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  1. That's totally fair, I'm not saying "fear " Miami. The original comment I responded too was him saying it was going to be an "easy" game. There is just no way I agree with that. 4 out of the 5 games against McDaniel (including the playoff game) have been one score games which came down to the last possession
  2. My reading comprehension is strong which is why I was able to parse through your histrionics and respond with salient points. Villains are indeed needed. To play your game, replace rich or even millionaires with "Hollywood elites" and you will stand and applaud at the notion that the opinions of a group of wealthy people are totally irrelevant. It seems certain groups you will accept as categorically out of touch with the experience of the common man but other groups, which may be aspirational for you, should be protected. God forbid, EII does the same for fear of "stifling" the speech of the marginalized "rich". "Rich" may be a politically convenient term that is often used to lump any household that makes about $300k a year up to the generational wealthy and billionaires. That's a point worth exploring that does not require invocation of Pol Pot or Marxist revolution. However, in this case the subject is Butker who makes a little over $4 million a year. He's not living the life of a Musk, or Bill Gates, or a Warren Buffet (well maybe he is because Buffet is notoriously boring and cheap) but that type of annual earnings with any financial discipline suits pretty much any definition of rich. Well, except for the definitions of rich which involve a mothers love, or house full of kids, or getting right with Jesus. Those are utter bull####.
  3. The Colts? Plus a bye between KC and the Niners with both at home. Bills fans will invade LA. This is not something to fear.
  4. No fear. Other teams don't want to play us. KC and SF at home is huge.
  5. I think I go with the “it happened on his watch” theory of blame because these alternatives are, well, more depressing. But I fear that at least some of it is true. What we see here at PPP is a lot of high information voters. But the wrong information. Not all information is created equal. Some random Twitter feed’s take on a news story is not the news story. People have completely lost the ability to make that distinction.
  6. Hope Hicks, ex-Trump adviser, recounts fear in 2016 campaign over impact of ‘Access Hollywood’ tape “Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign was seized with worry about the potential political damage from a tape that showed Trump bragging about grabbing women sexually without their permission, longtime Trump adviser Hope Hicks testified Friday at his hush money trial.” *** “Once one of Trump’s closest confidants, Hicks provided a window into the chaotic fallout over the tape’s release just days before a crucial debate with Democrat Hillary Clinton. It was recorded in 2005 but was not seen by the public until Oct. 7, 2016, about a month before Election Day. Hicks described being stunned and huddling with other Trump advisers after learning about the tape’s existence from the Washington Post reporter who broke the story. Hicks forwarded the reporter’s request to campaign leadership with the recommendation to “deny, deny, deny,” she said.” *** ““I had a good sense to believe this was going to be a massive story and that it was going to dominate the news cycle for the next several days,” Hicks testified. “This was a damaging development.” She added: “This was just pulling us backwards in a way that was going to be hard to overcome.”” *** “But, Hicks said, Trump eventually came to believe that burying Daniels’ story was prudent, saying he thought “it would have been bad to have that story come out before the election.” *** “But when asked if Trump was also worried about the story’s impact on the campaign, Hicks responded that everything they spoke about during that time was viewed through the lens of the campaign. Trump would often asking her, “How is it playing?” as a way of gauging how his appearances, speeches and policies were landing with voters, she said.” Wow. When you read what she actually said it does seem that Trump was concerned about the impact to the campaign, not just Melania. If you find Hope Hicks believable, I’m guessing you might now be thinking Trump did violate election laws…
  7. I hope no one on this board is still fearful of this 40+ yard head case QB/GM, as many seemed to be when he was signed. Reminded me a lot of the super crazy talk around the country when the Broncos traded for Wilson, that he may help the Broncos become a contender!, giving a king's ransom for a has-been player Seattle may have waived before the next NFL season began. I was as happy as can be when the Jets signed him, and have not been disappointed--the joy rodgers and the jets keep on giving seems almost bottomless. The 2024 jets: A lame duck head coach, a lame duck GM, 'heading' a team that is run by a conspiracy theory promoting, 40 year old, narcissistic head case, clearly on the decline and coming off a major injury... The Jets just keep on giving and giving and giving to Bills' and fans of other AFC East teams.
  8. Agreed wrt Rodgers and all that, but my fear is that this year they've got a competent backup (Tyrod) who's practically lab-designed to get the Jets run-heavy, strong defensive roster to the playoffs. Then lose in the WC round. Why I kinda hope Floyd doesn't end Rodgers' season in week one AGAIN on MNF. Taylor, limited as he is, might be the perfect game manager to capitalize on what the Jets actually do well. Love all the continued Jets hype. So unearned (organizationally) and so market-based and marketing-based. Makes it sweeter when their ridiculous antics (Rodgers hitting the field with the flag streaming, only to be reminded of his mortality 4 plays in, for example). It's kind of heart-warming.
