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Asking For Thoughts and Prayers

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I happen to know this Tgreggy fellow very well, and have for many years.


I also happen to know that he dabbles in the black arts, and has recently put a spell on you.


I wasn't going to tell you but since your public plea was so, shall I say, needy, I thought I should give you fair warning.


Unfortunately, for you, a spell is a spell. And unless you know some doctor at your local hospital or clinic who can provide some immediate spell surgery, expect bad things, man. Bad things. For at least two weeks.


Expect 'em when you least expect 'em.

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As some of you know, there is a poster among us named TGregg. He's currently going under the name "GreggyT" but I don't intend to let him escape his past that easily. For those of you who don't already know, TGregg is a dick. If he were a South Park character he'd be Scott, because Scott's a dick. I hate TGregg with the fire of a dozen sons. I hate him as though he were Tom Brady. I'm talking about the kind of hate Jackson had for the Indians (or Redskins, if you prefer), Tom had for Jerry, and Obama has for freedom.


What does this have to do with anything? As some of you may also know, we have a PPP fantasy football league. This week I'm facing off against the scourge that is TGregg, and I'm asking for your help. Now I'm not suggesting anyone pull a Tonya Harding on Antonio Brown ;), but if we keep TGregg in our most negative thoughts and prayers, perhaps we can put out enough negative energy to lead his team to defeat and thus break his spirit. And then get to taste his delicious tears.


And this isn't about me winning my fantasy week. I mean, that's exactly what it's about, but it's also about taking a stand and making a statement. And that statement is "!@#$ you, TGregg. !@#$ you in your !@#$ing ass!" Help me crush this walking genital wart.


Thank you for your support.


You sir are awesome.



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A lot of people believed what happened in Vegas stayed in Vegas too, but herpes doesn't respect geopolitical borders. And neither do I.


Huh. Maybe there's a direct link between herpes' and your lack of respect for geopolitical borders...

Edited by transient
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The Frozen F*&k Lizards entire organization has just been made aware of this thread. While we applaud the competitive spirit of the PPP Fantasy Football League and The Moral Crusaders, we're not prepared to respond at the moment. Mainly because we're trying to convince Andrew Luck and Gronk to skip their bye weeks... so far the Neck Beard has only responded with a single digit salute. I'm not sure what that means, but I'm taking it as a "maybe".


For those of you wondering the history here, allow me to illuminate you: 167.60 to 161.02 -- that was the week one score when our two teams first met. It was a FFL victory for the ages as we overcame 50 points from Matt Ryan thanks to Mr. Luck's second half miracle against Denver. It was a gut wrenching loss for the Moral Crusaders, one they're clearly still stinging from.



The trophy we're all playing for...

Edited by GreggyT
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As some of you know, there is a poster among us named TGregg. He's currently going under the name "GreggyT" but I don't intend to let him escape his past that easily. For those of you who don't already know, TGregg is a dick. If he were a South Park character he'd be Scott, because Scott's a dick. I hate TGregg with the fire of a dozen sons. I hate him as though he were Tom Brady. I'm talking about the kind of hate Jackson had for the Indians (or Redskins, if you prefer), Tom had for Jerry, and Obama has for freedom.


What does this have to do with anything? As some of you may also know, we have a PPP fantasy football league. This week I'm facing off against the scourge that is TGregg, and I'm asking for your help. Now I'm not suggesting anyone pull a Tonya Harding on Antonio Brown ;), but if we keep TGregg in our most negative thoughts and prayers, perhaps we can put out enough negative energy to lead his team to defeat and thus break his spirit. And then get to taste his delicious tears.


And this isn't about me winning my fantasy week. I mean, that's exactly what it's about, but it's also about taking a stand and making a statement. And that statement is "!@#$ you, TGregg. !@#$ you in your !@#$ing ass!" Help me crush this walking genital wart.


Thank you for your support.


I'll forward this one to Erik Pears and see what he can do.....

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I knew my in stinks were wright two avoid joining that unwholey league.

That you have a bronze cast of my exact true likeness is proof enough of yore super demonic powers.

I shall refrain therefore from giving Rob the antidote to the Lizard spells unless it's case of life or depth. Or a case of Molson.

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Perhaps...do you hate bacon? If so, I may be interested.


I hate the fact that we are now seeing everything bacon. Bacon vodka? Bacon Beer? Bacon wrapped turkey. Why not just sell slabs (sliced or not) and let ust do with it what we want.


It's ON!!!!

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I hate the fact that we are now seeing everything bacon. Bacon vodka? Bacon Beer? Bacon wrapped turkey.


...bacon-kabobs, bacon creole, bacon gumbo. Pan fried bacon, deep fried bacon, stir-fried bacon, chicken-fried bacon. Pineapple bacon, lemon bacon, coconut bacon, pepper bacon, bacon soup, bacon stew, bacon salad, bacon and potatoes, bacon burger, bacon sandwich, vegetarian bacon...

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