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Bills plan for Tuel as week 1 starter

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If fans showed up with Tuel/Tool belts with plastic hammers and plastic accoutrements that would !@#$in rock. If Tuel starts game one he MUST be supported!! This man knows he's climbing a steep hill. It will NOT help if he sees the Bills Fanatics being pessimistic a-holes and making excuses for his demise. He's a Bill. Support him you bipolar peoples.


Too many fans on here can't handle some bumps. This is just a sport. What if the lights went out for a few months. Handle adversity people.

Edited by Pilsner
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I think Jet Fuel, I mean Jeff Tuel can play a decent game. I just think our only chance is with winning the turnover battle. Hammer the receivers, tip passes at the line, that sort of thing. When Fitz beat the Pats, we intercepted Brady 4 times. The 31-0 game was because of turnovers. We can win this game but every player has to play balls-out.

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Too many fans on here can't handle some bumps. This is just a sport. What if the lights went out for a few months. Handle adversity people.




BUMPS, bumps, you say; the Bills have honed the concept of football "bumps" to a fine point. Bumps, the past decade plus has been characterized by "bumps." Don't lecture us about bumps....

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BUMPS, bumps, you say; the Bills have honed the concept of football "bumps" to a fine point. Bumps, the past decade plus has been characterized by "bumps." Don't lecture us about bumps....


Yes, bumps I say. From your ROTFLMAO, can I safely assume you have already hit the panic button more than once? Laugh and panic all you want. Hold a level head Keuk and don't mock so easily. You are not inspiring optimism.

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If fans showed up with Tuel/Tool belts with plastic hammers and plastic accoutrements that would !@#$in rock. If Tuel starts game one he MUST be supported!! This man knows he's climbing a steep hill. It will NOT help if he sees the Bills Fanatics being pessimistic a-holes and making excuses for his demise. He's a Bill. Support him you bipolar peoples.


Too many fans on here can't handle some bumps. This is just a sport. What if the lights went out for a few months. Handle adversity people.


I'm with you, man. I've got way too much else going on in my life to spend time pouring negative feelings and anger into football. If Jeff Tuel is our starter week one, no matter the weird circumstances that brought us to that point, then he has my full-throated support.


It's Tuel Time!

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"Everyone has a joke about the Bills’ new starting QB.

Jeff Tuel was sacked 119(!) times in college, or once every 8.3 dropbacks. Good preparation for playing behind the Bills’ offensive line.

— Bart Hubbuch (@HubbuchNYP)

Onion headline: “Guy Accidentally Wanders onto Practice Field, is Named Buffalo Bills Starting Quarterback”

— Tyler (@oktysure)

No quarterback in the NFL is more prepared to run the offense of the worst football team than Jeff Tuel.

— It’s Kenneth (@KennethArthurS)


I look at this years Bills team and have to think, is this is yet another coaching regime that is going to force a young to shoulder the team?

I think back to the 90's Bills and they won a playoff game (comeback game) with the starting star QB out, the starting star RB out and the starting star LBer out. The 90 NY Giants won a superbowl with a backup QB starting. The NE Patriots lose Tom Brady for an entire season in the 2008 opening game and still manage an 11-5 season while beating the Buffalo Bills 2x with a backup QB that hadn't started a game at QB since high school, including his entire college career!


Watching this last pre season game and how the 3rd sting QB played so well against the starting Bills defense. Then the 4 string QB comes in and the Bills defense can't stop him either. Everyone mostly giving the excuse for that loss on the undrafted rookie QB, and yet the Bills defense and running game sucked even worse then that undrafted rookie QB.


If this years team falls on its face, it will be because the coaches failed yet again to build a dominate run game and strong defense to support the QB.

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I'm with you, man. I've got way too much else going on in my life to spend time pouring negative feelings and anger into football. If Jeff Tuel is our starter week one, no matter the weird circumstances that brought us to that point, then he has my full-throated support.


