Bacon wrapped turkey. Why not just sell slabs (sliced or not) and let ust do with it what we want.


It's ON!!!!


I don't need no stinkin' bacon flavoring, just give me a cut of pork belly and get out of my way!


I hate you.


[dun dun dun]

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But do you like bacon ON tuna? I get a sub at Wegman's called The Bruce Special (coincidence?). It's tuna, olives, pickles, banana peppers and provolone topped with bacon. You just you-know-whated thinking of it, didn't you? Admit it. Try one...

that doesn't sound bad, but what if you got a bacon sub with tuna on top? that just sounds so wrong.
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As some of you know, there is a poster among us named TGregg. He's currently going under the name "GreggyT" but I don't intend to let him escape his past that easily. For those of you who don't already know, TGregg is a dick. If he were a South Park character he'd be Scott, because Scott's a dick. I hate TGregg with the fire of a dozen sons. I hate him as though he were Tom Brady. I'm talking about the kind of hate Jackson had for the Indians (or Redskins, if you prefer), Tom had for Jerry, and Obama has for freedom.


What does this have to do with anything? As some of you may also know, we have a PPP fantasy football league. This week I'm facing off against the scourge that is TGregg, and I'm asking for your help. Now I'm not suggesting anyone pull a Tonya Harding on Antonio Brown ;), but if we keep TGregg in our most negative thoughts and prayers, perhaps we can put out enough negative energy to lead his team to defeat and thus break his spirit. And then get to taste his delicious tears.


And this isn't about me winning my fantasy week. I mean, that's exactly what it's about, but it's also about taking a stand and making a statement. And that statement is "!@#$ you, TGregg. !@#$ you in your !@#$ing ass!" Help me crush this walking genital wart.


Thank you for your support.

I am again too late !

Dammit. You had my vote.

Edited by 3rdand12
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What does destroying TGregg's dreams of glory have to do with Republicans?

really ? its obvious to the common man. the worker the laborer the provider of bread, the family man.

You card carrying Bolshevik ? GregT said you had leanings . now i wonder.

the machinations of politics. the red menace. Joseph McCarthy isms!!. oh its all coming back to me.

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...bacon-kabobs, bacon creole, bacon gumbo. Pan fried bacon, deep fried bacon, stir-fried bacon, chicken-fried bacon. Pineapple bacon, lemon bacon, coconut bacon, pepper bacon, bacon soup, bacon stew, bacon salad, bacon and potatoes, bacon burger, bacon sandwich, vegetarian bacon...


!@#$ you!!

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I happen to know this Tgreggy fellow very well, and have for many years.


I also happen to know that he dabbles in the black arts, and has recently put a spell on you.


I wasn't going to tell you but since your public plea was so, shall I say, needy, I thought I should give you fair warning.


Unfortunately, for you, a spell is a spell. And unless you know some doctor at your local hospital or clinic who can provide some immediate spell surgery, expect bad things, man. Bad things. For at least two weeks.


Expect 'em when you least expect 'em.



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