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Update on my wife.


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To all my friends on TBD who gave me so much encouragement, I tell you with a heavy heart my wife was given 2 weeks to 2 months to live after her hard fought battle with cancer. would like to thank so many kind folks who gave me so much encouragement.

Needless to say, my heart is broken in so many places. I wonder if I could ever put it back together again.

I am still holding out hope for a miracle. Thank you once again.

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To all my friends on TBD who gave me so much encouragement, I tell you with a heavy heart my wife was given 2 weeks to 2 months to live after her hard fought battle with cancer. would like to thank so many kind folks who gave me so much encouragement.

Needless to say, my heart is broken in so many places. I wonder if I could ever put it back together again.

I am still holding out hope for a miracle. Thank you once again.

I missed the previous thread.


My heart goes out to you.

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So sorry Westy. I know it's been a long battle. Not sure if there are any words of comfort that I can offer but understand you will remain in our prayers. I know you are spending all your time with her and the kids...that is the important thing right now. Email me if you need anything at all.

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Thank you all for your kind words. A tumor in her lung is pressing against her vocal chord I was told by the dr. She has lost the ability to speak. What I wouldn't do just to hear her sweet voice one more time.

There is a malignet (sp?) mass in her bowels that is causing the blockage. It is inoperable. They said they wouldn't do surgery because her insides is loaded with cancer. They also said, if they could not somehow open the blockage, she could possibly have two weeks. Even if by some miracle they did open it up, she would have maybr two months.


I knew deep in my heart that when I called 911 for an ambulance, that she was never coming home again. This question is for someone who has lost a spouse, how do you go on after there gone? I come home to take care of my pets and the house feels so empty. Will the pain ever go away? I watch her laying there, struggeling to breath, watching her waste away.Then I think of all the promises to her these past sixteen months telling her she was going to be ok. I knew they where lies. I never thought it would be so quick. I always thought we would have more time. Please, if you are still reading this. Don't put off that trip, vacation or whatever you and your loved one have been planning to go someday. Because sometimes tomorrow never comes and instead of happy memories, you have a big bag of regrets. Don't make my mistake. Tell your special loved one that you love them. Thank you for letting me vent.

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Westside, I do not know that pain. I've lost my father, and that was hard. I can only imagine what you're going through. Though you're in a tough time and going through a terrible issue, have faith that your heart one day will mend. My prayers for her and you. Peace.

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So very sorry to hear this....my only advice is to not worry about lost vacations or trips or what you didn't do....what is most important is that you were with her and she knew you loved her...knowing that you are loved is more important than anything in this world. You obviously have done all you can do, and while you will be left physically alone, she will be with you the rest of your life, I guarantee you the memories that will turn out to be the most cherished will be something ordinary. My heart goes out to you and your wife.

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West, so sorry to hear. It can be so hard at the end, so hard to tell your loved loved one it's okay to give up the fight, they have fought the good fight and it's time for them to get peace now That you will miss and love them forever, but it is okay for them to leave, we will be together again soon.


I can't answer the question on how one deals with losing a spouse, but this little story may help.


In the last ten years, lost my brother , Mom and Dad to cancer, and was with them all at the end. In addition, at one point from 2012-13 I went to 9 funerals in 11 months, all family members , and all loved by me. We had/ have a big family, extremely close. From a young age, so many of my best memories center around so many of those folks that had just passed.


So I have thought a lot about death/dying, especially with my family history and other factors. Not two weeks ago, I had the most vivid dream I have ever had. Walking up to a typical Niagara Falls house, my father in law , who passed in 02 , was outside, and instructed me to knock on the door even though I did not recognize the house.


Guess who opened the door...my Mom. Oh the hug I gave her. I could see my Dad and so many of loved ones at the kitchen table playing euhre, eating drinking laughing!


Then my brother came up the stairs with a Blue for me, said now that I was at the party the Bills were sure to win the Super Bowl. It hit me and I asked out loud...am I dead? They all said with a smile yes...and this was how God wanted us to all be together! I was thrilled!



I am not a real religious person, but I swear this dream was real! It was awesome.


May you and your family have peace not only during this rough time, but always.

Edited by plenzmd1
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