It's Tuel Time!


That's it jimmyo. If Tuel is our starter week one then this young man needs our support! I hope EJ will be ready but if he isn't then it will be Tuel Time and his Tuel box (we silly fans) will and should be cheering him on!


Manuel Overdrive and Tuel Time... Not a bad combo.


Fear the pessimism...

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Win the Pats game.


It is possible.


He could also win rookie of the year and end up in the Hall of Fame. Anything is possible in sports.


Usually the race is to the swift, though.


If the Pats weren't such an unknown quantity, I would make them close to a 21 point favorite. With all of their personnel upheaval, 14 seems like a reasonable number.

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That's it jimmyo. If Tuel is our starter week one then this young man needs our support! I hope EJ will be ready but if he isn't then it will be Tuel Time and his Tuel box (we silly fans) will and should be cheering him on!


Manuel Overdrive and Tuel Time... Not a bad combo.


Fear the pessimism...

Let's not worry about cheering either way until after labor day, okay? There isn't much preparation until that week anyway. EJ will get a re-evaluation this Sunday and we'll go from there.

Edited by 4BillsintheBurgh
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It would be great if Tuel could be a backup like Kirk Cousins . The OL has to go all out to protect him and give us a running game , keep our defense off the field. Less pressure when we are this big a underdog. I just would not go with the hurry up offense at this point.

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Exactly. It would have been tough to beat NE no matter who was starting, this doesn't make it any different. Probably would have been starting the season 0-1 anyway. We're not going anywhere this season and a loss to the Pats* is nothing new. EJ will start as soon as he's healthy.


This. I really thought the way they'd beat the Patriots is with their defense and how they play Brady...not because of who's starting at QB. I'm more concerned about not having Gilmore than Tuel starting.


I've only seen Tuel against Indy, but from what I did see, I liked his poise and confidence in running the offense. Once he gets some reps with the first team, I think he'll be fine and ready to go. Besides, he's the only healthy QB that's been in camp the whole time, so until EJ is ready to practice with the first team, they're better off going with a guy who will have been taking those first team reps for 2-3 weeks.

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I actually enjoy how the entire world is against Tuel. If you've seen/read any of his interviews and follow his Twitter, you'll find he's a very level-headed young guy with a strong faith in himself and God.


I truly hope things work out for him and he has the last laugh.

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I actually enjoy how the entire world is against Tuel. If you've seen/read any of his interviews and follow his Twitter, you'll find he's a very level-headed young guy with a strong faith in himself and God.


I truly hope things work out for him and he has the last laugh.


He really is a likeable kid...wouldn't it be something if he could shock the football world?

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It would be great if Tuel could be a backup like Kirk Cousins . The OL has to go all out to protect him and give us a running game , keep our defense off the field. Less pressure when we are this big a underdog. I just would not go with the hurry up offense at this point.


If Tuel is successful in completing passes that Patriots allow him to do, we should be ok with the Running game. The issues in the past has been that the Patriots would stack the box and force the QB to throw and our QBs failed.

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So, it's no longer a competition? What if Tuel Time lays another egg on Thursday, yet BIG BAD THAD or Lienert plays well and shows a command of the offense and shows leadership and fires up the guys? You still gonna with Tuel Time because of some loyalty thing? Doesn't sound like the Coach Marrone I know. You gotta earn it.

Yep. If you watched what Marrone said... Tuel is considered the week 1 starter. But, if EJ can play then he will play. Now, maybe he changes his tune come Thursday after Big Bad Thad and Lienert have a great game and master the offense after 3 days of practicing, but as of today.... I think we're looking at a QB combo of EJ, Tuel, then whoever looks best out of the others.

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Ok, I was clearly wrong in how I interpreted Saturday's events (i.e., sending Tuel to PS). It seems that perhaps the Bills really did just try to get out of dodge and weren't going to open up the playbook with no other QB on the roster.

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