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Who Wants to Watch Tom Brady Cry?

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I watched this video, and I understand completely why he was overcome with emotion. I got no satisfaction from it.


Know who I want to see crying for the same reasons?


Ryan Fitzpatrick.


In fact I would love to see the entire Bills roster blubbering all over each other, Ralph Wilson, their wives and children, the fans, and the Lombardi Trophy. I would love to see them so broken up over the realization that others had so underestimated them, that they nearly never had a chance to prove their greatness.


That would give me some satisfaction.

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Don't understand the Brady hate

You don't? It's actually quite simple. People here who hate Brady are simply Bills fans, not football fans. The Bills could be playing water polo for all they care.


The guy's done nothing but work his a$$ off and be successful. As a football AND Bills fan, at least I can be honest with myself and say I wish he was our QB and not the guy toying with our D twice a year.


And to the mouth breathers out there, no this doesn't make me a Pats "troll" or whatever the buzzword is this week. You can go back to watching Larry the Cable Guy.


I'm pretty happy with my life, but if I could switch places with anyone in the world, it would be a toss-up between Brady, Cristiano Ronaldo or that pasty guy married to Jennifer Connelly...lucky bastard.

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Big baby, These athletes need to start maning up and be real men. Crying over not getting picked til the sixth, waaaah! Be a salesman if undrafted, that shows real drive toward your goals, you go UDA bust your ass til you make it, stop crying already.

Edited by Buffalo Barbarian
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You don't? It's actually quite simple. People here who hate Brady are simply Bills fans, not football fans. The Bills could be playing water polo for all they care..................................


I would have to disagree, at least in part. Many "football fans" legimately dislike Brady due to his crying to the officials if someone even breathes on him. Marino was another.

Both loaded with talent, but frequently displayed characteristics that quickly turned off general football fans. Whining babies, the both of them.

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I watched this video, and I understand completely why he was overcome with emotion. I got no satisfaction from it.


Know who I want to see crying for the same reasons?


Ryan Fitzpatrick.


In fact I would love to see the entire Bills roster blubbering all over each other, Ralph Wilson, their wives and children, the fans, and the Lombardi Trophy. I would love to see them so broken up over the realization that others had so underestimated them, that they nearly never had a chance to prove their greatness.


That would give me some satisfaction.


Agreed. I take no satisfaction in it. Brady earned his stripes. He's got the rings to prove it. If he wants to cry, let him. You can't blame him for poor ownership and management of the Bills.


It would have been nice to see us actually compete against the Patriots and actually create a rivalry. But how can there be one, when the Bills can't win 10 games for nothing. Remember the Dolphins/Bills of the 90s... Those were great because we were both good and always fighting to win the division.


Take a step back... The Bills/Patriots games from 2000-2010 were nothing to get excited about because Bills Ownership/management put a piss poor product on the field for a whole decade now. Tom Brady took advantage of it. Can you really blame him for that???


If that makes you happy to watch him cry good for you.


It makes me cry Ralph Wilson never took the time to go out and get the talent to rebuild this team to championship quality this city deserves... Thanks for a decade of mediocrity Ralph...

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Don't understand the Brady hate


He's a primadonna. Whay don't you get about that? He has how many NFL rules based on him? 2 for sure maybe more.


Be a winner not a whiner! Act like you've been there before and stop the taunting.


Fess sup to the last 5 years of phantom injuries.

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You don't? It's actually quite simple. People here who hate Brady are simply Bills fans, not football fans. The Bills could be playing water polo for all they care.


The guy's done nothing but work his a$$ off and be successful. As a football AND Bills fan, at least I can be honest with myself and say I wish he was our QB and not the guy toying with our D twice a year.


And to the mouth breathers out there, no this doesn't make me a Pats "troll" or whatever the buzzword is this week. You can go back to watching Larry the Cable Guy.


I'm pretty happy with my life, but if I could switch places with anyone in the world, it would be a toss-up between Brady, Cristiano Ronaldo or that pasty guy married to Jennifer Connelly...lucky bastard.



Some very good points -- especially about Jennifer Connelly.

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First of all i am a huge football fan. And i admire Tom Brady's accomplishments as a football player. He will be considered one of the best all time. He and Bellichek are like Montanna and Walsh.

However watching him cry was very eye opening to me. I mean i dont really know the guy, none of us do. But if you can cry about getting taken in the sixth round, it tells me you dont know real disapointment. And i hope he never does. Maybe i was a little jealous 'like come on, really'? By no means do i begrudge the guy for being in touch with his emotions, but it came across almost fake to me. And no, i am not an insurance salesman angry that he thought he would have to do my job.

I wish the guy nothing but the best. But no i dont want to see him cry over getting selected in the sixth round.

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He's a great QB and a HOF'er. I still like to see him get beat up on field because he's just like Marino...a cry baby. Rough him up a little and he pouts. He's on top of the world now and he's just having a little tantrum because he can't rewrite history about his draft position. He wanted the Peyton Manning draft experience and didn't get it and is still pouting. I'd like him better if he wasn't a taunting pr*ck and liked to run up scores against lesser opponents. That's why I have enjoyed the past few seasons of seeing him miss the big game and will really enjoy watching his inevitable decline to mediocrity. His best days are behind him.

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What made me "tear-up" in that video, was the slow pan of the team draft pick cards, showing the Bills pick Leif Larsen...not tears of sadness mind you (he was a 6th round pick), just tears of laughter, remembering what a stiff that guy was... :rolleyes:

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Agreed. I take no satisfaction in it. Brady earned his stripes. He's got the rings to prove it. If he wants to cry, let him. You can't blame him for poor ownership and management of the Bills.


It would have been nice to see us actually compete against the Patriots and actually create a rivalry. But how can there be one, when the Bills can't win 10 games for nothing. Remember the Dolphins/Bills of the 90s... Those were great because we were both good and always fighting to win the division.


Take a step back... The Bills/Patriots games from 2000-2010 were nothing to get excited about because Bills Ownership/management put a piss poor product on the field for a whole decade now. Tom Brady took advantage of it. Can you really blame him for that???


If that makes you happy to watch him cry good for you.


It makes me cry Ralph Wilson never took the time to go out and get the talent to rebuild this team to championship quality this city deserves... Thanks for a decade of mediocrity Ralph...


Mediocrity ... you're in a generous mood! Brady works harder, prepares more and is just plain better than any QB Buffalo has had since Kelly left. And he's a class act - and a first ballot hall of famer - on top of it. There are many reason the Patriots are so much better than the Bills. Tom Brady is on HUGE reason.

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I watched this video, and I understand completely why he was overcome with emotion. I got no satisfaction from it.


Know who I want to see crying for the same reasons?


Ryan Fitzpatrick.


In fact I would love to see the entire Bills roster blubbering all over each other, Ralph Wilson, their wives and children, the fans, and the Lombardi Trophy. I would love to see them so broken up over the realization that others had so underestimated them, that they nearly never had a chance to prove their greatness.


That would give me some satisfaction.

If you mean carrying a chip around on his shoulder, Fitz was mic'd up this season and he was fired up about the GM in Cinci not BILLieving in him. Definitely someone who feels the need to prove himself.

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