  9. And that’s precisely why The NY Times is lying and fear mongering. They know Democrats won’t watch or read it. So….. "For the ladies present today, congratulations on an amazing accomplishment," he began. "I want to speak directly to you briefly because I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you." Butker continued, “Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world." Speaking about his wife, Butker said, “I can tell you that my beautiful wife, Isabelle, would be the first to say her life truly started when she started living her vocation as a wife and as a mother." He said that he is "beyond blessed" because Isabelle "would convert to the faith, become my wife, and embrace one of the most important titles of all: Homemaker.” "Isabelle's dream of having a career might not have come true, but if you ask her today if she has any regrets on her decision, she would laugh out loud without hesitation, and say, 'Hey, no.'" Later, he addressed the male graduates directly, advising them to “be unapologetic in your masculinity," and to "fight against the cultural emasculation of men," in his speech. "To the gentlemen here today, part of what plagues our society is this lie that has been told to you that men are not necessary in the home or our communities," Butker said. "As men, we set the tone of the culture, and when that is absent, disorder, dysfunction and chaos set in. This absence of men in the home is what plays a large role in the violence we see all around the nation." https://people.com/chiefs-harrison-butker-criticized-graduation-speech-attacking-working-women-quoting-taylor-swift-8648547 ”One of their most important titles.” Little differ then “their most important title.” Which by the way - it is. And there is nothing wrong with that. It’s absolutely vital. Liberals are trash humans.
  10. When you’re driving down a main road and a car on a side road come to their stop sign at about 100mph looking and feeling like they are going to plow into you. I always fear that person just ain’t stoping. Being tailgated or passed on a double lined road.
  11. Thanks for the post. I truly appreciate your perspective and your taking the time to try to instill some optimism in me. As to the things I bolded: 1.) I don't think ranking WR corps (on paper, which is all anyone can really do at this time of year) is a meaningless exercise. I think there is value in sizing up different areas of a team's roster and weighing them against other team's personnel, to see how your team may stack up against others or what kind of attention your GM is or isn't paying to certain areas of a roster at a given moment. I wonder if your hesitance to participate in this exercise is indicative of the fact that you, like me, would fail to be able to honestly rate them much higher than "bottom third". 2.) As HappyDays pointed out above, pretty much every Super Bowl participant going back multiple years has had a dominant #1 pass catcher. Sure, in the Chiefs' case, it's been the tight end. And yes, the Bills have a young one who looks like he COULD become elite. But he's not there yet, and building the roster around him as if he already is doesn't seem like the soundest strategy to me. Hope is not a plan. 3.) I will admit to adamantly voicing my displeasure with the way Beane has gone about building the WR corps this year. But if my disapproval has been "over the top", then I would argue that those defending the team have at times been just as over the top in their delivery. I think the offense's success this season will depend on a lot of "hoped for" things coming to fruition. We HOPE Shakir breaks out. We HOPE Samuel has a career best season. We HOPE Coleman hits the ground running. We HOPE Kincaid proves to be a Kelce level player. We HOPE Claypool or MVS or Hamler step up. We HOPE Brady proves to be a good OC now that he has the gig full time. IF all of those things come true, then we'll have a good offense. But hoping/expecting that many things to happen seems just as over the top as me fearing that they won't. If I have any anger at all, it's because I have the gnawing feeling that my favorite team is failing to optimally set its franchise QB up for success offensively, and that that failure is starting to become an ongoing pattern. 4.) While no DC "ignores" anyone in the NFL, I only see one guy on the Bills' roster who might command some special attention, and that's Kincaid. None of the Bills' WRs are guys that opposing DCs are circling in red pen or having extra meetings about. Again, I appreciate your response. I respect your position. I understand and accept that others are more optimistic about this plan working out than I am, and I understand and accept that my pessimism on the matter is a departure from my usual rosy outlook on things. I'm sticking to what my eyes and my gut tell me. I hope -- I really, truly, sincerely hope -- that I'm wrong and you're right. I will happily come back here at the end of the 2024 season if the Bills are a fantastic passing offense and my fears prove unfounded, and tell everyone how wrong wrong wrong I was. You can hold me to that. And I hope that I can hold you to the same if the inverse happens, and the Bills are toothless in the passing game.
  12. Some of us don’t live in constant paralyzing fear
  13. You're right on. I think this is one of his most impressive years. He got us much younger, and out of cap hell. People are fearful because there is change, but here is an optimistic view on the "slash and burn" -- Diggs gave us literally nothing for 2/3rds of a year and removing his persona hints at addition by subtraction; love Po, always, but Po looked slow; Feel so bad for Hyde, hope he retires before injured, but probably not worth his contract rate last year; Morse was one concussion away from being a cap albatross and always had trouble anchoring, and he always had trouble anchoring; Tre White was an all-time favorite for me, but performance year 1 after an achilles is typically poor; Gabe Davis - love the human, the player added little and contributed a lot to Josh's interceptions by not being "on the same page" with Josh; Jordan Phillips and Shaq Lawson - it was time. All along the past 2-3 years, we have injected impressive young talent. Cook, Torrence, Kincaid, Bernard, Benford and Brown. I was very skeptical at the time, but locking up Oliver was genius. I think we are a much better team right now than last year. It may take a bit to gel, but we are younger, stronger, faster, healthier and cheaper. This is a golden age of team management - probably the best ever - as well as on field performance. Judge me now, but save the post -- the on-field team in 2024 will be better than 2023 and 2022 teams (that 2021 team could have really won it though). I think we need one more year of reloading to optimize the roster, but we are a strong competitor for the Super Bowl right now. Staying healthy, rookie contributions and Von's hoped-for recovery will all be key. But give us a couple breaks and we can win it.
  14. Since 2021 When our D is healthy McD has beaten Reid in KC twice. Reid got us at 13 seconds - no Von or Tre - and the 2024 playoff game where our LBs were UPS drivers. I fear injuries more than I do the Chiefs. Who have been near full health every dam season.
  15. Just an FYI commies, you do realize that the vast majority of Americans don't buy your RUSSIA/PUTIN fear porn anymore, right? Of course you don't!
  16. OMG. That is stupid money for a guy that is just not worth it. I understand the fear of being in QB purgatory. But to give up that much money and cap space for a mediocre QB is crazy.
  17. The Appearance of Michael Cohen: A Wreck in Search of a Race By Jonathan Turley, May 13, 2024 Michael Cohen is to criminal justice what car crashes are to Nascar: few want to admit it, but he is the perverse draw for the wreck-obsessed. The difference is that Cohen was already a rolling smoking wreck when he pulled up to the track. Even for those of us who have long been critics of this case and its dubious legal theory, it has been surprising to see that the prosecutors had no more evidence than what we previously knew about. The assumption was that no rational prosecutor would base a major criminal case virtually entirely on the testimony of Michael Cohen who was just recently denounced by a judge as a serial perjurer peddling “perverse” theories in court. The calculus of Alvin Bragg is now obvious. He is counting on the jury convicting Trump regardless of the evidence. He believes that all he needs is to check the boxes on the elements of the crime, no matter how unbelievable the vehicle. The reason is that Bragg likely fears a directed verdict more than a jury verdict. After the government closes its evidence, the defense will move for a directed verdict on the basis that the evidence is insufficient to sustain a conviction. In other words, when the prosecution rests this week, Trump’s counsel will stand and ask Merchan to end the case before it is even given to the jury. Many of us agree with that assessment. After three weeks of testimony, there is still confusion on what crime Trump was allegedly seeking to cover up. Bragg has vaguely referred to using the denotation of payments to Daniels as “legal expenses” as a fraud committed to steal the election. However, the election was over when those denotations were made. Moreover, many believe that such a characterization for payments related to a nondisclosure agreement was accurate. (Hillary Clinton’s campaign claimed in the same election that hiding the funding for the Steele dossier as legal expenses was perfectly accurate). Judge Juan Merchan, in my view, has failed repeatedly to protect the rights of the accused in this case. However, he can claim that there was enough alleged to give Bragg the chance to make his case. Thus far he has not done so and, if he is truly neutral, Merchan should grant the motion. Bragg is counting on not only a motivated jury but a motivated judge to keep this anemic case alive. All he hopes that he needs to do is get this to a Trump-loathing jury to set aside any reasonable doubt. To do that, he found the ultimate motivated witness with a record of saying whatever serves his interests and those of his sponsors. https://jonathanturley.org/2024/05/13/the-appearance-of-michael-cohen-a-wreck-in-search-of-a-race/ .
  18. I don't deny that the Bills needed a QB badly. I wanted them to take one in 2017 and was frustrated then that they didn't quite apart from Mahomes turning out to be generational. It was an ill advised trade. However, I'm not sure the bolded line is true. That really isn't is his skillset. Asking a defensive coordinator to be an expert QB evaluator is a high bar IMO. I agree it was a miss by the Bills and a mistake... but I put it on the organisation and how it got to the place where it hired McDermott in January and retained Whaley as a lame duck GM through April more than I blame it on McDermott himself. And that goes right back to the catalogue of mistakes the Pegulas made in running this franchise until the point when Sean McDermott walked through the door. I don't have any faith that the Pegulas know what they are doing at all. I respect them keeping the team in Buffalo but when you look down the road at their running of the Sabres I think the reality is they are bad sports owners who lucked out getting McDermott and then eventually Beane into the building and letting them run the team. If they had hired Vance Joseph, Anthony Lynn, Frank Reich or any of the other bums they interviewed in that cycle or Keith Butler who Whaley was pushing them to interview this franchise would likely still be spinning its wheels trying to nose a game above .500 every year. That doesn't, before anyone says this is my argument, mean McDermott gets a free pass forever. He doesn't. And fear that the Pegulas would screw up the next hire (their history says they probably will) shouldn't stop them moving on from McDermott and Beane if it gets to that stage.
  19. The only way I can think they would do this is if it came from T Pegula. That is my fear, that without Kim, T Pegula may be tightening the purse strings and want to save for a boost next year with the stadium filling as a concern. But this would have to be against Beane's wishes. Beane will look terrible if this is the talent he is sending out there this year. It would be his worst year as a GM by a lot.
  20. The Fall of the House of Presidential Persecutions What will be the endgame of all these attacks on the American legal system and the warping of it for blatant political purposes? By Victor Davis Hanson May 13, 2024 None of the five civil and criminal cases currently lodged against former President Donald Trump have ever had merit. They were all predicated on using the law to injure his re-election candidacy—given a widespread derangement syndrome among the left and a fear they cannot entrust a Trump/Biden election to the people. These criminal and civil trials are merely the continuation of extra-legal efforts of the last eight years to destroy a presidential candidate in lieu of opposing him in transparent elections. As such, the current lawfare joins the Mueller investigation of the Russian-collusion hoax. It is a continuation of the laptop disinformation caper and the “51 intelligence authorities” who lied about its Russian origins. It logically follows from the two impeachments, the Senate trial of Trump as a private citizen, and states’ efforts to remove him from their ballots. The E. Jean Carroll case, the Alvin Bragg, Letitia James, and Fani Willis local and state trials, and the Smith federal indictment share various embarrassments. Suspension of statutes of limitations: Carroll and Bragg could only go to court through the legal gymnastics of enlisting sympathetic judges and legislators to change or amend the law to suspend the statute of limitations as a veritable bill of attainder to go after Trump. More at the link: https://amgreatness.com/2024/05/13/the-fall-of-the-house-of-presidential-persecutions/ .
  21. Its been much cooler than normal here in the Northeast but I've yet to hear anyone suggest we're on the verge of a major cyclical cooling trend or Ice Age. For me, whether or not the climate is changing, which it is always doing, and how much of it can be attributable to human activity is not the issue. Let's just say it is changing and end that debate. And get to the real matter for us all. The issue is the identification of the cause, burning fossil fuels, and the solution to that problem. Replacing fossil fuels with renewables. The climate cult is full of buzz words like "sustainable" and "renewable" but there's a hint of dishonesty in their messaging. They paint the picture of some seamless transition to renewables with few to no consequences to individuals or society as a whole. All we need to do is make the commitment to spend the money and make the effort to transform our society to net carbon zero or something like that. Another buzz term. Just unplug from gasoline and go with EV's and continue on our merry way without missing a beat. The physics of it all suggest renewables, wind and solar, are unreliable low energy output sources that will never be able to replace fossil fuels without making concessions regarding cost and mobility. Cultist cite expected technological improvements in battery storage efficiency in the future as thing that will save the day. Its a common theme, as masters of the universe our technology will always be available to solve every problem we encounter. So have no fear. The ecological and environmental cost of disposing of all those used batteries isn't discussed at all. But there will be consequences to everyone. One specific I'm still waiting to hear about is the fate of commercial air travel. Electric planes I expect all providing the same level of service as jet fuel. The unfortunate truth is many lifestyle changes and sacrifices will be required. The "smart" people driving these changes know that's the truth. But they fear sharing the need for drastic lifestyle changes and sacrifices will not sit well with the majority that will be hesitant to give up anything. So they keep quiet. The plan will provide lots of benefits with almost no costs. So don't ask any questions. Or you'll be cast as a climate denier. And don't worry. The elites pushing the agenda, rest assured, will give up nothing. Another common theme.
  22. Probably be too afraid to speak the truth anymore, for fear of the mob backlash, and losing endorsements… Sad, when people are too afraid to speak truth, something has gone severely wrong in the society…
  23. I believe all drones are now required to be equipped with individual ID modules ( i own a DJI mini , below 250 gms and new laws require id transmission which is public info and its possible to walk right up to a drone user by using a well publicized app; hence drone owners are fearful of attacks from those not aware the air space is regulated by the FAA only. It’s relatively New legislation that was just recently activated after taking a couple years to pass ) , so the days of drones flying incognito are gone. The poster with his commercial license can prob verify this. Certainly , guys are trying things to get around this law., but anyone using drones to make income , even just posting on a YouTube channel , must be licensed and follow the required ID transmission or face large fines if caught and YouTube has lots of examples of drone users being heavily fined for noncompliance. It’s similar to medical board disciplinary action, ignorance is not an excuse. It has always been against the law to fly over stadiums in use, crowds, traffic etc. The less than 250 gm drones are fitted with 4k resolution cameras, and I’m not sure , but have not seen drones that small and low price range with great telephoto lenses , which would be the only way to film all 22 type film , as the operator would have to be no where close to being over a crowd like game or practice time. Plus if you modify those drones at all , they almost always then weigh more than 250 gm , and for example, if it goes down and local police confiscate and weigh it , it doesn’t matter that it originally was under 250 gms as they go by current weight and if the operator isn’t fully licensed, drone registered properly with the FAA, and now have the new ID transmission, the operator is in serious trouble. It has become really hard to just fly an unregistered drone as a simple hobby with all the regulation and all the KARENS out there causing everyone of spying on them and invading their privacy. It just seems weird or hard to believe this is some really prevalent issue for the NFL. The NFL must be experiencing some other issue , or facing enough large commercial drone operator numbers who would have the sophisticated cameras to capture all 22 type data from far away or just breaking existing laws to film, to be lobbying (buying senators) for additional regulation. Apparently billions of revenue just isn’t enough , and they will chase any $! With belicheck out of the league , it’s hard to fathom teams would be that desperate to be using drones illegally in large quantities just to gain an edge. This league and its owners are progressively getting more paranoid! With all the public paranoia, i rarely fly my DJI mini any longer; just not worth the hassle and if not being compliant with all the laws, you can now face fines of several thousand dollars. Local laws can already control where it is legal TO LAUNCH FROM, thus over stepping FAA air space control, so this just seems like classic NFL overreaction.
  24. ^^^^ Lies and ***t posting (the same story in multiple threads is some real deal fear) for a group of people running on killing kids and destroying families bc they’re broke. That tweet wants you to think the government is tracking all pregnancies - apparently it’s fine to track your vaccination status that will make your heart explode, but this which they are deliberately misleading what it is - that’s crazy government overreach. This is their headline because their readers are stupid and emotional above all else: “The creepy Alabama Senator wants the federal government to track pregnancies.” But bc we will correct their egregious lies - this is what her proposal would do: Create an OPTIONAL "clearinghouse of relevant resources available for pregnant and postpartum women, and women parenting young children." The morons then go on to tell their readers that are good with killing kids, it’s likely this resource will not provide info about abortion - because it’s a tool designed to support women (who the writers apparently think you aren’t aware that abortion is an option there are plenty of government resources that exist that will steer you that way - that use of government is fine - but oh no this resource may not recommend you kill your kid. This is not as per the losers behind this group want you to believe, a federal database of all pregnancies. So sorry, that needs to be corrected. The loser behind the post will follow this up with brain dead drivel and memes that aren’t worth your time. And isn’t it nice. These people at communist organizations like Medias that claim to be pro women, have no problem personally attacking the woman behind the bill by degrading her as creepy. And also LOL per the tweet - “pregnant Americans.” Congrats on voting for people like that. Pregnant people. Not women. People. Lol lol. But they want to protect women. They can’t even define women.
  25. I fear this. I looked at the renderings that were available at the times and they indicate with red glow, multiple sections other than the clubs that “appeared” be heated. Of course we don’t know for sure. They appear to be telling people that are going to the snake oil salesmen meetings that the only seats that will be heated and covered are the clubs. But at the same time they aren’t telling them any pricing or any other information on the other sections if they choose not to sign up at that time either. So who knows what’s actually going to be available or not at this point.
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